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Padum Party : Unforgotten Tale Of Valor


Jan 1, 2010
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A friend forwarded me this forgotten tale of valor... and i was forced to share it here and hope some media person picks it up!

@Spring Onion you could help!

Muhammad Amin from Skardu, G-baltistan who with his comrades fought 11 Months against Indian Army.

Mohd Amin was just 11 years when British decided to leave India. They, like other people of region, decided to fight against Dogras. They formed a group and they were 95 in number and upon reaching Kargil they were divided into three groups one was sent to Drass other to Ladakh and his group had to march towards Padum(Now It is 250 km away from Pakistani Border in Zanskar Valley).

(M.Amin (wearing glasses) with his Padum Party)

He said that he had no formal training except How to hide yourself if a fighter jet arrive. I could hardly carry a rifle, and my colleagues used jeer at me, I was 11 years old. However i was determined and used to reply them by saying “ Don’t worry i will manage myself and would not beg your help”.

After some months they heard that Indian Army has been arrived, soon they were surrounded by Indian Army while entire Ladakh and Kargil was under Indian control.

They were seven in number. He said Indians used to throw grenade, and fire at them. While they responded it with a gun fire. They run short of food, and used to eat boiled flour, the winter was hard and if any Indian died they wish to take uniforms but Indian did not allowed. He said Indians used to poke fun at them by saying “Look you are children, you don’t even have mustache”. In this way they spent 11 months on that front of Padum, Ladakh.

After 11 months they decided to send three men to inquire about the situation. Anyhow, when these three men arrived back, they brought a surprising story that “War had been finished 11 months ago”.

At their Head Quarter Gilgit, Authorities were very amazed to know that Padum group is still fighting. They contacted with Indian Authorities and finally managed to bring the group back.

M Amin said that the Indian Authorities were very astounded about us. They appreciated our valiant resistance. They Gave us a gun salute and arranged a party in honor, some of them were of the view that you will be awarded with Victoria cross.

When they reached Pakistan. People told them about Pakistan’s freedom. He remembered: we were amazed what Pakistan is?

All their villagers thought that they were dead. Then Liaquat Ali Khan visited Gilgit and M Amin and his group was invited there. The 1st PM of Pakistan gave them 10000 rupees as reward.

Liaquat Ali Khan with Padum Party


Then their story was blotted out in sheer negligence. They were formally recruited in Pakistani Army. His colleagues of Padum group were scattered across the country. After some time M Amin got tired of his Job. He even not receive a pension because he was discharged.

He said How Indians Sepoy were thinking that We will receive Victoria Cross. Definitely if He were a sepoy of WWII , Their would be many Hollywood movies about his story of valor.

M Amin live in a village called Hussain Abad, Skardu. He is the only alive Sepoy of Padum group.(M.Amin)


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’11 ماہ تک محصور رہ کر لڑتے رہے‘

ظفر سیدبی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام
  • 29 اگست 2017

Image captionمحمد امین سکردو کے قریب سندس گاؤں میں اپنے سرسبز باغ میں
دوسری جنگِ عظیم کے دوران ایک امریکی اور ایک جاپانی فوجی کسی غیرآباد جزیرے میں گھر جاتے ہیں اور دونوں کے درمیان وسائل پر قبضے کے لیے ایک دوسرے کو زیر کرنے کی طویل جنگ چھڑ جاتی ہے جس میں کبھی ایک مغلوب ہوتا ہے کبھی دوسرا۔

اسی طرح ایک دوسرے سے لڑتے بھڑتے سالہاسال گزر جاتے ہیں اور ان دونوں کو معلوم نہیں ہو پاتا کہ دوسری جنگِ عظیم کب کی ختم ہو چکی ہے۔

٭ تقسیمِ ہند کے 70 سال پر بی بی سی اردو کا خصوصی ضمیمہ

اس کہانی پر فلمیں بن چکی ہیں، لیکن بہت کم لوگوں کو معلوم ہے کہ انڈیا اور پاکستان کے درمیان کشمیر میں لڑے جانے والی جنگ میں بالکل ایسا ہی ایک واقعہ پیش آیا، تاہم اس پر فلم بننا یا کتاب لکھے جانا تو کجا، بہت کم لوگوں کو اس کے بارے میں علم ہے۔

اس واقعے کے واحد زندہ کردار محمد امین ہیں جو سکردو کے مضافاتی گاؤں سندس میں انگور، خوبانی، سیب اور چیری کے باغ سے گھرے ہوئے گھر میں رہتے ہیں۔

ملیشیا شلوار قمیص میں ملبوس محمد امین کو خوبانی کے حجم کے لذیذ سیب کے درختوں کی دیکھ بھال کرتے دیکھ کر ایسا لگا ہے جیسے وہ جنم جنم سے دنیا کے اسی پرامن ترین پیشے سے وابستہ چلے آئے ہیں۔

لیکن جب وہ اپنی کہانی شروع کرتے ہیں تو ان کی آنکھوں میں تاریک سائے دوڑ جاتے ہیں جن کے اندر جنگ کی تباہ کاریاں، محصوری کا ہراس اور ناقدری کا احساس سب کچھ نمایاں ہوتا ہے۔

محمد امین اور ان کے مٹھی بھر ساتھیوں نے 11 ماہ تک انڈین فوج کے محاصرے میں گزار کر ہمت، شجاعت اور برداشت کی وہ داستان رقم کی ہے کہ اگر ان کا تعلق یورپ یا امریکہ سے ہوتا تو ہالی وڈ انھیں جنگی ہیرو بنا کر کب کا دنیا بھر میں مشہور کر چکا ہوتا۔

ذیل میں ان کی کہانی انھی کی زبانی پیش کی جا رہی ہے جس میں وہ 1947 میں کشمیر جا کر لڑنے، وہاں 11 ماہ تک محصور رہنے اور پھر واپس آ کر اپنے ساتھ ہونے والی ناقدری کی روداد بیان کر رہے ہیں۔

Image captionمحمد امین (سیاہ چشمہ پہنے ہوئے) پدم پارٹی کے دوسرے ارکان کے ہمراہ
ہم یہاں مشکل سے بھرتی ہوئے، سب نے کہا چھوٹا ہے، رائفل نہیں اٹھا سکتا، میری گیارہ بارہ برس عمر ہو گی۔ میں نے کہا میں خود اٹھاؤں گا رائفل، آپ کو زحمت نہیں دوں گا۔ ہم کل 95 نفر تھے، کوئی تربیت نہیں دی گئی، بس بتایا گیا کہ فائر اس طرح کرنا ہے، یا جہاز آئے تو اس طرح چھپنا ہے۔

ہمیں اس طرف بھیج دیا گیا۔ ہمیں پتہ ہی نہیں تھا کہ کس طرف جانا ہے۔ جب ہم دائیں مڑے تو پتہ چلا کہ کرگل جا رہے ہیں۔ یہاں سے کرگل آٹھ گھنٹے کا راستہ ہے۔ وہاں سے ہمیں تین حصوں میں تقسیم کیا گیا۔ ایک پارٹی کو لداخ بھیج دیا گیا۔ دوسری دراز جائے گی، باقی رہ گئے ہم۔ ہمیں نائیک بنا دیا گیا اور دو فیتے لگا دیے گئے اور ہمیں پدم بھیج دیا۔ آٹھ دن پیدل چلنے کے بعد ہم پدم پہنچے۔ یہ بدھسٹوں کا علاقہ تھا۔ لال قمیص شلوار پہنتے تھے وہ۔ ایک چوٹی کے اوپر مندر تھا جس میں وہ پوجا کرتے تھے۔ ہم وہیں رک گئے۔

اسی دوران لداخ میں جنگ ہو رہی تھی۔ ہمیں خبریں آ رہی تھیں کہ کل فتح ہو گا، پرسوں فتح ہو گا۔ کہا کہ یہاں بہت برف گرتی ہے۔ کورا جمتا ہے۔

پھر وہاں ہندوستانی فوج آ گئی۔ رات کو ایک بجے انھوں نے فائر کیا۔ ہر طرف آگ کے شعلے نظر آتے تھے۔ ہم لوگ بدھسٹوں کے گاؤں میں محصور ہو گئے۔ دیواروں میں سوراخ کر کے دیکھتے رہے۔ ان کی نسبت ہم نہ ہونے کے برابر تھے۔ صبح پتہ چلا کہ حالت خراب ہے۔ ہم لوگ ایک رات کے لیے آئے تھے۔ لیکن یہاں گھر کر رہ گئے۔

جنگ لڑتے رہے۔ دشمن ہمارے ارد گرد آ گئے، دوسرے تیسرے دن۔ لمبے تڑنگے۔ برانڈی پہنے ہوئے۔ مورچے آمنے سامنے تھے۔ انھوں نے وہاں سے آوازیں لگانا شروع کیں۔ کہتے تھے، تم بچے ہو،، تمھارے منھ سے ماں کا دودھ ابھی سوکھا نہیں ہے، ہتھیار ڈال دو۔ ہم نے کہا کہ مر جائیں گے، ہتھیار نہیں ڈالیں گے۔

چھ مہینوں تک ہمیں پتہ نہیں تھا، نیند کس چیز کا نام ہے، آرام کیا چیزہے۔ بچھانے کے لیے کچھ نہیں تھا، کھانے کے لیے کچھ نہیں تھا۔ البتہ کارتوس ہمارے پاس بہت تھے، اور ڈی وی گن تھے اور ایک امریکی برین گن تھے۔ اس کا منھ چوڑا ہوتا ہے۔ 11 مہینے اس طرح ہوتا رہا۔ وہ کبھی فتح نہیں حاصل کر سکے۔

ہم سات لوگ ایک مورچے میں تھے۔ وہ گرینیڈ مارتے تھے۔ وہ ہمیں کہتے تھے، 'بلتی آج کیا کھایا ہے؟'

ہمارے پاس صرف آٹا تھا۔ ہم برف پگھلا کر کٹورے میں ڈالتے تھے اور اس میں آٹا ڈال کر اسے پیتے تھے۔ کبھی کبھار گرم کر کے موٹی روٹی بنا لیتے تھے۔ ہمیں پتہ نہیں تھا کہ پیچھے کیا ہو رہا ہے۔ کھانے کے لیے کچھ نہیں تھا۔ صرف آٹا بہت تھا۔ نمک بھی سمندری تھا۔ (ہمارے کپڑے پھٹ گئے اور ہم) بےپردہ ہو گئے۔ کسی کے پاس دری ہے تو بوری سینے والے سوئے سے کاٹ کر انڈورویئر بنا لیتے تھے۔ اور کچھ نہیں تھا۔

اتنی برف گرتی تھی۔ تھوک پھینکو تو وہ بنٹے کی طرح نیچے گرتا تھا۔ ہم برف میں پاؤں مار مار کر اوپر جانے کے لیے راستہ بناتے تھے۔

دشمن کے پاس سامان تھا۔ برانڈی تھا۔ وہ اپنی لاشیں بھی گھسیٹ کر لے جاتے تھے کہ کہیں ہمارے ہاتھ ان کی جیکٹیں یا بوٹ نہ لگ جائیں۔ ہمیں صرف دستانے ملے۔ ہمارے پانچ شہید ہوئے۔ وہ بھی دھوکے سے۔

کبھی یہ نہیں سوچتا۔ کبھی کوا چلاتا تھا، سب خوش ہوتے تھے کہ کچھ خبر آئے گی۔ ہمارے پاس وائرلیس بھی نہیں تھا۔ وہیں سے نیپال کو راستہ جاتا تھا۔ ہم نے ادھر ایک مورچہ بنایا۔ ایک دو مہینہ وہاں ٹھہرے۔

ایک دن سب سے میٹنگ کی۔ کسی نے کہا بھاگ جاتے ہیں۔ ہمارے لوگ تقسیم ہو گئے آپس میں مخالفت ہو گئی۔ (کچھ نے کہا کہ چھپ کر فرار ہو جاتے ہیں۔) خود میں اس کے خلاف ہوا۔ میں نے کہا ہم لوگ برف میں دھنس جائیں گے۔ نہ دنیا ملے گی نہ قیامت۔ ادھر ہی مریں گے۔ آخر مشورہ کر کے تین آدمیوں کو بھیج دیا کہ پتہ چلاؤ کیا ہو رہا ہے۔

وہ چھپتے چھپاتے کسی طرح سکردو جا پہنچے۔ وہاں جا کر انھوں نے بتایا کہ پدم پارٹی والے ابھی زندہ ہیں۔ سکردو والوں نے تحقیقات کیں۔ پھر گلگت ہیڈکوارٹر کو اطلاع ہوئی۔ (ہیڈکوارٹر نے انڈیا سے بات کی اور انھوں نے بھی ہمیں جانے دینے کے لیے ہامی بھر لی۔) انھوں نے ہمیں چھڑوانے کے لیے ایک آدمی واپس بھیجا۔

اس طرح 11 مہینے کے بعد ہمیں وہاں سے گلوخلاصی ملی۔

انڈیا والوں نے ہمارے اعزاز میں ایک جلسہ کیا۔ ایک پورے میلے کا اہتمام کیا۔ اس میں نشانہ بازی کا مقابلہ ہوا تو ہم جیت گئے۔ ان کے میجر نے مجھے شاباش دی۔ مجھے اتنا چھوٹا دیکھ کر سب پاگل ہو جاتے تھے کہ یہ کیسے لڑا ہے۔ اللہ نے مجھے ایسی ہمت اور طاقت دی کہ میں موت کے بارے میں سوچتا بھی نہیں تھا۔

واپس آنے کے بعد۔ 21 توپوں کی سلامی دی گئی۔ بڑے احترام کے ساتھ ہمیں لایا گیا۔ سرحد سے یہاں تک ہمارا پیر زمین پر نہیں لگنے دیا۔

لوگوں نے کہا کہ پاکستان بن گیا ہے۔ ہم نے پوچھا پاکستان کیا ہے؟

یہاں سب لوگ رو رو کر فاتحہ پڑھ بیٹھے تھے۔ جب انھیں خبر ہوئی تو بارڈر تک ہمارے لوگ آئے ہوئے تھے۔ میرے گاؤں والے۔ نعرے لگا رہے تھے۔ رمضان کا مہینہ تھا۔

اس کے بعد ہمیں کہا گیا کہ لیاقت علی خان آپ سے ملیں گے۔ ہمیں پتہ ہی نہیں تھا کہ وہ کون ہیں۔ خیر، ہمیں کہا گیا کہ آپ سے وہ کراچی میں ملیں گے۔ ہمیں سفید کپڑے پہنا کر ڈکوٹا جہاز میں بٹھایا گیا، لیکن رستے میں کہا گیا کہ جہاز کراچی نہیں جائے گا، بلکہ گلگت اترے گا، کیوں کہ لیاقت علی خان صاحب خود گلگت آ رہے ہیں۔ وہاں دوسرے دن لیاقت علی خان صاحب آ گئے۔ ہمیں گورنر ہاؤس میں ٹھہرایا گیا۔ وہ جناح کیپ پہن کر آئے تھے۔ لیاقت علی خان نے مجھے چھوٹا بچہ سمجھ کر پرچ سے بسکٹ لے کر میرے منھ میں ڈال دیا۔

Image captionلیاقت علی خان پدم پارٹی کے ارکان سے ملنے کے لیے خود گلگت گئے اور انھیں اپنی جیب سے دس ہزار روپے انعام دیا
پھر انھوں نے دس ہزار روپے دیے، مجھے نہیں، ساری پارٹی کو۔ اور کہا کہ یہ سرکاری پیسہ نہیں ہے، بلکہ میری جیب سے ہے، یہ آپ لوگوں کو انعام ہے۔

اس کے بعد جیسے غبارے کی ہوا پھٹ گئی۔ پھر کچھ بھی نہیں ہوا۔ ہمیں فوج میں شامل تو کیا گیا لیکن پھر تتر بتر کر دیا گیا۔ کوئی ادھر پھینک دیا، کوئی ادھر پھینک دیا۔ پتہ نہیں کیا مقصد تھا اس کا۔

انڈیا میں ہمیں لوگوں نے کہا تھا کہ آپ کو وکٹوریا کراس ملے گا۔ لیکن کچھ نہیں ملا۔ آخر میں نے تنگ آ کر نوکری چھوڑ دی۔ میں ڈسچارج آدمی ہوں، پنشن یافتہ نہیں ہوں۔
That movie can still be made, and their reward can still be given.....They should be given Nishan e Haider!

The first living person to have it.....and also to the rest of 10 members of Padum Group.

Our Country needs role models, real Role Models to follow!
That movie can still be made, and their reward can still be given.....They should be given Nishan e Haider!

The first living person to have it.....and also to the rest of 10 members of Padum Group.

Our Country needs role models, real Role Models to follow!

yes he should be adequately compensated , even he was devoid of his pension ,
. . .
A friend forwarded me this forgotten tale of valor... and i was forced to share it here and hope some media person picks it up!

@Spring Onion you could help!

Muhammad Amin from Skardu, G-baltistan who with his comrades fought 11 Months against Indian Army.

Mohd Amin was just 12 years when British decided to leave India. They, like other people of region, decided to fight against Dogras. They formed a group and they were 95 in number and upon reaching Kargil they were divided into three groups one was sent to Drass other to Ladakh and his group had to march towards Padum(Now It is 250 km away from Pakistani Border in Zanskar Valley).

(M.Amin (wearing glasses) with his Padum Party)
View attachment 481964

He said that he had no formal training except How to hide yourself if a fighter jet arrive. I could hardly carry a rifle, and my colleagues used jeer at me.I was 11 years old. However i was determined and used to reply them by saying “ Don’t worry i will manage myself and would not beg your help”.

After some months they heard that Indian Army has been arrived, soon they were surrounded by Indian Army while entire Ladakh and Kargil was under Indian control.

They were seven in number. He said Indians used to throw grenade, and fire at them. While they responded it with a gun fire. They run short of food, and used to eat boiled flour, the winter was hard and if any Indian died they wish to take uniforms but Indian did not allowed. He said Indians used to poke fun at them by saying “Look you are children, you don’t even have mustache”. In this way they spent 11 months on that front of Padum, Ladakh.

After 11 months they decided to send three men to inquire about the situation. Anyhow, when these three men arrived back, they brought a surprising story that “War had been finished 11 months ago”.

At their Head Quarter Gilgit, Authorities were very amazed to know that Padum group is still fighting. They contacted with Indian Authorities and finally managed to bring the group back.

M Amin said that the Indian Authorities were very astounded about us. They appreciated our valiant resistance. They Gave us a gun salute and arranged a party in honor, some of them were of the view that you will be awarded with Victoria cross.

When they reached Pakistan. People told them about Pakistan’s freedom. He remembered: we were amazed what Pakistan is?

All their villagers thought that they were dead. Then Liaquat Ali Khan visited Gilgit and M Amin and his group was invited there. The 1st PM of Pakistan gave them 10000 rupees as reward.

Liaquat Ali Khan with Padum Party

View attachment 481965

Then their story was blotted out in sheer negligence. They were formally recruited in Pakistani Army. His colleagues of Padum group were scattered across the country. After some time M Amin got tired of his Job. He even not receive a pension because he was discharged.

He said How Indians Sepoy were thinking that We will receive Victoria Cross. Definitely if He were a sepoy of WWII , Their would be many Hollywood movies about his story of valor.

M Amin live in a village called Hussain Abad, Skardu. He is the only alive Sepoy of Padum group.(M.Amin)

View attachment 481966

@Irfan Baloch @Oscar @Areesh @Windjammer @WebMaster @bananarepublic @AUSTERLITZ @lastofthepatriots @American Pakistani @Musafir117 @Imran Khan @M.Musa @Spring Onion @Zarvan @WaLeEdK2 @farhan_9909 @Dubious @ahmadnawaz22 @Markhoor @waz @Umair Nawaz @Salza @fatman17 @balixd @Sher Shah Awan @Inception-06 @Mentee @Men in Green @Burhan Wani @django @GriffinsRule @MikeAlphaEchoAlpha @Hodor @HRK @Armchair-General @Rafi @Game.Invade @Jaanbaz @Dalit @darksider @Crystal-Clear @American Pakistani @salarsikander @Reichsmarschall @Killuminati420 @The Accountant @The Deterrent @The Eagle @The Diplomat @TheGreatOne @MBT 3000 @Spy Master @
شاھین میزایل @Starlord @dsr478 @S.U.R.B. @Verve @Vergennes @khanmubashir @alimobin memon @M.SAAD @m.sarmad
شاھین میزایل

Great narration of history. Our older generation are the real Pakistanis. Today these Lahori liberal faggots are all about making peace with the bhartis on youtube and ect. I would share personal stories with you regarding my grandfather's brother, who was caught in India and escaped twice from Indian jails, but I don't wan't this on the internet. My Grandfather was not even in Pakistan Army, but would cross the border casually. :lol:
A friend forwarded me this forgotten tale of valor... and i was forced to share it here and hope some media person picks it up!

@Spring Onion you could help!

Muhammad Amin from Skardu, G-baltistan who with his comrades fought 11 Months against Indian Army.

Mohd Amin was just 11 years when British decided to leave India. They, like other people of region, decided to fight against Dogras. They formed a group and they were 95 in number and upon reaching Kargil they were divided into three groups one was sent to Drass other to Ladakh and his group had to march towards Padum(Now It is 250 km away from Pakistani Border in Zanskar Valley).

(M.Amin (wearing glasses) with his Padum Party)
View attachment 481964

He said that he had no formal training except How to hide yourself if a fighter jet arrive. I could hardly carry a rifle, and my colleagues used jeer at me, I was 11 years old. However i was determined and used to reply them by saying “ Don’t worry i will manage myself and would not beg your help”.

After some months they heard that Indian Army has been arrived, soon they were surrounded by Indian Army while entire Ladakh and Kargil was under Indian control.

They were seven in number. He said Indians used to throw grenade, and fire at them. While they responded it with a gun fire. They run short of food, and used to eat boiled flour, the winter was hard and if any Indian died they wish to take uniforms but Indian did not allowed. He said Indians used to poke fun at them by saying “Look you are children, you don’t even have mustache”. In this way they spent 11 months on that front of Padum, Ladakh.

After 11 months they decided to send three men to inquire about the situation. Anyhow, when these three men arrived back, they brought a surprising story that “War had been finished 11 months ago”.

At their Head Quarter Gilgit, Authorities were very amazed to know that Padum group is still fighting. They contacted with Indian Authorities and finally managed to bring the group back.

M Amin said that the Indian Authorities were very astounded about us. They appreciated our valiant resistance. They Gave us a gun salute and arranged a party in honor, some of them were of the view that you will be awarded with Victoria cross.

When they reached Pakistan. People told them about Pakistan’s freedom. He remembered: we were amazed what Pakistan is?

All their villagers thought that they were dead. Then Liaquat Ali Khan visited Gilgit and M Amin and his group was invited there. The 1st PM of Pakistan gave them 10000 rupees as reward.

Liaquat Ali Khan with Padum Party

View attachment 481965

Then their story was blotted out in sheer negligence. They were formally recruited in Pakistani Army. His colleagues of Padum group were scattered across the country. After some time M Amin got tired of his Job. He even not receive a pension because he was discharged.

He said How Indians Sepoy were thinking that We will receive Victoria Cross. Definitely if He were a sepoy of WWII , Their would be many Hollywood movies about his story of valor.

M Amin live in a village called Hussain Abad, Skardu. He is the only alive Sepoy of Padum group.(M.Amin)

View attachment 481966

@Irfan Baloch @Oscar @Areesh @Windjammer @WebMaster @bananarepublic @AUSTERLITZ @lastofthepatriots @American Pakistani @Musafir117 @Imran Khan @M.Musa @Spring Onion @Zarvan @WaLeEdK2 @farhan_9909 @Dubious @ahmadnawaz22 @Markhoor @waz @Umair Nawaz @Salza @fatman17 @balixd @Sher Shah Awan @Inception-06 @Mentee @Men in Green @Burhan Wani @django @GriffinsRule @MikeAlphaEchoAlpha @Hodor @HRK @Armchair-General @Rafi @Game.Invade @Jaanbaz @Dalit @darksider @Crystal-Clear @American Pakistani @salarsikander @Reichsmarschall @Killuminati420 @The Accountant @The Deterrent @The Eagle @The Diplomat @TheGreatOne @MBT 3000 @Spy Master @
شاھین میزایل @Starlord @dsr478 @S.U.R.B. @Verve @Vergennes @khanmubashir @alimobin memon @M.SAAD @m.sarmad
شاھین میزایل
Amazing story that needs to be narrated to all Pakistanis, though somehow I doubt Geo or Dawn would give it the attention it certainly merits.Kudos
. .
A friend forwarded me this forgotten tale of valor... and i was forced to share it here and hope some media person picks it up!

@Spring Onion you could help!

Muhammad Amin from Skardu, G-baltistan who with his comrades fought 11 Months against Indian Army.

Mohd Amin was just 11 years when British decided to leave India. They, like other people of region, decided to fight against Dogras. They formed a group and they were 95 in number and upon reaching Kargil they were divided into three groups one was sent to Drass other to Ladakh and his group had to march towards Padum(Now It is 250 km away from Pakistani Border in Zanskar Valley).

(M.Amin (wearing glasses) with his Padum Party)
View attachment 481964

He said that he had no formal training except How to hide yourself if a fighter jet arrive. I could hardly carry a rifle, and my colleagues used jeer at me, I was 11 years old. However i was determined and used to reply them by saying “ Don’t worry i will manage myself and would not beg your help”.

After some months they heard that Indian Army has been arrived, soon they were surrounded by Indian Army while entire Ladakh and Kargil was under Indian control.

They were seven in number. He said Indians used to throw grenade, and fire at them. While they responded it with a gun fire. They run short of food, and used to eat boiled flour, the winter was hard and if any Indian died they wish to take uniforms but Indian did not allowed. He said Indians used to poke fun at them by saying “Look you are children, you don’t even have mustache”. In this way they spent 11 months on that front of Padum, Ladakh.

After 11 months they decided to send three men to inquire about the situation. Anyhow, when these three men arrived back, they brought a surprising story that “War had been finished 11 months ago”.

At their Head Quarter Gilgit, Authorities were very amazed to know that Padum group is still fighting. They contacted with Indian Authorities and finally managed to bring the group back.

M Amin said that the Indian Authorities were very astounded about us. They appreciated our valiant resistance. They Gave us a gun salute and arranged a party in honor, some of them were of the view that you will be awarded with Victoria cross.

When they reached Pakistan. People told them about Pakistan’s freedom. He remembered: we were amazed what Pakistan is?

All their villagers thought that they were dead. Then Liaquat Ali Khan visited Gilgit and M Amin and his group was invited there. The 1st PM of Pakistan gave them 10000 rupees as reward.

Liaquat Ali Khan with Padum Party

View attachment 481965

Then their story was blotted out in sheer negligence. They were formally recruited in Pakistani Army. His colleagues of Padum group were scattered across the country. After some time M Amin got tired of his Job. He even not receive a pension because he was discharged.

He said How Indians Sepoy were thinking that We will receive Victoria Cross. Definitely if He were a sepoy of WWII , Their would be many Hollywood movies about his story of valor.

M Amin live in a village called Hussain Abad, Skardu. He is the only alive Sepoy of Padum group.(M.Amin)

View attachment 481966

@Irfan Baloch @Oscar @Areesh @Windjammer @WebMaster @bananarepublic @AUSTERLITZ @lastofthepatriots @American Pakistani @Musafir117 @Imran Khan @M.Musa @Spring Onion @Zarvan @WaLeEdK2 @farhan_9909 @Dubious @ahmadnawaz22 @Markhoor @waz @Umair Nawaz @Salza @fatman17 @balixd @Sher Shah Awan @Inception-06 @Mentee @Men in Green @Burhan Wani @django @GriffinsRule @MikeAlphaEchoAlpha @Hodor @HRK @Armchair-General @Rafi @Game.Invade @Jaanbaz @Dalit @darksider @Crystal-Clear @American Pakistani @salarsikander @Reichsmarschall @Killuminati420 @The Accountant @The Deterrent @The Eagle @The Diplomat @TheGreatOne @MBT 3000 @Spy Master @
شاھین میزایل @Starlord @dsr478 @S.U.R.B. @Verve @Vergennes @khanmubashir @alimobin memon @M.SAAD @m.sarmad
شاھین میزایل
Sir i would appreciate future tags for such awesome stories!
This is the history kids should be taught , instead all they read is scandals and dictatorships followed by the arrival of the kalashnikov
A friend forwarded me this forgotten tale of valor... and i was forced to share it here and hope some media person picks it up!

@Spring Onion you could help!

Muhammad Amin from Skardu, G-baltistan who with his comrades fought 11 Months against Indian Army.

Mohd Amin was just 11 years when British decided to leave India. They, like other people of region, decided to fight against Dogras. They formed a group and they were 95 in number and upon reaching Kargil they were divided into three groups one was sent to Drass other to Ladakh and his group had to march towards Padum(Now It is 250 km away from Pakistani Border in Zanskar Valley).

(M.Amin (wearing glasses) with his Padum Party)
View attachment 481964

He said that he had no formal training except How to hide yourself if a fighter jet arrive. I could hardly carry a rifle, and my colleagues used jeer at me, I was 11 years old. However i was determined and used to reply them by saying “ Don’t worry i will manage myself and would not beg your help”.

After some months they heard that Indian Army has been arrived, soon they were surrounded by Indian Army while entire Ladakh and Kargil was under Indian control.

They were seven in number. He said Indians used to throw grenade, and fire at them. While they responded it with a gun fire. They run short of food, and used to eat boiled flour, the winter was hard and if any Indian died they wish to take uniforms but Indian did not allowed. He said Indians used to poke fun at them by saying “Look you are children, you don’t even have mustache”. In this way they spent 11 months on that front of Padum, Ladakh.

After 11 months they decided to send three men to inquire about the situation. Anyhow, when these three men arrived back, they brought a surprising story that “War had been finished 11 months ago”.

At their Head Quarter Gilgit, Authorities were very amazed to know that Padum group is still fighting. They contacted with Indian Authorities and finally managed to bring the group back.

M Amin said that the Indian Authorities were very astounded about us. They appreciated our valiant resistance. They Gave us a gun salute and arranged a party in honor, some of them were of the view that you will be awarded with Victoria cross.

When they reached Pakistan. People told them about Pakistan’s freedom. He remembered: we were amazed what Pakistan is?

All their villagers thought that they were dead. Then Liaquat Ali Khan visited Gilgit and M Amin and his group was invited there. The 1st PM of Pakistan gave them 10000 rupees as reward.

Liaquat Ali Khan with Padum Party

View attachment 481965

Then their story was blotted out in sheer negligence. They were formally recruited in Pakistani Army. His colleagues of Padum group were scattered across the country. After some time M Amin got tired of his Job. He even not receive a pension because he was discharged.

He said How Indians Sepoy were thinking that We will receive Victoria Cross. Definitely if He were a sepoy of WWII , Their would be many Hollywood movies about his story of valor.

M Amin live in a village called Hussain Abad, Skardu. He is the only alive Sepoy of Padum group.(M.Amin)

View attachment 481966

@Irfan Baloch @Oscar @Areesh @Windjammer @WebMaster @bananarepublic @AUSTERLITZ @lastofthepatriots @American Pakistani @Musafir117 @Imran Khan @M.Musa @Spring Onion @Zarvan @WaLeEdK2 @farhan_9909 @Dubious @ahmadnawaz22 @Markhoor @waz @Umair Nawaz @Salza @fatman17 @balixd @Sher Shah Awan @Inception-06 @Mentee @Men in Green @Burhan Wani @django @GriffinsRule @MikeAlphaEchoAlpha @Hodor @HRK @Armchair-General @Rafi @Game.Invade @Jaanbaz @Dalit @darksider @Crystal-Clear @American Pakistani @salarsikander @Reichsmarschall @Killuminati420 @The Accountant @The Deterrent @The Eagle @The Diplomat @TheGreatOne @MBT 3000 @Spy Master @
شاھین میزایل @Starlord @dsr478 @S.U.R.B. @Verve @Vergennes @khanmubashir @alimobin memon @M.SAAD @m.sarmad
شاھین میزایل

Thanks Bro, for that inspirational account. Salute to the brave warrior.
nice, they are true heroes and also role models unlike some libturd supported people.
. .
A friend forwarded me this forgotten tale of valor... and i was forced to share it here and hope some media person picks it up!

@Spring Onion you could help!

Muhammad Amin from Skardu, G-baltistan who with his comrades fought 11 Months against Indian Army.

Mohd Amin was just 11 years when British decided to leave India. They, like other people of region, decided to fight against Dogras. They formed a group and they were 95 in number and upon reaching Kargil they were divided into three groups one was sent to Drass other to Ladakh and his group had to march towards Padum(Now It is 250 km away from Pakistani Border in Zanskar Valley).

(M.Amin (wearing glasses) with his Padum Party)
View attachment 481964

He said that he had no formal training except How to hide yourself if a fighter jet arrive. I could hardly carry a rifle, and my colleagues used jeer at me, I was 11 years old. However i was determined and used to reply them by saying “ Don’t worry i will manage myself and would not beg your help”.

After some months they heard that Indian Army has been arrived, soon they were surrounded by Indian Army while entire Ladakh and Kargil was under Indian control.

They were seven in number. He said Indians used to throw grenade, and fire at them. While they responded it with a gun fire. They run short of food, and used to eat boiled flour, the winter was hard and if any Indian died they wish to take uniforms but Indian did not allowed. He said Indians used to poke fun at them by saying “Look you are children, you don’t even have mustache”. In this way they spent 11 months on that front of Padum, Ladakh.

After 11 months they decided to send three men to inquire about the situation. Anyhow, when these three men arrived back, they brought a surprising story that “War had been finished 11 months ago”.

At their Head Quarter Gilgit, Authorities were very amazed to know that Padum group is still fighting. They contacted with Indian Authorities and finally managed to bring the group back.

M Amin said that the Indian Authorities were very astounded about us. They appreciated our valiant resistance. They Gave us a gun salute and arranged a party in honor, some of them were of the view that you will be awarded with Victoria cross.

When they reached Pakistan. People told them about Pakistan’s freedom. He remembered: we were amazed what Pakistan is?

All their villagers thought that they were dead. Then Liaquat Ali Khan visited Gilgit and M Amin and his group was invited there. The 1st PM of Pakistan gave them 10000 rupees as reward.

Liaquat Ali Khan with Padum Party

View attachment 481965

Then their story was blotted out in sheer negligence. They were formally recruited in Pakistani Army. His colleagues of Padum group were scattered across the country. After some time M Amin got tired of his Job. He even not receive a pension because he was discharged.

He said How Indians Sepoy were thinking that We will receive Victoria Cross. Definitely if He were a sepoy of WWII , Their would be many Hollywood movies about his story of valor.

M Amin live in a village called Hussain Abad, Skardu. He is the only alive Sepoy of Padum group.(M.Amin)

View attachment 481966

@Irfan Baloch @Oscar @Areesh @Windjammer @WebMaster @bananarepublic @AUSTERLITZ @lastofthepatriots @American Pakistani @Musafir117 @Imran Khan @M.Musa @Spring Onion @Zarvan @WaLeEdK2 @farhan_9909 @Dubious @ahmadnawaz22 @Markhoor @waz @Umair Nawaz @Salza @fatman17 @balixd @Sher Shah Awan @Inception-06 @Mentee @Men in Green @Burhan Wani @django @GriffinsRule @MikeAlphaEchoAlpha @Hodor @HRK @Armchair-General @Rafi @Game.Invade @Jaanbaz @Dalit @darksider @Crystal-Clear @American Pakistani @salarsikander @Reichsmarschall @Killuminati420 @The Accountant @The Deterrent @The Eagle @The Diplomat @TheGreatOne @MBT 3000 @Spy Master @
شاھین میزایل @Starlord @dsr478 @S.U.R.B. @Verve @Vergennes @khanmubashir @alimobin memon @M.SAAD @m.sarmad
شاھین میزایل

The group should be formally acknowledged and awarded medals to their next of kin, considering only one is alive. Without these men and others we would not have had the Northern Areas and AJK. Allah bless them for their great valour, we should never forget them and in fact inform all our coming generations of these men.
The group should be formally acknowledged and awarded medals to their next of kin, considering only one is alive. Without these men and others we would not have had the Northern Areas and AJK. Allah bless them for their great valour, we should never forget them and in fact inform all our coming generations of these men.
We can celeberate these guys more then kings of Past.They stood for what was not even born completly.

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