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Pak Army wants to accept Israel - and fix resistive Imran Khan

Always thought and believed the external affairs are the primary reason for the PTI v. Establishment split. It is not Bajwa's personal interest or that of 1 or 2 or 4 of his inner circle that is driving this wedge nor is it any new found love for the PDM cohort (for which the military has very little love lost in the first place) that is leading the establishment to not bend to PTI demands.

The simple issue is that Pakistan's long term interests require balanced ties with the US. IK and PTI have burned this bridge pretty bad and unless there is a reset, in all likelihood the establishment will not go along with IK.

Because of these external dependencies and imperatives, the establishment is also not eager on doing another extra-constitutional favor to PTI by forcing the sitting government to call for early elections. There is no legal precedence for this unless the sitting government itself throws in the towel and calls for re-elections or if there is a vote of no-confidence against SS in the parliament. Since PTI is not sitting in parliament, essentially none of the legal options are being exercised by the PTI and the establishment has no urge to push for anything extra-constitutional at this time.

Coming back to the topic of this thread, accepting Israel would become a point of decision if the majority of the Muslim world including Pakistan's allies decide to do it. Turkey has diplomatic ties with Israel but is very vocal for Palestinians. If KSA does the same, two of Pakistan's principal allies would have aligned. The issue to watch for is what the Saudi recognition of Israel yields for the Palestinians.
Second, anyone wanting to stir up more anti-military sentiment can just bring in the Israel factor to pile on more dirt on the establishment just because anti-Israeli stance sells by the tonnage in Pakistan. All things inexplainable can be set on the doorsteps of the zionists and its a case done and over with.

Side-bar, I fully condemn the assassination attempt on IK and the disgusting situation with Azam Swati. Whosoever is behind these acts, whether establishment, FIA, PDM etc., should be fully punished for these things, however IK/PTI should be factual when pointing fingers. The situation on hand demands responsibility and proof when accusing specific people. In other words, will the accusations hold in a court of law? Question to answer for PTI/IK et-al.

I am personally gutted by the fact that our country is a banana republic and worse because even the basic norms of decency are no longer being practiced.

I just hope our pols and Est. pay heed to President Arif Alvi's advice/imploring for talks. This is the ONLY way out. IK cannot win over the establishment with street power and the PDM/establishment cannot win with #2 herbay either.
I also happen to believe disagreements over foreign policy were the main reason for the falling out between military and IK but the question we have to ask ourselves is:
Is "balanced ties with the US" (to borrow your words), worth the dent in credibility and reputation the military seems ever so willing to take? That is the whole problem. I agree we can't go banzai against the US, but where does the military draw the line? There will be no balanced US-Pakistan relations, if there no longer exists a Pakistan. That may sound exaggerated, but think of the long term effects of the current turmoil. Punjab was the last stronghold of the military and it's beginning to look bleak now, isn't it?

Also, regarding the fact that IK should provide proof when pointing fingers, I agree. I'd suggest that we let an FIR get filed and then conduct investigations as is the norm for bloody civilians? The sky won't fall. Some egos might get bruised, that's all. But then, nobody has a right to say IK is pointing fingers willy nilly.
mashallah, mazel tov !

How do I give this a negative rating ??
Webby, waz, Oscar, Irfan Baloch etc ki hukoomat girao and take over this forum.
Are you able to differentiate between
A ) A group of people physically occupying a place and existing there
B) Their occupation of and existence in said place being considered legitimate?

Palestinians have "existed as a nation" a long ways before the illegitimate state did but how many countries in the world recognize them as a state. So, is the sole reason, that Israel is a powerful state and the pussified Ummah can't stand up to them? Because if so, you can just say it out loud. No need to over exert yourself with justifications.

Regional realities: Ottoman Empire -> Emirate of Transjordan -> British Palestine -> Israel.

Israel is a UN recognized state. Arabs attempted to crush it by force but this move backfired and Israel managed to capture more lands in each war. Israel captured Sinai in 1973 as well but gave it back to Egypt in exchange for recognition and peace.

It is most unfortunate that Palestinians and Israeli are unable to find a mutually acceptable two-state solution.

One-state solution akin to British Palestine might do wherein Muslims and Jews can co-exist and have equal rights.

Are you able to differentiate between
A ) A group of people physically occupying a place and existing there
B) Their occupation of and existence in said place being considered legitimate?

Palestinians have "existed as a nation" a long ways before the illegitimate state did but how many countries in the world recognize them as a state. So, is the sole reason, that Israel is a powerful state and the pussified Ummah can't stand up to them? Because if so, you can just say it out loud. No need to over exert yourself with justifications.
The Arabs that call themselves Palestinians NEVER had autonomy in this land, they never owned it, they were Arab immigrants that arrived here with the conquests of Muhammed, Jews were present in this land throughout history, preceding any Arab, let alone Muslim. So the "Palestinians have been here before the illegitimate state" claim is BS, since Palestinians NEVER had a state, so what gives them the right of establishing a state if Jews were here before them?

Palestinians and their supporters are a bunch of idiots, they started a war against Israel and now they cry about the consequences.
Now I know kia masla hai. Bajwa wants to accept Israel so Nawaz can offer botox titties to a rabbi so they can get in an orgy and give birth to the dajjal.

Heard they have an ouija board in DG Johnny Sins Public relations office along side a Red Camera to capture the coming of satan in 4K.
Webby, waz, Oscar, Irfan Baloch etc ki hukoomat girao and take over this forum.
Coup are legal looooool
The Arabs that call themselves Palestinians NEVER had autonomy in this land, they never owned it, they were Arab immigrants that arrived here with the conquests of Muhammed, Jews were present in this land throughout history, preceding any Arab, let alone Muslim. So the "Palestinians have been here before the illegitimate state" claim is BS, since Palestinians NEVER had a state, so what gives them the right of establishing a state if Jews were here before them?

Palestinians and their supporters are a bunch of idiots, they started a war against Israel and now they cry about the consequences.

The jewish claim to palestine is just as valid as the Christian claim to Turkey. Both religions started in the land. People migrated over a thousand years. Will continue to migrate. Likely in future there will be no Israel as its a unnatural entity. Most european and american jews will eventually return back to europe. The middle eastern + remaining jews will likely become muslim or some form of sunni muslim/jewish mixed religion.

Whether it happens peacefully or through war doesnt matter. What matter is that it will happen.
The jewish claim to palestine is just as valid as the Christian claim to Turkey. Both religions started in the land. People migrated over a thousand years. Will continue to migrate. Likely in future there will be no Israel as its a unnatural entity. Most european and american jews will eventually return back to europe. The middle eastern + remaining jews will likely become muslim or some form of sunni muslim/jewish mixed religion.

Whether it happens peacefully or through war doesnt matter. What matter is that it will happen.
Oh dear. The future foretold
The jewish claim to palestine is just as valid as the Christian claim to Turkey. Both religions started in the land. People migrated over a thousand years. Will continue to migrate. Likely in future there will be no Israel as its a unnatural entity. Most european and american jews will eventually return back to europe. The middle eastern + remaining jews will likely become muslim or some form of sunni muslim/jewish mixed religion.

Whether it happens peacefully or through war doesnt matter. What matter is that it will happen.
Hahahahaha there will be no more Islam to convert to if Israel is destroyed
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