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PAF JF-17 Shoots Down UAV from Iran

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They should be humbled that anyone would want to trade with them during the sanction period.

The "trade" you are referring to was one sided. You got the goods and almost never paid for it. Because we didn't have any choice. Why should we do the same now? Don't act stupid as if India did what it did to help Iran. You took advantage of the situation and made a lot of money during this time. So give it a rest would you.
Another Naive statement. Do you even know what Afghanis soviets and indians were doing back in 80's by Stroking insurgencies inside pakistan through Balochistan, Pakhtunistan and Sindh via Al Zulfiqar and Sindudesh ? Those 80 strategic elements were created so that Soviet union couldnot pull another 71 on Pakistan once again.

Now tell me, How Premier intelligence agencies can go into afghanistan and dismantle NDS/Indian RAW protected leadership of TTP and Baloch terrorists ?

You dont even know the roots of TTP, so instead of making naive assumptions that TTP was root of 80's, Start searching Bajaur Madrassah attack in 2005 which gave birth to TTP.

What are the chances, if we today give up on Afghan taliban and Haqqani, Indian and Afghanistan would reciprocate the gesture ? Again one of the most naive thinkings without putting much thought and toeing the line of BS american media. Give us tangible solutions of dismantling Indian/Afghani Terror machine in Afghanistan and then start giving advices Pakistan should do this and or do that.
I know and I posted the whole scenario in history section. What Pakistan is gaining from supporting Haqqani faction ?. Afghanistan is destroyed , better seal the border . Like Iran did from the start of Soviet invasion. Our country whole fabric is destroyed. Our qualified university teachers now are source of extremism. From Punjab University to IBA karachi. We let these extremist takeover the youth of this nation. I am surprised , why we keep our eyes closed.
In fact Dawn leak was eye opener. Its better to keep the mess off Pakistan border. Like any other nation is doing. Look at ME, they keep all dirty game off there borders. We have good example of Qatar, who been harboring different black listed faction on the consent of his GCC allies. Now same allies put in trouble and blame for the root cause of terrorism. We can learn from our surroundings.
Found a good info. Look at this and tell me where we heading ?

Did they give you Iran passport like Uzair Bloch
kiddo , you have any prove for that. In TWA hijacking case in 1969 , US govt recovered fake Pakistani passport from Palastinian hijacker..... what you call this ... We believe what media feed us and you are doing exact same. Nothing special in your comment anyway.

@Bratva i have moved the topic in senior section ...ur tagged.
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The "trade" you are referring to was one sided. You got the goods and almost never paid for it. Because we didn't have any choice. Why should we do the same now? Don't act stupid as if India did what it did to help Iran. You took advantage of the situation and made a lot of money during this time. So give it a rest would you.

So this is the thank you we get for helping iran. Not only do you renege on your promises, give an oil block we discovered to the Russians, NOW you accuse us of not paying and taking advantage of a situation...

@Indian members, this is what happens when you help someone. As the old saying goes, "no good deed goes unpunished".
The "trade" you are referring to was one sided. You got the goods and almost never paid for it. Because we didn't have any choice. Why should we do the same now? Don't act stupid as if India did what it did to help Iran. You took advantage of the situation and made a lot of money during this time. So give it a rest would you.
That's what I am talking about :agree:
How can you have peace with a nation who is waiting for Imam to start revenge against all Sunnis declared by them as sons of ummayad

There was a peace with this nation through out several decades.

But these are the Jihadies who have been killing Pakistani Soldiers, Pakistani people in name of their so called Islamic Khilafah.

Please open your eyes. We don't need this Shia Sunni conflicts. Every one has problems. According to Sunni traditions too only one sect is meant for heaven and rest 71 are the misguided one. But this didn't mean that Maliki, Hanbalies, Shafies etc. start killing each other or start blaming each other misguided one. We all agree that despite these differences we all are Muslims and we should unite.

I remember that Jihadists attacked upon Pakistani forces from the Afghan Border and killed few soldiers.
Upon that all Pakistanies wanted our forces to attack directly upon the Jihadists in Afghanistan.

I believe that Iranian population have also some such type of emotions.

The real culprits are these Jihadists. Iran and Pakistan should be wise enough to see the real enemy. The conflict between Iran and Pakistan is a victory for Jihadists while it was their aim that these 2 states fight each other instead of fighting against them.
Not only do you renege on your promises, give an oil block we discovered to the Russians

Gas block! We asked you to pay the same price as you pay to Qatar. Morsi said he will give 1/3 of that and nothing more. Do you think you are our masters and we will just do whatever you want? Iran answers to iranians, not to Indians or Pakistanis, arabs or Turks! You mind your own business!

NOW you accuse us of not paying and taking advantage of a situation...

Indian oil refiners will clear around 6 billion euros ($6.7 billion) of outstanding debt to Iran

And still not paid!

@Indian members, this is what happens when you help someone. As the old saying goes, "no good deed goes unpunished

Help? Grow up! You benefited 10s of billions for heavily subsidized oil and gas as well as outstanding payments. Morsi wanted to continue with the same trend after the sanctions and we said no. Why should we? We are not running a charity here!
I guess that's why there once was an RCD. I went to school studying how the Pakistan-Turkey-Iran connection was untouchable by any of the evil forces. Sad to see evil forces spread the negativity around so much. The good thing is we all know that Evil can never surpass the Good.
Shah of Iran was a good friend of Pakistan, I cant say the same about Mullahs of Iran
I had written in salala attack our soldiers manning posts had fought back tho i do admit (mentioned that earlier too) that paf was not deployed, and that in the firefight some american soldiers were killed or atleast injured. I did mention" atleast injured" because i was not sure of casualities. I do admit the fault lies with me at this point. I had read details of this incident two three years back and had blurred memory of reading about americans also getting injured or hurt in the attack or may be i had mixed up the events. I apologixe to the readers if i had mislead them. I can not find those sources and the part you had highlighted from my post was asking for source for the entire claim that our soldiers had fought back , usa casualities. Your main contention was why a response was not given from our end, which is what i was refuting , that our soldiers stationed at post did try to avert the attack, though it was too hard as they had limited weaponry and attack had come from gunship helos.
And again i repeat after the attack we had blocked the nato routes and the blockade was not reverted until usa had offered an apology. Does this COUNT as anything?
Again we were ina weak position back then , how on earth a response to iran and usa even equate with each other?

I do not have comprehension problems. The issue lies with you. Firstly no need to get abusive and tantrumy, i have stayed civil with you out of respect for ramadan. Your bad behavior . flipflopping , purposely ignoring some arguments and clutching at straws is only exposing your dishonesty.

Firstly , you are against drone shooting because it will sully our relations. Even in a hypothetical scenario , shooting down drone of a nonfriendly neighbour does not necessarily mean opening up of a new front. and if does happen it means the neighbour state itself is an aggressor and was seeking a chance to escalate matters.

Then you cry about afghanistan, have our forces done nothin regarding afghanistan issue? Have we not captured ehsan ullah?

Is it a piece of cake to go deep inside afghanistan and capture fazlullah and other HVA for you? Are we a super power to do this?

We did the right action , if you have such severe issues and fears that a new front would open up then try taking asylum overseas, we will keep responding to iran in the language they deserve and you can keep coming to pdf and cry about it and abuse fellow posters, Rofl, cause thats the most you could do.
And no iwill not shut my mouth and will keep calling you out where you will try to create ethnic discord based on your fragile arguments like "shared pukhtoon culture" etc just to defend your iranian masters.

When i read your below response to another poster who i admit was also abusive but yet not at your level, i just realized what a sad existance you are and not worthy of any more responses.
You lied and instead of being feeling ashamed you conveniently tried to spin it. I exposed you for a liar that you are and every one can see that. I said in my first post that i will happily retract my post if you can prove otherwise but i knew you could not. If you were not sure as you mentioned in your 2nd and 3rd post than you should have said so from the get go. Instead you came at me with the tone implying as if i deliberately misstating facts when you took cheap shots at my memory. Remember? Whereas it was you who was misstating facts and i exposed you on that. So I stand validated.
And what is this nonsense that you keep repeating about creating ethic discord? Where did i do that? I only stated that we kept harboring Afghans based on ethnic and religious similarities knowing well that they are snakes and will bite us. You are again lying and trying to put words into my mouth which just shows who you are.
And yes i keep crying about not doing anything about USA making a mockery out of our sovereignty because unlike you I am not a hypocrite and if we are to protect our sovereignty than we need to do that against everyone. After all this is the whole argument against Iran no? Why have two different yard sticks? You dont need to be a super power to protect your sovereignty. If Iran can do it so can Pakistan.
As for my other post to that person its good that you admit he was abusive but conveniently forgot that it was also he who got abusive 1st not me and i replied him in the manner he would understand and will do so to anyone who thinks he can get personal with me. You need to mind your own business. It was you who quoted me not the other way round. If I am sad existence what does that make you?
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Going back to the topic.

If the alleged uav is Iranian AND if it was not in cooperation with Pakistan, then it is highly regrettable! But please before stirring too much hate between the two nations, wait and see what the officials statements from both sides will be.

For what is worth, irans wish for Pakistan is for it to become a great power because a stable and economical strong Pakistan is only to our advantage. We share a border and instead of fighting terrorists we want to see a lot of trade and peaceful interactions.

We have no benefit to see harm coming to Pakistan. However, there are some powers that want to see us fight. Please do not fall into their trap!
Whoever violates our air space must be given solid answer.
But I am not really happy as situation is getting bitter with one of our close friend. I hope Iran will try to re-consider its wrong strategy too and will try to resolve issues with mutual co operation with Pakistan.
Pakistan confirms shooting down Iranian drone


Pakistan confirmed on Wednesday that it shot down an Iranian drone in Punjgur after it was found flying inside its territory.

The confirmation came from the foreign office a day after media reports suggested that Pakistan Air Force (PAF) shot down Iranian drone deep inside Pakistan airspace.

“The drone was hit by Pakistan Air Force as it was unidentified and was flying at around 3-4km inside Pakistani territory,” read a statement issued by the foreign office.
As per your info if they had to get really close then why not cannon I think Pl5 is a waste for drone specially the one they showing on TV looks not so lethal I mean unarmed
In such matters you dont see the price of missile. I think it has given us a good target practice. The price of JF17 as well PL5 in international market must have climbed. I remember when HMS Sheffield was hit by Exocet missile in Falklands war the price of missile in market was doubled. Remember people want accuracy and reliability first. Price in weapons sales comes later.

Pakistan confirms shooting down Iranian drone


Pakistan confirmed on Wednesday that it shot down an Iranian drone in Punjgur after it was found flying inside its territory.

The confirmation came from the foreign office a day after media reports suggested that Pakistan Air Force (PAF) shot down Iranian drone deep inside Pakistan airspace.

“The drone was hit by Pakistan Air Force as it was unidentified and was flying at around 3-4km inside Pakistani territory,” read a statement issued by the foreign office.
I have 2 x gut feelings :
1. This was not the first time the drone entered our air space. I think PAF was already ready for them.
2. Drone was more than 4-5 km inside our territory but Pakistan is telling less because it will speak bad on their performance.
This is just an intelligent guess.
Pakistan is down playing this incident. They are not even saying it was Iranian drone, they are saying it came from Iran and Iran gave them no information about it coming.
View attachment 405469 Left one is Squadron leader Zeeshan in China
Nop , it's not that one. I have met the one who shot down the UAV. He's very skinny and also short as well. Look like a young guy . He also told me about the splice maneuvers how you go from thousands of feet to hundreds in few Sec. That was impressive.

As per your info if they had to get really close then why not cannon I think Pl5 is a waste for drone specially the one they showing on TV looks not so lethal I mean unarmed
Well, I have discussed the cannon stuff with pilots last year. All of them said cannon is the last resort. No practices are allowed in serious engagements. They are trained to finish the job in seconds. Thinking why to waste missile because it's more expensive and something else is less , well then we can't run an Air Force.
Mkg, I am now hearing from my sources that AWACS was used. Interested in whether your sources have changed on that front. :)
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