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PAC receives orders worth $40 million


Apr 25, 2012
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Karachi—Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) has received over a hundred potential sales and work orders worth $ 40 million from delegates at IDEAS-2012 representing the Afro-Middle Eastern countries.

Over 85 foreign delegations participated in the 7th International Defence Exhibition and Seminars-2012 (IDEAS-2012) were all praise for the five-day moot where the PAC showcased its state-of-the-art third generation fighter and trainer aircrafts, respectively, named JF Thunder and Super Mushak.

Among other products exhibited, the two planes attracted plausible attention of the foreign exhibitors.

According to Air Cdre (Retd) Suhail Salim, Director Sales and Marketing of PAC Kamra, potential sales and work orders worth $40 million were under negotiation and on the process of finalization. The orders, he said, were mostly being put forth by countries from Africa and the Middle Eastern regions.

He said the potential orders of JF Thunder were over 100 in number, as it was proving to be the lowest cost fighter aircraft of the third generation, internationally. “Here at the IDEAS-2012 more than 19 official delegates from various countries have shown keen interest in purchasing the aircraft.”

Salim said his company would formally turn its attention towards the commercial exports after fulfilling Pakistan Air Force’s needs in a year or two.

The foreigners at IDEAS-2012, in their farewell statements, lauded Pakistan’s high-tech defence industry which, they said, was fostering self -reliability, curtailing dependence on foreign manufacturers and boosting exports.

Before leaving the country, the delegates said they were amazed to have witnessed the skills, capabilities and strength of Pakistani defense production industry.

“IDEAS-2012 has surprised me! I had no idea about Pakistan’s military and defense capabilities but IDEAS has been an eye opener. Pakistan defense industry is progressing very fast with the technological advancement we see around the World,” said Komuttanount, the Air Chief Marshal, Royal Thai Air Force.

Talking about the organization of such a big event, he said despite tight security arrangement there was no hassle of hustle at all and the whole event was very well-organized.

Pushpindar Singh, Editor VAYU (Aerospace & Defense Review), from India, said: “An exhibition like this serves as a show-window for the abilities of indigenous industries. For Pakistan’s sake, you need more of these exhibitions with increased number of visitors to showcase the strength and potential that it has.”

Another exhibitor, Olivier Lambert, who is Senior Vice President Sales and Customer Relations at Eurocopter, said: “Pakistan’s armed forces have been our customer for over a few decades which is why IDEAS is very important to us.”

“Event like these provide us with a platform for recognition and also help us improve existing relations, establish new contacts and share knowledge,” he added.

Sergio Cavicchi, Vice President Sales Directorate, MBDA Missile Systems, Italy, viewed that interaction with a variety of people present at the exhibition was conducive in establishing communication with people from around the world. “The result of cooperation between our company and Pakistan Air force that we supply to, has been top level. Our association with Pakistan’s defense industry helps us believe that they are highly capable of adapting to latest technologies,” he added.

The delegates and exhibitors were also surprised to see some unique products on display at IDEAS-2012 like Al–Zarrar tanks.

Developed and manufactured by Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT) the tank remained the center of attention at the moot. The tank was developed by modernizing and rebuilding the obsolete Chinese type 59 tank. This re-built upgraded variant is a cost-effective replacement for the tanks. Agosta 90-B Submarine was another prominent display of Pakistan Navy which is a diesel electric submarine equipped with AIP systems.

Integrated Dynamics, a Karachi-based firm, introduced its unmanned ‘Drones for Peace’ initiatives at the exhibition.

PAC receives orders worth $40 million
He said the potential orders of JF Thunder were over 100 in number, as it was proving to be the lowest cost fighter aircraft of the third generation, internationally. “Here at the IDEAS-2012 more than 19 official delegates from various countries have shown keen interest in purchasing the aircraft.”

well..i always thought JF-17 is a 4th generation aircraft :blink:
well..i always thought JF-17 is a 4th generation aircraft :blink:

It's fourth generation. This confusion has existed for a while and here's how I make sense of it. The world has a general classification of what specs used to determine the generation of an aircraft (which is usually a standard set my Western industry.) China however has it's own standard that no other country I know of follows, and according to that the JF-17 is third generation, and their stealth aircraft is fourth generation.

Think of it this way, the JF-17 is more advanced than the earlier version of the F-16. F-16s have always been considered 4th generation. So if you were to call a Block A or B f-16 a 4 generation aircraft, then in comparison you'd also be calling the more advanced JF-17 a 4th generation aircraft.
Mr. flameboard ..thanks for the explanation sir.
It's the capabilities that count,not the the specific generation reference, as father of the nation once replied to lord Mountbaton, "A rose is a rose, whatever name you call it".

well..i always thought JF-17 is a 4th generation aircraft :blink:
I think Expo should also focus on Non-military armoured vehicles as much as possible. In this regard we have just started a web portal on Non-military armoured vehicles.
$ 40 million is nothing. They need to sell JF-17s to give it a boost....

No brother dont expect high value exports from starting. you have to progress from down to peak. And i hope pakistan will make some big deals for jf blk2 variant. but blk1 is doubtful.
In China it is considerd 3rd gen but it is 4th compared to other westren planes. Now take back your lol.

Why would you want jelous members to not troll? If they don't hate you, how would you know you are actually that good? :D

JFT for Pakistan is the work-horse and we have got everything in it which we needed. Now which breed this horse has is irrelevant question until it is helping us and is hurting our enemies to the levels we wanted. Won't you agree?

Few years ago there was a news that Pakistan Defense Export was crossing 800 Millions a year. Have we came down from that figure??? ??? PAC orders with that calculation would've been somewhere between 200-400 millions instead of 40.
Potential sales and work orders worth $40 million were under negotiation and on the process of finalization. The orders, he said, were mostly being put forth by countries from Africa and the Middle Eastern regions.

He said the potential orders of JF Thunder were over 100 in number.
The maths doesn't seem to add up. 100 Thunders for $40 million means $400,000 each!!! WTF? Is this over and above the 'potential sales' of other equipment from PAC? Or am I missing something here?

According to Air Marshal Sohail Gul, the present manufacturing/assembly capacity is sixteen Thunders per year. 100 for export would take at least 6 years to produce! Then what about the PAF in the meanwhile?
The maths doesn't seem to add up. 100 Thunders for $40 million means $400,000 each!!! WTF? Is this over and above the 'potential sales' of other equipment from PAC? Or am I missing something here?

According to Air Marshal Sohail Gul, the present manufacturing/assembly capacity is sixteen Thunders per year. 100 for export would take at least 6 years to produce! Then what about the PAF in the meanwhile?

Yes, you're missing a lot here. Use your head.
The maths doesn't seem to add up. 100 Thunders for $40 million means $400,000 each!!! WTF? Is this over and above the 'potential sales' of other equipment from PAC? Or am I missing something here?

According to Air Marshal Sohail Gul, the present manufacturing/assembly capacity is sixteen Thunders per year. 100 for export would take at least 6 years to produce! Then what about the PAF in the meanwhile?

They were increasing the quantity to more than 20 our year.
Sounds like bull **** frankly speaking .......... its like saying we'll buy from PAC when PAC is actually ready and able to sell anything!! You can put any number on this statement to give it some 'spin' for the media!!

I stand by my belief that the State owned enterprises in Pakistan DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SELL MAJOR WEAPONS SYSTEMS INTERNATIONALLY!! PAC cannot sell aircraft (they made a TAKHTI tablet a few months back, whatever happened to that project? I have not seen a single TAKHTI made by PAC anywhere in Pakistani shops or with any of my friends etc) the same way HIT cannot sell Al-Khalids to Saudi Arabia in an almost done deal a few years back!!
Sounds like bull **** frankly speaking .......... its like saying we'll buy from PAC when PAC is actually ready and able to sell anything!! You can put any number on this statement to give it some 'spin' for the media!!

I stand by my belief that the State owned enterprises in Pakistan DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SELL MAJOR WEAPONS SYSTEMS INTERNATIONALLY!! PAC cannot sell aircraft (they made a TAKHTI tablet a few months back, whatever happened to that project? I have not seen a single TAKHTI made by PAC anywhere in Pakistani shops or with any of my friends etc) the same way HIT cannot sell Al-Khalids to Saudi Arabia in an almost done deal a few years back!!

Its time for the private enterprise to be given a chance.
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