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PAF detected US planes near Jalalabad border before OBL operation


Oct 21, 2009
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United Arab Emirates

ISLAMABAD: An initial investigation report has revealed that the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) radars installed in Peshawar and Risalpur were functioning properly on May 2 and the movement of some half-a-dozen planes was detected near the Jalalabad border at 11 pm before the US helicopters entered Abbottabad to kill Osama bin Laden.

“One aircraft was identified as a US AWACS and the remaining five were recognised as F-18 jets of the US. These planes flew near the Pakistani border, but did not cross into the airspace of Pakistan,” the report added.

Meanwhile, the PAF formed a special investigation committee to probe into the violation of Pakistan’s airspace by the US helicopters to kill Osama bin Laden. It is the first committee formed to investigate the incident. The team will see how the Pakistani forces remained ignorant about the presence of foreign helicopters.

The committee, being headed by a group captain, has started its work by checking the record of radars thoroughly and interviewing officials who were on duty when the US helicopters violated Pakistan’s airspace.

“More such committees will be formed to unveil the facts about the Abbottabad operation,” the sources added. The committee will investigate how Pakistan’s radar system, which could detect the flights outside Pakistan’s limit, could not notice the US helicopters, which entered into Pakistan and remained there for hours. The officers of PAF will also examine the aspect whether the planes, traced by the radars, were meant to divert the attention of Pakistani forces.

PAF detected US planes near Jalalabad border before OBL operation - GEO.tv
Then what made ACM Rao Qamar Suleman state that the radars were inactive? What is believable??

Sir the radar detected american awacs and f-18s.they may be came near to pak border to divert their attention
Excuses after excuses.

This is getting funnier by the day.

Atleast the PAF should stick with one version and not a new excuse each day.
Sir the radar detected american awacs and f-18s.they may be came near to pak border to divert their attention

Distraction/Diversion is one thing. The word used by ACM Rao Qamar Suleman was "inactive". Lots of difference in meaning!
Distraction/Diversion is one thing. The word used by ACM Rao Qamar Suleman was "inactive". Lots of difference in meaning!


inquiry is being taken

we should wait for more info

---------- Post added at 11:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 AM ----------

Excuses after excuses.

This is getting funnier by the day.

Atleast the PAF should stick with one version and not a new excuse each day.

agree we should accept that we were not able to detect the chopper or admit that we didnt shot them because we were involved in the mission or we were scare that it may lead to war with USA
excuses???, what PAF has got to do with india in the first place

wow...those drones firing missiles every other day are not Indian drones,those choppers are not Indian chopper.And I thought, the primary role of the Air Force of a country is to defend its own sovereignty.And you are saying something entirely different.

BTW....has any one really thought about this?"Why did the US Marines used a stealth chopper in the first place?".The answer is simple-because they wanted to go in,do the job and go out,undetected.I can assume two things from here:

1. This rules out any form of Pakistani involvement.Had the Pakistani new from beforehand,then the US forces would not have the necessity to use a special chopper to evade the radar.

2.The US forces are already prepared to strike deep inside Pakistani territory,even as close as 80 km from the Capital,depending upon the nature of the strike.And they had the equipments in place.Now that is a significant development.It not only shows how much further the US forces are willing to go,but also shows how much seriously do they take their Pakistani counterparts.
Wow - these radars can tell what kind of airplane? Anyway, are there any F18's stationed in Afghanistan?

Yeah thats what I thought too! Maybe they can somehow tell depending on radar signature which airplane it is?
Excuses after excuses.

This is getting funnier by the day.

Atleast the PAF should stick with one version and not a new excuse each day.

its getting serious day by day owing to the fact that PAF was made a scapegoat by Pasha, Kyani, Zardari, Gillani. I am saying from the very first day that NO Jamming NO scramble took place.

PAF chief is a fix whether to speak the entire truth or come up with half truth to back up the version US/Pakistan sold to the world.

Its unfortunate that we are being fed one coordinated version. i would say lets tell the public the real story no matter how much bitter it is
its getting serious day by day owing to the fact that PAF was made a scapegoat by Pasha, Kyani, Zardari, Gillani. I am saying from the very first day that NO Jamming NO scramble took place.

PAF chief is a fix whether to speak the entire truth or come up with half truth to back up the version US/Pakistan sold to the world.

Its unfortunate that we are being fed one coordinated version. i would say lets tell the public the real story no matter how much bitter it is


Jana you being a journalist, have any more info from your sources?
Wow - these radars can tell what kind of airplane? Anyway, are there any F18's stationed in Afghanistan?

the USS carl winson in the arabian sea..

Jana you being a journalist, have any more info from your sources?

i did the story on the same day though at that time the paper was too worried to carry it but after 3 days the PAF chief came up with no jamming part. though he still cant tell the entire truth.

just be sure they all knew what was going on.
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