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Pakistan considers mix of Chinese, French weapons


May 21, 2006
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LONDON, Nov 29 (PPI): Pakistan Air Force (PAF) may operate a mixed fleet of JF-17 fighter aircraft with some using Chinese radars and missiles and others operating French radars and air-to-air missiles, according to senior Pakistani officials. Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) is currently considering an offer from France's defence procurement agency (DGA) to supply Thales RC 400 radars and MBDA MICA air-to-air missiles for integration onto the JF-17 fighter, which is being produced co-operatively with China's Chengdu Aircraft Industries Group, according to Jane's weekly.The programme's managers told Jane's that they are “quite serious” about integrating this European equipment onto JF-17 and that “offer (to purchase this equipment) is also quite serious”. Currently PAC and PAF are conducting flight evaluations of prototype aircraft fitted with Chinese-built NRIET KLJ-10 radar and the China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation /China Leihua Electronic Technology Research Institute SD-10/PL-12 active-homing medium-range air-to-air missile. (Posted 19:26 PST)
- DAWN - Latest Stories; November 29, 2007
Could any other deals with France be on the horizon as a result of this potential deal?
It would be interesting if we also had a deal coming up with Russia. USA soon won't be supporting us. depending on who wins the 2008 elections.:pakistan:
Good decision. If Chinese system performs well it can be retained otherwise replaced with French.
This is good for Pakistan, maybe not good for the US because the French tech could fall into the hands of China.
Thales was a good radar. Correct me if I'm wrong it provided F-16 blk52 like multi-targeting capability?
It would be interesting if we also had a deal coming up with Russia. USA soon won't be supporting us. depending on who wins the 2008 elections.:pakistan:

I don't expact major changes in Russian foreign policy as Putin is expected to remain in power not as president but as prime minister.
His India-centric SA policy will continue to exist under the next government.
I don't expact major changes in Russian foreign policy as Putin is expected to remain in power not as president but as prime minister.
His India-centric SA policy will continue to exist under the next government.
Putin's SA policy is to support India over Pakistan at the moment but he is clearly irked. He has made it a mission to portray Russia as a Superpower and India is doing a lot to embarrass him by signaling to ditch them for America.

Pakistan might work it's way in through Russia's China policy rather than the SA policy in the short term, but in the long term Russia's SA policy is definitely heading for a face lift.
Putin's SA policy is to support India over Pakistan at the moment but he is clearly irked. He has made it a mission to portray Russia as a Superpower and India is doing a lot to embarrass him by signaling to ditch them for America.

Pakistan might work it's way in through Russia's China policy rather than the SA policy in the short term, but in the long term Russia's SA policy is definitely heading for a face lift.

I fully agree, two major delays in defence projects and overpricing won't go down easily in India and may cause more problems in future.

Still I don't expect major breakthrough for Pakistan, if we play the cards right we might be able to get some defensive systems from Russia and maybe some cooperation in Space Programme which is being revived.

Russian economy is growing fast and we can claim a piece of the pie by expending bilateral trade and interact with the private sector which is the back bone of Russian economy.
Russians are business minded people, to get to Kremlin you need to get to the private sector. ;)

For the record, the number of millionairs and billionairs in Russia since 2002:

2002: Millionaires 80.000, Billionaires 7
2003: Millionaires 84.000, Billionaires 17
2004: Millionaires 88.000, Billionaires 25
2005: Millionaires 103.000, Billionaires 27
2006: Millionaires 119.000, Billionaires 34
2007: Millionaires N.A. , Billionaires 53

Source: The Economist
Pakistan must integrate western technologies in to their equipment but be sure that they do not fall under any possible sanctions. Secondly if China can have a potent deterence with this equipment why cann't we have.
I fully agree, two major delays in defence projects and overpricing won't go down easily in India and may cause more problems in future.

Still I don't expect major breakthrough for Pakistan, if we play the cards right we might be able to get some defensive systems from Russia and maybe some cooperation in Space Programme which is being revived.

china and india buy the bulk of russian defence exports. if russia loses 50% of this market (india) what would u think the russians will do? sit pat? i dont think so?
By getting a nod from Russian for it's RD 93 Engines for JF17 seems to be a good start. India did tried to block this deal, but too no luck. Rumors are that Pakistan is looking into SU 27.
By getting a nod from Russian for it's RD 93 Engines for JF17 seems to be a good start. India did tried to block this deal, but too no luck. Rumors are that Pakistan is looking into SU 27.

Can you provide a reason for that?.

Furthermore, I suppose the topic is not being discussed as usual :cheers:
Making JF-17 a french avionics based / Frrench Missile based platform will strenghten our future ties and requirements from France........ I would say Rafale is Coming Fellows.........:sniper:
Brother Hudood 1.PAF has, if I m not mistaken previously evaluated SU27s and rejected them, on account of high maintenance and lack of assurance regarding future supply of parts. They are not suitable for PAFs current policy,which is defensive and more inclined towards single engined platforms.I do not think PAF would change its current thoughts so radically as there seems to be no mention of any other buys by PAF other than F16 and Thunder and J10 in AFDP 2019.
If Pakistan interested in buying a Russian aircraft it will be no less thatn Su-35/37 with Western avionics.
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