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Pakistan Babur: +3, India Nirbhay: -4 (How did it come to this)

Just busting claims of Pakistani that their missiles are indigenous.
So your Nibrhay is your indenginous missile:lol::rofl:, and tell me how many Pakistani claimed that that our Babur is indenginous missile, NONE:devil:, everyone on PDF is saying that it is based on Tomahawk not Chinese HN-1B:blah:
This thread is rating Indian cruise missile with some babur. the first post itself is a d*** measuring contest.

that why I didn't responded to the thread but to your comment ....

secondly you have the REPORT potion as Vs. thread are not allowed
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Why are you mixing up Failed Designing vs random component failures during operational flights ? Even fighter jets crashed during operation, does it mean designing was bad ?

Nirbhay failure is team is unable to design DSMAC and TERCOM, its core navigational hardware. Nirbhay engine is russian. So it is not component failure nirbhay is facing but the indians inability to design a terecom and DSMAC

You do know about recent report on failure of Nirbhay,right?Its not a failed design or anything,rather "A slight delay in wing deployment".


expected failure during tests.No one expect 100% success rate unless they're testing finished product.Even that is hard to meet.
No, we are not. if we did, we wouldn't have neutralized your cold start, S-400, nuclear bombs and ugliness.

When did we neutralized their ugliness?

We will have to reach the pinnacle of biological bombs to fix their ugliness.

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