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Pakistan and Israel

Please All respectable members DO NOT POST THESE GRAPHIC IMAGES.

I cant bear the courage to see them.

you are too good to exist in this age of brutality .

All that you see are just few of those examples what these zionists are doing in the holy land.

Then they come to PDF and cry for peace which is their normal bollshit propeganda and then they get exposed by Silentninja and Black blood and this is where they get obssessed at Pakistan and call it bad names and yet expect respect from us.

Barking dog seldom bites someone has said but few dogs do not bark before they bite but they do it after. Gotta look out for these Morons..

Regards. :pakistan:
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Listen Kid , This Forum belongs to Pakistan and if you come here to insult my Nation and Calling bad names then i must WARN you to straight your head before we do !!

This forum is not full of fans of Israel & your Brutality so STFU and do not call any bad Names to Pakistan .

You will soon be given Treatment.

nice words by black blood

what else do you expect from us , Roses???
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israiel & bloody indai always claim on Pakistan,i think it's time go & got pieces,,,what wrong dear,,:sniper::sniper:
Please don't post graphics image - we must find ways to end conflicts and suffering - there is no other way

a) There is no denying innocent are dieing
b) There is no denying that world as a society is failing in its effort

But the debate should be how can such images be thing of past - and not cause for future conflicts

Every one must support a 2 state resolution to Israel/Palestine , and UN can broker peace for 10-20 years so ppl can just start to live their lives

Unless there is a strong reaction from nations with militaries to help sort things out , the stonger army will continue to be the agresssor.

Unless there is broader acceptance , ok look , both parties ca co exist may be seperated by barriers but they can coexist and share the holy land give it under UN watch , and police - I am sure we can find meaningful ways to have people visit all holy lands in peace

That is what the places should represent PEACEFUL location on earth not blood zones and courtyard for devil where blood and suffering prevails every year...sooner of later ppl must show they can exist - together
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The Graphic Images would be Posted , if someone does not have Balls to look at them then how they can even possibly "Understand" the true Nature of Israeli Zionists.

World must not close their eyes on Israel's Barbarism because today it is us tomorrow it would be Them this is a Rule of God the Great.

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Please don't post graphics image - we must find ways to end conflicts and suffering - there is no other way

a) There is no denying innocent are dieing
b) There is no denying that world as a society is failing in its effort

But the debate should be how can such images be thing of past - and not cause for future conflicts

Every one must support a 2 state resolution to Israel/Palestine , and UN can broker peace for 10-20 years so ppl can just start to live their lives

Unless there is a strong reaction from nations with militaries to help sort things out , the stonger army will continue to be the agresssor.

Unless there is broader acceptance , ok look , both parties ca co exist may be seperated by barriers but they can coexist and share the holy land give it under UN watch , and police - I am sure we can find meaningful ways to have people visit all holy lands in peace

That is what the places should represent PEACEFUL location on earth not blood zones and courtyard for devil where blood and suffering prevails every year...sooner of later ppl must show they can exist - together

Sorry, but how many times have there been negotiations in the past? and how many times have these negotiations worked? 0
Negotiations need negotiators, when you post a passport with statment

"You cannot travel to Israel with this passport" how insulting is it to the other country

Its a point to be noted:police:

Now , for negotiation you need a place to start

a) How about 20,000 UN peace force, to go guard the check points
so there are new clashes at checkpoints

b) How about food / shelter and rebuilding of Gaza infrastructure

c) How about opening up the ports - at Gaza, and investment in
occupied territories

Can Pakistan / Iran/ Saudia make a joint effort to sit down with Israel face to face and seek a resolution , can we get out of our own personal conflicts to have a joint effort to resolve the issue ? Its not hard just need a sincere effort

I think its doable - there are also progressive Jews just like there are pro peace ...

"NO ONE CAN DENY the deaths"

But are all the jews - in Israel Army - evil certaily not - some don't even want to be in that spot ... who knows...

Negotiations fail due to these reasons

a) When ever progress is made, elements in Jewish side , who don't
want peace, they killed 2-3 Palestinians, and then Palestinians do
what they always do they shoot some Qassam Rockets - and then
all peace efforts are derails

All it takes is 1-2 extremist Jews/Muslims to shoot/qassam rocket fire
and whole hell breaks lose

Is that faul of people who do sincerely want peace? NO...

b) This is why patience is important but also , a strong joint delegate
should raise the issue , to solve the crisis -with in 2-3 year time

Or else you send in Your Navy Ships to open the blockade of GAZA

Its VERY simple ... someone has to go there and literally open the
blockade, be it china/Pakistan/Russia/Saudia/Iran - EU ...

You need a strong character that can go to Israel, sit down and
discuss it frankly - lets move on...

The whole Bycotte approach kinda does not works :no:

"If that place is really that HOLY" then why does blood spills every day on its street ...
why does no one ever realizes this ??

I find it facinating that Muslims used to pray towards Jaruselem , but one day Mohammad had a vision , and he was prompted to pray towards Macca , isn't it facinatig that our prophet had a vision , perhaps he saw the blood shed in his vision and he told muslims to Pray towards Macca? Is that a hint to muslims who knows...

What does it tells Muslims what is more important -

Peace is achived when you can show love for the other party's families their children , and then they also return the same -

No one is an angel - what we need is to start from clean slate -

Our leaders (Pakistan/Iran/Saudia/UAE /Egypt) meet Israel face to face in summit and we discuss joint effort under UN to resolve crisis , and may be discuss a UN peace froce in Jeruselum ... that is the only point remaining - UN can monitor it

Its just a police force ???
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^^ No Negotiations will succeed as they do not want them to!! Just look at their track record.

They would try to Take Pakistan's Nukes that they can Attack and establish their Promised holy Land according to biblical prophecies , which includes many arab countries.

Once done this is where their Messieh (Kaana Dijal) will come out.
Moderator, please click this buttoon..


An easy way to stay blind.one sided

I can show here pictures of our children and others killed in 100 years of cowards teror of the so called palesinians freedom fighters
you think there is one side of the story this thread is about
Pakistan and Israel ......hold your blind hate speak to the subject

I dont need respect from extremists fanatic members
Israel will be forever whether you like it or not

and by the way Pakistan general at the time Zia Ul Haq
took part in killing 20000 palestinains in one week
in whats known to be black september
Do you have pictures of that event
go to the books learn the history and come back
with knowledge :smitten:

^^ No Negotiations will succeed as they do not want them to!! Just look at their track record.

They would try to Take Pakistan's Nukes that they can Attack and establish their Promised holy Land according to biblical prophecies , which includes many arab countries.

Once done this is where their Messieh (Kaana Dijal) will come out.

Fully agreed with BlackBlood.
No one can win from the Jews when it comes to clever deception.
They will take one argument and start twisting it right left ....
Should the heifer be red ?
should it be young ?
Should it be like this, like that ....

It is Jewish nature since beginning.

So best not to talk, just deal with them "pragmatically"

I would like to see two more icons in here, The Palestinian flag
and the Taliban flag.

@ Sir MastanKhan
You have many words, your are genious, what ever you have,
When the matter comes with Iseral , please don't advise, don't play with our feeling, One more thing, Did you remember still , Saabra & Shatila Camps genoside. ?
I have similar thoughts but in the end of the day the Least we can do is to Condemn these acts.

Yesterday i was having a meal at a Lebanese Restaurant where i met a Palestinian who asked me a question " What Pakistan has done for Palestine ? " .

I felt shocked and ashamed , thought about it for the whole night and came to a conclusion "Who are we??? , Do we have power to Take back Palestine by Force ?? Do we trust our own Leaders??

What have we achieved as a Nation? the Answer is negative "


There is no doubt that there ought to be condemnation of these acts---on that we are together.

As for the palestinian---I would say to him---I guess nothing---he has enough misery of his own. Why must you be ashamed of anything---did you walk out of the summit at camp David---or did you ask Arafat no to go meet the israelis with Sadaat---my man---what have we done to be ashamed of---we have done everything possible that we could---it is there own scr--ew ups that put them where they are.


I don't know what to make of your post---I never advice anyone---I just share my experience and information---and never play with anyone's feelings---that would be the last thing I would do---but people need to get out in the open more often.
9/11 was a conspiracy set up by the Jewish space lizards to acquire the Jew gold of every Jew in the twin towers the day of 9/11 to fund more Jewish conspiracies.

Prove me wrong.
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