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Featured Pakistan approaches Riyadh for renewal of $3.2b oil facility

Saudis increased their domestic VAT rate from 5% to 15% as of 1st July 2020.
Saudi Arabia VAT tax triples to 15 pct on July 1: All you need to know amid COVID-19

I think their short term finances have taken a serious hit, their SWF's are good, but when they can triple their domestic VAT rate, that is a good indicator that no more oil facilities for us.

Blame it on India, China, Iran, Iraq, Gaddafi or the Man on the moon, but dont for the love of God, DONT hang those mofos who looted & plundered with impunity, aka Ghaddari, and Noora clan. AND pls dont talk about those fools who promised to bring back $200bn from Switzerland.

Kids on this forum were cheering that Ahole of an FM SMQ, not realizing that nearly 5m Paks send back remittance on which Pak is surviving, and most importantly SMQ is maneuvering to kick out IK (of which he has been working on from day one). What ever his ills, IK is the best we've got.

Our FO needs a through cleaning, what SMQ has done, would be the equivalent of a Bull in a China shop.

WTH is a silly Oh I See FM meeting going to achieve? A silly joint declaration is going to liberate IoK? WTF are these idiots high on?

What should have been done is that China and others willing to finance a war chest should have been brought onboard, fiscal, and strategic reserves built up, and then turned up the heat to 2000C+, and then watch the baniya roast.

Just a handful of guys on this forum can come up with a better strategy than these Ahole "seasoned political leaders"

Unless this basic issue is fixed, we will always successfully mange to run into solid stone walls.

You deconstructed the great game at length, not much I can add but here goes my few cents:

Inter dependence of US/Saudi Incumbent King and waiting one is an established factor, they have become even more after Trump's threat, few attempts on MBS. I will not go into the detail of analyzing Arab mindset and that it revolves less around their brains and more around some part of their anatomy. Arabs have never been known to be good allies throughout their history, they would change their loyalties if it suited them any point in time. For them three things have always been important the satisfaction of their anatomy, camels and luxuries. Arabs of today are embodiment of these things and ever since they stopped living off the dried rotis which were send from the then Indian muslims as charity and collected enough petro dollars they have reverted to their true nature.

If we do something for them they will forget it next day, but if they do something for us they will keep beating the drum, reminding us about it for eternity.

If you look at it carefully as a finance person you 'll understand that the joint ventures/ investments they have been making in the last couple of decades have been largely in non-islamic countries. So their interests is that anything/anyone who tends to destabilize their investment must be brought to the task.

Between the lines there have been some info towards what kind of "demands" have been coming from them in the last decade or so, some would put it as blatant blackmailing. Stupid demands rather orders like stop broadcasting "Ertugrul in Pakistan" scale down your diplomatic relations with countries like china, iran, turkey, qatar, malaysia etc and have cordial relations with India etc, oh yes maneuver elections in Pakistan to bring noora family in power and things like that. Yes send our army help them win a mindless battle in yemen, probably nuke iran in the process.

Deferred oil facility was withdrawn/not renewed as soon as "Ertugrul" started airing, immediately a missive was send to pay back $1 Billion, Pakistan tried to reason with them but another letter was send and then Pakistan decided enough with blackmailing and instead of 3% and change interest rate, china extended the same facility at something like 1.2%, oh did i mention that when Army Chief and PM went to Saudia last time misbehavior was extended, and what happened when our foreign minister went there. We may not like any of them but they represent Pakistan.

They want to hold a dagger to our heart and want us to dance to their tunes, oh forgot Pakistan grey listing in FATF was with Saudi patronage, in return they were promised for a seat in FATF, they have sponsored terrorism, separatist movements in Pakistan and yet they demand respect and following orders like a good "ajami slave".

Shah Mehmood did not say those words without calculation, there is a story behind that but may be some other time, it is a calculated move we are just reminding them that if they have given us money the kind of favors we return we don't even speak about it, these st**** are not even capable of maintaining the billions of dollars worth firearms they purchase, there is so much that Pakistan has been doing, is doing for them and yet we don't even speak about it.

For the first time in history Pakistan is finding its own way, deciding with whom to have relationship based upon its own interests instead of the stupid notions of "brotherly" and "Ummah"

Hussain Suhrawardy did say something very interesting about people in our south, its stands true today.

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