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IK need to show some muscles , how long Judiciary will take the responsibility of accountability. But, IK is alone and he is surrounded by goats. He spend most of his time collecting loans and aid for the people of Pakistan. Where majority wants everything free. No one wants to work and no interested in paying taxes.
A few corrections are needed:
  1. Current Saudi govt (King Salman and crown prince) do not like Nawaz Sharif. That's why NS tried to get help from Qatari prince but even he did not help him much except a half-hearted letter
  2. Current Pakistani establishment has gotten out of US influence and thus a totally made in Pakistan govt was brought into power
  3. However, there are still elements in establishment who are not happy, both in judiciary, bureaucracy and to lesser extent in the military, who do not want change.
  4. But coup is impossible thanks to Trump and the people of Pakistan. if it was Obama or Clinton, it would have more chances.
However, the top agencies of the country are protecting and above the real Protector is Allah and the nation prays for the long life of the PM. Rest such countries have been warned through proper channels to refrain from any such measures because it will result in retaliation which they might not be able to bear.
Pak's Deep Nation and Deep State are aligning similar to what's happening in Turkey (there the process started earlier)!!! The Satanic forces left no stone unturned to undermine it, but miserably failed!!!! Nobody has the power to overrule the Murad-i Ilahi!!!! Be assured that inshaAllah they're gonna fail in Pak too!!!! By the by, what IK is achieving in a period of months, it took a decade for Reis Erdo'an to achieve!!!! The process is accelerating....

La Galibe Illallah...
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Dear Algerian brother. Pray for Pakistan.

Imran Khan is here to stay for at least two terms.
Exactly, at least two terms because in first term, he will only be able to get economy in the right direction, eliminate the main corruption and corrupt elements and get rid of the loans. Major development and reforms will come in the next term...
However, I appreciate the care and concern shown by @Ceylal for Pakistan and PM IK
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Pak's Deep Nation and Deep State are aligning similar to what's happening in Turkey (there the process started earlier)!!! The Satanic forces left no stone unturned to undermine it, but miserably failed!!!! Nobody has the power to overrule the Murad-i Ilahi!!!! Be assured that inshaAllah they're gonna fail in Pak too!!!! By the by, what IK is achieving in a period of months, it took a decade for Reis Erdo'an to achieve!!!! The process is accelerating....

La Galibe Ilallah...
That's true..when God is willing, nothing can stop however as humans we have the duties to perform. Similar to what happened in Turkey a decade ago, it is happening in Pakistan right now. As the main institutions of the state are aligning slowly, there are treacherous elements with vested interests who cannot afford to let this happen so they will try to undermine but day by day their plans are getting exposed and thus neutralised without much loss for example, the current demonstration and protests over the verdict in the blasphemy case. Someone really tried to undermine IK's govt by announcing the verdict at the most inopportune moment and without taking the govt into confidence. But both civil and military leaderships worked together to fail that attempt and get the situation under control while the libturds were howling for the blood all over the mainstream and social media so that a civil war could be started that would stop the process of accountability. Many assassins have been arrested (more than 100). So things are getting under control.
IK will continue to try as long as all systems are working toward naya Pakistan.
If people won’t get justice from the Court system and corrupt mafia continue to destroy the country while thumping their chest that nothing can happened to them then IK will dissolve the assembly. Corrupt judges must not protect the corrupt mafia otherwise mission/plan “protect the Riysat” will be implemented.
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Saudis do not back Mian Nawaz anymore. King Salman doesn't see gold or oil in him. Saudis infect like IK for his stance to help Saudi Arabia with its crisis in Yaman and possibly with Iran.

Americans do hate Imran Khan as he is the first "Made in Pakistan" PM who is making independent choices and who is non manipulate able. When PTI won this election, Americans too had lost it.
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So when is Imran Khan visiting the Saudi consulate..?:devil::taz:
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Is Pakistan's new Prime Minister Imran Khan in danger?


Author : | Publisher: Walt | Monday, 01 Oct. 2018 - 14h37

Serious concerns are emerging about the safety of Pakistan's new Prime Minister Imran Khan. This modest man, close to the people, is not to the liking of Americans and Saudis, who are used to a corrupt and corrupt Pakistani prime minister. Two weeks ago I drew your attention to the fact that Imran Khan would run serious security risks because the Saudis do not accept to see Nawaz Sharif (their man) in prison for corruption, to be replaced by a man of integrity and nationalist. I also reported that MBS arranged to have an exchange away from the Pakistani defense minister who was performing Haj rites in Mecca.

Imran Khan, who came to power after an election, can be removed from office only by assassination or a military coup. It seems that the infernal quarteron United States, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Israel are working on both scenarios. Aware of the dangers weighing on his country, Imran Khan is getting closer to China and Iran, but Moscow is not far. He will soon make an official visit to Beijing and the very dynamic chief of staff of the Iranian army is in permanent contact.

Warning signs of the storm approaching the only Islamic country to possess the atomic bomb, the Pentagon has removed 300 million dollars of aid to the Pakistani army, just to create discontent among military leaders. Saudi Arabia, for its part, does not stand idly by and Saudi money has freed former prime minister Nawaz Sharif and his daughter who were in prison for corruption by corrupt justice. Blanched, Nawaz will be able to focus on the political destabilization of Imran Khan. After having lost (another of their men) the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, for corruption too, which was replaced in elections by that honest and nationalist Mahatir, Saudi Arabia is ready to do anything for to turn back the clock of History.

For its part, Israel, which manipulates all this beautiful world, dreams of being able to break up Pakistan and to install a civil war there as it did for Iraq by using the American military force and to get its hands on the Pakistani nuclear arsenal. So let's keep an eye, and the good one, on developments in Pakistan. What is certain is that a big secret war is going to unfold soon (it has already started in fact) in this geopolitically sensitive region for Beijing, Moscow and Tehran.

A Creeping Coup d’Etat in Pakistan
Under Chief of Army Staff General Bajwa, Pakistan’s civil-military balance firmly tilted toward the latter yet again.

By Mohammad Taqi
November 01, 2018

Pakistan’s chief of army staff (COAS), General Qamar Javed Bajwa, recently marked two years in the all-powerful position. At his appointment, Bajwa was dubbed as pro-democracy and holding a “relatively more moderate view of the relationship with the civilian government” among a military known for its pathologic disdain of all things civilian. Since assuming his post, however, he has effectively upended any democratic gains that Pakistan had made following the ouster of its last formal military dictator, General Pervez Musharraf, in 2008.

The Pakistan army is an institutional monolith – its apples don’t fall far. Bajwa has been no exception. The Pakistani COAS has led a creeping coup d’état started by his predecessor, General Raheel Sharif, to its culmination. The 57-year-old infantryman has virtually reclaimed all the ground lost to civilian political forces over the past decade. In Bajwa’s tenure, Pakistan’s civil-military balance – perennially lopsided in favor of the army – was firmly tilted toward the latter yet again.

While the Pakistan army has attempted to trip democracy every step of the way since its restoration in 2008, this effort took on a particular urgency under COAS Sharif. Raheel Sharif’s director general of the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate tried to bring down the three-time elected Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif (no relation) through an orchestrated street protest by the army’s political proxies. Then the army under Bajwa resorted to full-blown political and judicial engineering to oust Nawaz Sharif and keep him out of the political arena for good.

Read the full story here, in The Diplomat
Who the fish wrote this shit? Khan, s five years are going ti be really easy all his rivals are under the grinder and these five years are nothing more than a battle for central punjab if he wins it he will get 2/3rd majority of next time and Sharifs will fadeaway into history
First writer was saying ik is brought in power by gen bajwa and army then he said a chance of military coup this is clear contradiction
A big lol,seems A article written by a PTI supporter to portray IK is one and only hope and to lift IKs dwindling support in national and international establishment,as I have said many times Ik is increasingly turning out to be a non prime minister matterial ,his thoughts and uncontrollable emotions and arrogance is raising many many eye brows, his team selection ,his way of non consistency is not at par with the urgent needs of STATE, Bajwa doctrine seems not working with this sort of" DEMOCRACY" so infact Bajwa wasted his and nations precious two years, some corners are tired of rescuing IK again and again from the unnecessary mess which he creates himself , it was in the national interest that there should be at least few folks about which Nation starts believing that they are pure and trustworthy,and ideal but unfortunately as the time passes the Nation is considering all politicians equally lier and un trustable including IK, his U turn statement makes him in the same category that of NS and AAz, Fazlo etc,

Were you one of those guys that were watching the election transmission on geo hoping that PTI would loose on that channel? Only on geo news IK's popularity is dwindling and the whole country is looking towards Nawaz the saviour.
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