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PAF cadet caught in sex scandal in Australia.

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poor cadet, should have waited till he got promoted to the rank of a general, as at this rank, even if you commit a murder you remain untouchable in Pakistan military.
poor cadet, should have waited till he got promoted to the rank of a general, as at this rank, even if you commit a murder you remain untouchable in Pakistan military.
but then he would have to use Viagra to get it up.
A 'BAD' person is a 'Good' person who gets caught....

yep always dear we all are not angels but its east to pass comments on others and look inside our self is too hard.
He is sick. needs a doctor.


He is not sick----he is just a 22 years old growing up male who needs to get laid----. Not justifying the actions-----. He should have been trained and educated in sexual issues better---.

Millitary attache should have taken him to a whore house and gotten him laid a couple of times---trained him better to act and react with women----. Somebody should have warned him before hand of taking pictures of naked colleagues----. Very bad judgement----very poorly trained and initiated.
Most unfortunate act (though not unnatural at the age) being the representative of Pakistan in a foreign land. He should be dealt severely with by the PAF code of professional conduct especially keeping in view his status in a foreign land.

It has the same psychological implication as if an Australian Cadet would have been caught trying to make a movie of a Pakistani female cadet in the shower.

I think he wouldn't be able to make it back even......

Just because he did this in a foreign land, maybe. But quite a few of his peers in PAF have been caught with their zippers down & still made it to the post of AVM!!!! Sexual code of conduct is a big problem in all military forces (not only in Pakistan) and is generally deemed less offensive then say, espionage!
This also shows that our educational systems not build one's character ........

He is not only a student but an ambassador of Pakistan Air Force ......strict punishment ..no mercy...
a cadet is at a very pre-natal stage; they arent even fully accepted by the institution until they prove themselves and pass the curriculum and all other requirements ordered.....it's a lot worse to have serving personnel be engaged in such scandals....for example:


these men and women who are deployed overseas for training purposes are supposed to play 2 roles.....their role to serve their countries (militarily) and also to be good ambassadors and guests. This cadet f*cked up (assuming the story is accurate). He's done. He'll go home empty handed and with his head down in shame (I hope).


This sort of a response is so typical in our part of the world.

Its like " I'm bad ? look he too is ". Does this condone anything ? No, but serves to calm a sense of self indignation .

@ Topic. What has happened is unfortunate and ought not to have happened. Given our social milieu it is not unexpected either. We do not have a situation where & men & women live in the same complex . Further given the harsh gender divide in Pak there is a good chance that the gent in question did not study in a Co educational school / college either. There are so many other linked issues.

Given all this, it is not unexpected that the guy decided to do what he did. He also must be tongue tied enough not to be able to make friends or strike a conversation with ladies or maybe was simply collecting "masala' for himself or to mail to his buddies back home.

The fact that he is a cadet does not make it easier to get away. He is under the AF Act like any one else. In cases where cadets do the unthinkable or what is loosly called ' uncadet like offences" the psychologist who tested the cadet also gets into the loop.
sad incident.It will get more media attention considering the fact that the accused was on deputation to a foreign country for training.He should have been extra cautious about personal conduct instead.

very true and also him being from a third word country also gives fodder to the white supremists and xenophobes that the non white races are not fit for the modern “civilised society. This incident will get far more press coverage due to its controversy than if it had been a white person from the west. Belonging to Pakistan only helps the tabloids and the hate mongering pundits with more venom. But fault only lies with this chap, he should have known better.

Once it is established without doubt that he was in fact the culprit one then his punishment should be such that it sends shivers down the spines of all serving personal and makes be more careful whether home or abroad.
Peeing and voyeurism is deeply frowned upon in the western society and is dealt as harshly as any other sexual assault if not more.
Defence cadet in sex charge arrest

Amanda Parkinson, Dylan Welch
August 27, 2011

AN air force cadet studying at the scandal-hit Australian Defence Force Academy has been suspended after he was allegedly caught secretly filming a female cadet while she was showering.

Obaid Fayyaz, 21, was granted bail at the ACT Magistrates Court yesterday. He was arrested on Thursday night after a cadet found a mobile phone recording video in a vent above her shower cubicle in an ADFA dorm.

Mr Fayyaz's case is the latest allegation of sexual misconduct within Defence. Two military cadets were charged in April with broadcasting a sexual encounter with another female cadet over Skype.
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Outrage over how Defence managed that case saw the department's Minister, Stephen Smith, announce reviews and inquiries into the culture there.

On Thursday, he announced he would extend for the second time an inquiry by the law firm DLA Piper into allegations of abuse and misconduct. He said more than 1100 claims had been lodged between April and June.

Police seized a mobile phone, laptop computer and a memory stick from Mr Fayyaz's room and he spent the night in jail ahead of his court appearance.Defence said no other cadets were under investigation.

Mr Fayyaz is understood to be a high-achieving engineering cadet with the Pakistan Air Force selected to train in Australia.A spokesman for Mr Smith said Mr Fayyaz had been suspended from ADFA. ''Defence is in discussions with the Pakistan high commission regarding his circumstances,'' the spokesman said.

Those involved in the case would be supported, said Defence. ''Defence, including ADFA, takes allegations of unacceptable behaviour very seriously and will co-operate with the relevant authorities,'' a spokesman said.

ACT police did not oppose bail, but requested conditions, including that Mr Fayyaz must not go within 50 metres of the alleged victim or contact, assault, threaten or intimidate her. Mr Fayyaz also surrendered his Pakistani passport.

The matter will next be at court on September 9.

Defence cadet in sex charge arrest

What a shame !!

Sexy little chap.

Possibly he was smitten.
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