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Pak needs to separate itself from Afghan war: Imran Khan

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Pakistan needs to separate itself from Afghan war: Imran Khan

Updated 1 hour ago

LAHORE: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) chairman, Imran Khan has strongly condemned the NATO attack on Pakistani forces and has called on Pakistan to separate itself from the Afghan war, Geo News reported.

Imran said that Pakistan had lost 40,000 lives in the war against terror, adding that Pakistani soldiers were being killed by our allies.

Imran also said that the government which claims to give peace a chance is violating the resolution of the All Parties Conference (APC).
Pakistan needs to separate itself from Afghan war: Imran Khan
Khan sahab has had a vasectomy.

Their should be Badla, eye for an eye, ear for ear, life for life.
Pakistan needs to separate itself from Afghan war: Imran Khan

Updated 1 hour ago

LAHORE: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) chairman, Imran Khan has strongly condemned the NATO attack on Pakistani forces and has called on Pakistan to separate itself from the Afghan war, Geo News reported.

Imran said that Pakistan had lost 40,000 lives in the war against terror, adding that Pakistani soldiers were being killed by our allies.

Imran also said that the government which claims to give peace a chance is violating the resolution of the All Parties Conference (APC).
Pakistan needs to separate itself from Afghan war: Imran Khan

I would support him on this. Not only him but anyone who could pull us out from this.
He means ' leave the notion of strategic asset' stuff.

Means peace with India
Khan sahab has had a vasectomy.

Their should be Badla, eye for an eye, ear for ear, life for life.

has this formula worked for you in the past? is int it time for some out of box thinking . swallowing pride and taking some tough decisions is always hard . but they do pay off in the long run.
Pakistan needs to separate itself from Afghan war: Imran Khan

Updated 1 hour ago

LAHORE: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) chairman, Imran Khan has strongly condemned the NATO attack on Pakistani forces and has called on Pakistan to separate itself from the Afghan war, Geo News reported.

Imran said that Pakistan had lost 40,000 lives in the war against terror, adding that Pakistani soldiers were being killed by our allies.

Imran also said that the government which claims to give peace a chance is violating the resolution of the All Parties Conference (APC).
Pakistan needs to separate itself from Afghan war: Imran Khan

Lolz. Afghanistan was converted into a $hit hole with the help of the West and Pakistan and now Pakistan should distance itself from it.

Yeah right; he thinks if that is as easy as it sounds.
Seperating from Afghanistan is one issue. But terrorist attacks coming in from them is also another. We cannot choose one.... Its as simple as that.

Yes, Absolutely. Pakistan should do both, separate itself from Afghanistan, and try to control the terrorist atacks. But, are there any ways to do this? (respectively and specifically how only IK can do this)
Pakistan have to think:

1. It want to control Afganistan post NATO


2. It wanna concentrate on its on country and get develop as per Imran Khan.

Off course you can't choose both.
^^ The problem is no one from your civilian side actually wants to be associated with Afghan war. However since military wields more power in your nation, the generals think otherwise. Come on, you know it that the strategic-space minded generals in your army are obsessed with Afghanistan. While they are trying to make it their base or a springboard, their ego is costing a lot of Pakistani civilians dearly in terms of life, property etc. These generals are not realizing that they have to stop thinking in terms that will bring them only more ruin. The sad case is that most of the top military men in your country are one of the richest and most powerful and seem to be immune to common man's woes including even the successful middle class.

The only way you can delink yourself from this war is two steps:

1--Get your military totally under the command of your civilian government.

For this, you will have to constitutionally separate the tri-services power of authority away from the Army general to either a Cabinet Committee or the president (which I assume you won't want with Zardari in). Give equal powers to Admirals and Marshals and rather than having a unified command that will tempt the single general to take over anytime, have it diversified such that the three commanders are answerable only to the cabinet including the PM.

This would break the power of some military top chiefs and bring more integration between the military and civilians in your country.

2-- Rather than being hostile to US or NATO (who will only get more interested in sticking to you) or for that matter Afghans, take unilateral decision to disband Taliban and other groups that are in the "trust" of your generals and military intelligence. It is going to be tough decisions with possible repercussions and consequences with these hardliners threatening the government with militant attacks; but this cycle has to stop somewhere. So hard decision would be needed here.

Massive change in the attitude of your military generals and intelligence bodies has to come over vis a vis Afghanistan perspective because only that can help you come out of this quicksand.

If your government can pull through these 2 things, you will automatically become delinked from this WOT or Afghanistan issue since the last 30 years.

It will separate you from anything regarding the war.
Its a one way traffic Mr Khan. There is no turning back until US says so.
i have a feeling that imran kkhan would also act like zardari & company if he comes to power. i mean every politician talk big when not in power. i will do this, i will do that are the common words of all politicians in this world. the reality comes only when that politician comes to power. so, don't blindly trust any politician, talking & doing are two diff things.
I am wonder why immediately my Indian friends start commenting and giving suggestions.........if a post related to Pakistan came out (Seems like they wait for such post came and start suggesting and commenting).............my suggestion is you keep your suggestions in your pandorabox......we know what to do and what not to do...
......we know what to do and what not to do...

We all can see you are doing quite a commendable job throughout your nation's history!! Well done!:tup:

---------- Post added at 01:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:07 AM ----------

Khan sahab has had a vasectomy.

Their should be Badla, eye for an eye, ear for ear, life for life.

Ok. Go take badla. Please enlighten us how are you planning to take this badla???:disagree:
I am wonder why immediately my Indian friends start commenting and giving suggestions.........if a post related to Pakistan came out (Seems like they wait for such post came and start suggesting and commenting).............my suggestion is you keep your suggestions in your pandorabox......we know what to do and what not to do...

this is a open forum. nowhere in this forum is written that a citizen of particular country can comment only on particular threads. anyone can give his/her suggestions. if someone don't like it then just ignore it.
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