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Pakistan: Coming Coup, The Final Solution


Sep 7, 2008
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The Pakistani military does not have to stage a coup in traditional way. After removing the government, a Decision Making Unit [DMU] can be installed in power, consisting of nationalist Pakistanis from technocratic backgrounds, tasked with executing a complete reorganization of the Pakistani state. Existing politicians must all be disqualified for the next 30 years.

"There is not a single Pakistani political party with an organized strategic research and analysis activity". I swear, there is not a single top brass politician who could interpret the depth of this sentence.

It is not inevitable that military should intervene in a "CLASSIC" manner. There are other ways through which military can take control of our country in its hands.

Just an example, military can throw out these corrupt, roué and west-propped politicians and install a "Decision Making Unit", which should consist of people from varied backgrounds, for example: lecturers of top universities, renowned patriotic journalists, doctors, engineers, patriotic industrialists, retired army officers, renowned religious scholars, bankers, individuals having international experience (but before selection they must be interrogated), patriotic lawyers, retired patriotic judges and other people of various backgrounds of society.

The selection process must be executed by the military. Individuals selected for this DMU (Decision Making Unit) must be held in surveillance for quite a few months. This is the only process through which we can save our country from external intervention and perhaps from internal insurgencies (that are of course designed by external intruders like CIA). Internal insurgencies are directly related to the external intrusions.

Elections must be declared "forbidden".

Corrupt politicians, political parties, their workers and loyalists, undercover lawyers, foreign stooges, defectors and scholars that are security threats must be executed immediately.

Military training and ‘patriotic mind making’ of 2 years must become compulsory for every citizen who reaches the age of 18.

If this is implemented then I assure you that no Obama or Bush can exert pressure on us. If Pakistanis want to handle Americans then they should analyze the case studies of Mahateer Muhammad, Mahmud Ahmadi Najad, Evo Morales, Fedel Castro, Hugo Chavez and other sincere people.

Politicians can never solve this problem, simply because they don't have skills and those who have some skills are unfortunately foreign stooges. This trend will continue for the near future. It is these politicians who leak out secret information to America, India and Israel. This is not because they are congenitally defectors but simply because they are pretty much easy targets of foreign spies.
let this gov work for 5 yrs after all ppl did vote for them. we need stability for the sake of our survival. anything will be better for pakistan at this point except for a coup.
let this gov work for 5 yrs after all ppl did vote for them. we need stability for the sake of our survival. anything will be better for pakistan at this point except for a coup.

I wouldn't keep my hopes high for this Government and it's survival for the next five years. In the name of "Survivability" we can't exactly let our country sink day by day. We're on a spiralling downfall and this Government is out of "Excuses" for its incompetency. Remember the "3 Maheenon mein Saray masail hal ker dain gai" slogans? Well it's been a year and I sure as hell haven't seen any change.

It'd be unfair with this Government if the Army intervenes, but shouldn't we weigh this Government's failures with it's positive aspects? Four years more of the last one year? No thank you.
I wouldn't keep my hopes high for this Government and it's survival for the next five years. In the name of "Survivability" we can't exactly let our country sink day by day. We're on a spiralling downfall and this Government is out of "Excuses" for its incompetency. Remember the "3 Maheenon mein Saray masail hal ker dain gai" slogans? Well it's been a year and I sure as hell haven't seen any change.

It'd be unfair with this Government if the Army intervenes, but shouldn't we weigh this Government's failures with it's positive aspects? Four years more of the last one year? No thank you.

atleast things have started improving on economic front. peace deal in swat is also a gud sign that gov is not really taking orders from US. the way mumbai incident have been handled is also quite reasonable.
also in case of coup how do u think things will change. except for sending a wrong signal to international community that pakistan is instable. this will only give them another reason to target our nukes and blame us more for their failures. investment will stop comin in for another year. also remember our brothers living in two of our main provinces are not big fan of PA.
incase coup doesnt happen and we see mid term elections, who is gonna replace PPP??? may be PML-N??? i dont think if they are any better than PPP. there is not much difference bw the two except that ppl in PML-N like wearing shalwar kamiz while PPP is more in favour of three piece suit.
i wouldnt mind this gov for another 4 yrs atleast for the sake of stability.
there are reports in the grapevine that some top commanders met at one commanders residence and discussed things for 5 hours - followed by 1 hour mtg with chief of ISI!

remember this is just a rumour from the chattering classes!
Ok Qureshi sahab seems to be drifting towards the darkside. I know he hates the present setup but this article seems like an article written while he was fuming with anger. It seems very personal, not national.

I suspect the next coup, and there will be one, wouldn't be bloodless. It wouldn't really be a military coup, but perhaps would have a heavy support of the military. It doesn't have to happen during Zardari's tenure, I'm just generally saying something would happen, it could be tomorrow, it could be 20 years from now.

I suspect that at some point in time, like minded supporters of the Musharrafian thought would infiltrate the political setup. I'm talking about the Musharraf till the 2002 elections not what the PML-Q made him.
We do not need another military coup, not now, not after 20 years, never.....what guarantee do we have that the next dictator wouldnt be zia, or yahya......which is very likely.....For heavans sake generals are prepared for WARs not to run the country, they simply CANT.....Its been proven time and again.....

We still are suffering miseries cuased be ZIA and people want another coup if this is the case, than I must say...........GOD save this country.
We do not need another military coup, not now, not after 20 years, never.....what guarantee do we have that the next dictator wouldnt be zia, or yahya......which is very likely.....For heavans sake generals are prepared for WARs not to run the country, they simply CANT.....Its been proven time and again.....

We still are suffering miseries cuased be ZIA and people want another coup if this is the case, than I must say...........GOD save this country.

You are totally correct.........the dreamers who who want to send pakistani backwards are the same ******** who back a military govt over a civilian one.
If the last 60 odd years have taught anything to us it must be that the democratic route to a fair and just society is the only way..........a representative govt is what we need.
Idea to ban current politicians for 30 years is good. Let the fresh blood takes over politics but make sure it should not be a family affair like PPP.
Can we decide now who is going to get blamed for the upcoming coup? Will it be the Zionists, the Americans, RAW, the Afghan Taliban, or (shocking!) Pakistanis themselves?
Can we decide now who is going to get blamed for the upcoming coup? Will it be the Zionists, the Americans, RAW, the Afghan Taliban, or (shocking!) Pakistanis themselves?

Americans, because it's easy to handle/manipulate one powerful man for them, than 342 members of parliament to get their interests/agendas advanced in the region/country.
First how about some nice links.

The original post was a comment re an article.

First the REAL article:
Link: “Ahmed Quraishi.com

Pakistan Is Not America’s ‘War Theater’

There is no doubt left that we are fast approaching a point where some form of military intervention will become a necessity, in a way that is diametrically different from the past. We, the civilians, will need to borrow the organizational capabilities of the Pakistani military to help civilians in power reshape the Pakistani state domestically and in terms of foreign policy.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009.
Ahmed Quraishi-Pakistan/Middle East politics, Iraq war, lebanon war, India Pakistan relations

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—There is not a single Pakistani political party with an organized strategic research and analysis activity that could tell the new U.S. government in an intelligent way what Pakistan wants from the United States.

Outside powers come in, blackmail our dictators and democrats, and disturb our stability in the name of democracy and freedom and there is no one to stop them. Today we have a government in power thanks to an arrangement brokered by a third-tier Washington bureaucrat, Richard Boucher.

And now, the United States is determined to bring the Afghan and the Iraq mess to Pakistan and we have a bunch of our own who are more excited about this than Uncle Sam himself. There is not a single Pakistani visionary institution that can articulate and project a bright future for Pakistan. The task of deciding Pakistan’s future has been left to self-styled ‘Pakistan experts’ in U.S. think tanks who sit thousands of kilometers away and pretend to know our country better than we do.

The military remains the only institution with systemized policy analysis capabilities. But it won’t intervene in the current Pakistani mess and rightfully so. Let the present political elite, a closed club of vested interest and elitism, be exposed for their true skill. The only downside to this experiment is that the Pakistani state may not have the luxury of experimentation this time, considering the pressing internal flaws in the system and the foreign-inspired destabilization and military threat on multiple levels.

Yet there is no doubt left that we are fast approaching a point where some form of military intervention will become a necessity, in a way that is diametrically different from the past. We, the civilians, will need to borrow the organizational capabilities of the Pakistani military to help civilians in power reshape the Pakistani state domestically and in terms of foreign policy. A good sign is that this state of crisis and the glaring absence of accomplished political leadership have spurred scores of educated Pakistanis to step in to fill the void. One such activity is a paper that a group of concerned middle class technocrats from different parts of the country are voluntarily coauthoring, laying out an actionable roadmap for a ‘smart coup’ that seeks to harness the capabilities of all Pakistanis, civilian and military, to reorganize the state and renew the trust of its citizens.

But our biggest challenge is external. The domestic mess is something we can handle. But we can’t stabilize Pakistan without extricating our country from other people’s wars and intrigues.

It is not the Taliban but the Pakistani sustenance for the American occupation of Afghanistan that will result in irreparable damage to the structure of the Pakistani state. The multiple insurgencies inside Pakistan are not entirely local and have a fair element of foreign inspiration and organization. We didn’t have well trained and well financed insurgencies when the Taliban were in the region since 1996. These insurgencies – from Gwadar to Swat –are a product of events taking place in 2005 and onwards, and precisely since the Americans landed in Afghanistan and let that country become a meeting point of anti-Pakistan forces in the region. Unfortunately, some Pakistani officials continue to absolve Washington of any blame and argue that this had happened by accident and not by design. The evidence shows otherwise. The American missile and drone attacks in our tribal belt will result in a massive Pashtun rebellion against Pakistan eventually. The Americans know this. The Americans are also aware of how an entire Pakistani province, Balochistan, is being destroyed from the outside. The pressures of sustaining America’s political and military failures in Afghanistan are fast pushing Pakistan into a Yugoslavia-like situation. Pakistan’s economic losses far exceed any amount of American aid we have received so far. But the most worrying part is that influential elements in the United States are alone responsible for the biggest demonization campaign against Pakistan in recent times.

We need a political leadership in Islamabad that can convincingly tell President Obama that his country does not get to designate our country a ‘war theater’ at will. We also need to tell U.S. officials to stop making exaggerated claims about new sophisticated threats to American emanating from the caves and mountains of western Pakistan.

The new U.S. policymakers need to know that Pakistan has legitimate interest in seeing a friendly government in Kabul, and in clearing the Afghan soil of anti-Pakistan elements. Washington should be told that Pakistan will not accept empowering India in Afghanistan to protect American interests at the expense Islamabad’s legitimate security and strategic concerns.

Now you can go read the comment which was the first post.
Link “Ahmed Quraishi.com
The comment is by Muhammad Amir.

You have very precisely summed up both internal and external threats. You have written, "There is not a single Pakistani political party with an organized strategic research and analysis activity". I swear, there is not a single top brass politician who could interpret the depth of this sentence.

It is not inevitable that military should intervene in a "CLASSIC" manner. There are other ways through which military can take control of our country in its hands.

Just an example, military can throw out these corrupt, roué and west-propped politicians and install a "Decision Making Unit", which should consist of people from varied backgrounds, for example: lecturers of top universities, renowned patriotic journalists, doctors, engineers, patriotic industrialists, retired army officers, renowned religious scholars, bankers, individuals having international experience (but before selection they must be interrogated), patriotic lawyers, retired patriotic judges and other people of various backgrounds of society.

The selection process must be executed by the military. Individuals selected for this DMU (Decision Making Unit) must be held in surveillance for quite a few months. This is the only process through which we can save our country from external intervention and perhaps from internal insurgencies (that are of course designed by external intruders like CIA). Internal insurgencies are directly related to the external intrusions.

Elections must be declared "forbidden".

Corrupt politicians, political parties, their workers and loyalists, undercover lawyers, foreign stooges, defectors and scholars that are security threats must be executed immediately.

[the scholars refers to Dr. Pervaiz Hoodbhoy and Asma Jahangir]

Military training and ‘patriotic mind making’ of 2 years must become compulsory for every citizen who reaches the age of 18.

If this is implemented then I assure you that no Obama or Bush can exert pressure on us. If Pakistanis want to handle Americans then they should analyze the case studies of Mahateer Muhammad, Mahmud Ahmadi Najad, Evo Morales, Fedel Castro, Hugo Chavez and other sincere people.

Politicians can never solve this problem, simply because they don't have skills and those who have some skills are unfortunately foreign stooges. This trend will continue for the near future. It is these politicians who leak out secret information to America, India and Israel. This is not because they are congenitally defectors but simply because they are pretty much easy targets of foreign spies.

Posted By: Muhammad Amir | February 1, 2009 03:55:40 PM
Americans, because it's easy to handle/manipulate one powerful man for them, than 342 members of parliament
By "handle/manipulate" I presume you mean, in the Pakistani context, "bribe". Why should Americans be different from anyone else when it comes to bribing Pakistani leaders? Don't you think that because the Iranians and Indians are more familiar with Pakistan they can do a better job of bribing hundreds of Pakistani parliamentarians? Or is it not permitted to blame Iran and India because they really are the paymasters, and Americans just serve to take the blame?
Can we decide now who is going to get blamed for the upcoming coup? Will it be the Zionists, the Americans, RAW, the Afghan Taliban, or (shocking!) Pakistanis themselves?

The Hindu-Nazi-Zionists. I swear to god I didn't make up this term.
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