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PAF gets 27th fighter squadron

Yeah what is bad about that it just an opinion, I like the A-10's they are very handy. India has a huge tank inventory and it best to have air support taking out such a large tank inventory.

Yes but subsonic aircraft in a very hostile environ (like there would be in any potential Indo/Pak conflict) would be sitting ducks. That's why specialist equipment such as A-10's or Frogfoots are rarely purchased by countries who cannot guarantee air superiority.
What will be the nick name of this new squadron? :)

well Mr lover the new name is 27 SQD( Zarrar).



Well can you tell me the NEZ of the Russian missiles?
Also the F-7's will be equipped with Chinese or French BVR missiles.
The numbers on the F-16's are incorrect as well PAK purchased 60 MLU kits plus 18 new build (with the option of 18 more.) The ROSE upgrades on the Mirages allow BVR as well (there were newer airframes purchased from Libya as well as newer engines)

I was talking about the current scenario, not what would happened 5-10 years from now. I was comparing aircraft currently serving in the PAF and IAF and those which have been ordered are likely to be delivered soon. If we are comparing what would be the scenario 5-10 years from now then the IAF would also have acquired more aircraft. What would the scenario be like if war broke out now or perhaps 1-2 years from now?
Why has Pakistan purchased 60 MLU kits when it has only 34 F-16 A/B? to upgrade? If it intends to purchase older F-16s later then would'nt it be better to purchase the MLU upgrades when the planes have been bought?

Many forum members have claimed that F-7s will be upgraded to fire BVR missiles but no one has ever provided a link backing up their claims. I started a thread "Comparison of PAF F-7s and IAF MiG-21s" and everyone has agreed that F-7s do not have BVR capabilities and no one has been able to provide information regarding modernization plans for these aircraft. If someone has any info regarding this then kindly share the link.
I was talking about the current scenario, not what would happened 5-10 years from now. I was comparing aircraft currently serving in the PAF and IAF and those which have been ordered are likely to be delivered soon. If we are comparing what would be the scenario 5-10 years from now then the IAF would also have acquired more aircraft. What would the scenario be like if war broke out now or perhaps 1-2 years from now?
Why has Pakistan purchased 60 MLU kits when it has only 34 F-16 A/B? to upgrade? If it intends to purchase older F-16s later then would'nt it be better to purchase the MLU upgrades when the planes have been bought?

Many forum members have claimed that F-7s will be upgraded to fire BVR missiles but no one has ever provided a link backing up their claims. I started a thread "Comparison of PAF F-7s and IAF MiG-21s" and everyone has agreed that F-7s do not have BVR capabilities and no one has been able to provide information regarding modernization plans for these aircraft. If someone has any info regarding this then kindly share the link.

I have to get to work
but I will quickly point this out. Pak also got approx 30 f16 a/b's for free as a excess defence article from the U.S. They are blk 15's so Pak purchased the MLU kits for them.
Re: the F-7 and BVR It has been common knowledge that the PAF aquired the Grifo radar for the purpose of upgrading the F-7's
I have to get to work
but I will quickly point this out. Pak also got approx 30 f16 a/b's for free as a excess defence article from the U.S. They are blk 15's so Pak purchased the MLU kits for them.
Re: the F-7 and BVR It has been common knowledge that the PAF aquired the Grifo radar for the purpose of upgrading the F-7's

In the thread ""Comparison of PAF F-7s and IAF MiG-21s" some members have said that F-7s are equipped with the Grifo radar, however they are not equipped with BVR missiles. The PAF received its latest batch of F-7s in 2002, so even after 5 years they have not been equipped with BVR missiles? So many people claim that they will upgraded but no one has been able to provide a link or perhaps a time frame as to when it will happen.
In the thread ""Comparison of PAF F-7s and IAF MiG-21s" some members have said that F-7s are equipped with the Grifo radar, however they are not equipped with BVR missiles. The PAF received its latest batch of F-7s in 2002, so even after 5 years they have not been equipped with BVR missiles? So many people claim that they will upgraded but no one has been able to provide a link or perhaps a time frame as to when it will happen.

The company in Italy that build's the Grifo radars, have said that it can operate with SD-10 and recently PAF ordered 300 of them from China. That radar works with the weaponry in PAF inventory as of right now, what we have is called limited BVR catagory below SD-10 range.
Honestly sir, I dont have much opinion about JF-17 but J-10 another. Anyways sir, it was a heat of the moment.Sorry.

on problem yar anytime , I just wated to tell all that saying that Pakistan had 27 SQD and India had 37 or 50.
Remember all of them are not fighter Sqds some are Air Def, some transport some logistics. So we dont have 27 fighter Sqds.
A/C Type Number of Squadrons
Mig-21 (all versions)----- 14
Jaguar------ 5
Mig-23----- 1
Mig-27----- 7
Mig-29----- 3
Mirage-2000------ 3
SU-30------ 3
Total------- 36

A/C Type Number of Squadrons
F-16------ 02
Mirage------- 8
F-7 P/PG ------- 8
A-5------- 2
Total-------- 20
congrats to paf for their new squadron, now start using them against americans or there will be a governor general in lahore soon
well no doubt about the BVR cap of F-7PG . they can fire chinese BVRs .
do not limit JF -17 to Mig 21 . it cantake down the MIG 29 and Mirage 2000. it has shown incredible manure rate in its proto type stage. it will be equipped with SD-10 BVR equall to R-77 in range. Even the wesrten coutries are surprised with its unique design as it is inspired by both F-16 and F-18. it has slight advantage over Mig 29 as it has more advance avionics Package. and is equall to mirage 2000. Do you know why PAF rejected the order of Mirage 2005 from UAE when it were availible in a very cheap price.? it was all coze of JF-17. and MK1 can be countred by F-16 blk 52 and J-10. With Aim 120 AMRAAM and H-4 R Darter The F-16 and J-10 will have clear range advantage. So
MK1 vs J-10, F-16 blk52
Mig 29, Mirage 2000 vs JF-17 THunder.
Mig27, Mig 23 and Mig 21and Jaguars vs Mirage Rose 3 and F7 PG as Mirage Rose and F-7 are capable of BVR
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