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PA security forces act as Israeli security: Author

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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PA security forces act as Israeli security: Author

Interview with Ralph Schoenman

Press TV has conducted an interview with Ralph Schoenman, author of Hidden History of Zionism from Berkeley, about the launching of four airstrikes by Israeli war planes on Gaza.

The following is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: Once again we see a very tight crackdown on the Palestinians; this time around using the excuse of missing settlers. It appears that Israel also wants to cause a schism between the PA (Palestinian Authority) and Hamas. Your take on that?

Schoenman: We have to understand fundamentally that the Israelis, their soldiers and Special Forces on a daily and routine basis invade Palestinian cities throughout the West Bank and kidnap people, kill people, disappear people, hold them without charge, hold them in detention under conditions of torture on a daily basis.

This is part of the so-called security arrangement whereby Palestinian towns and villages are divided into specific zones in which the Israeli armed forces can do this with impunity; and in other zones where they do that in conjunction with the forces of the Palestine Authority; and in other zones where the Palestine Authority acts as surrogates for Israel.

In fact the security arrangements are those of coordination between the Zionist state and the Palestinian authority.

Hamas has pointed out that these youngsters have not been [kidnapped by them]…. No one has taken responsibility or a formal acknowledgement of them and there is no evidence that they are but teenagers as opposed to soldiers who were involved in similar operations as happens on a daily basis.

The fundamental issue is this.… Israel is conducting a war of continued occupation and siege on the Palestinian people. Any response by the Palestinians to settlers, to their instruments, to soldiers, to forces of occupation is treated as an opportunity and occasion for an overwhelming response of force and further subjugation of the Palestinian people. There is no other alternative but to resist occupation, no alternative but to resist the predations of the Israeli state.

What Hamas has said in a statement about the role of the Palestine Authority of coordinating with the so-called security agents of Israel is a fair condemnation and must be stopped.

Press TV: We are seeing that since this so-called search has been started since last week that at least one Palestinian young person - a 20-year old - has been killed and what they are doing, inflicting harm, incarcerating or at least detaining people and of course illegally going in to their homes; where is the international condemnation of these acts by Tel Aviv?

Schoenman: The acts by Tel Aviv as you describe are not only in response to the disappearance of these three youngsters, soldiers or not soldiers, it’s a daily event in Palestine; it’s a norm of the security operations of the Israeli state to subjugate the Palestinian people. Any mobilization on the part of the Palestinians is met by these methods. Any attempt on the part of the Palestinian people even to communicate with each about their political objectives is treated in a similar fashion.

So, the absence of condemnation on the part of the United Nations and international organizations to this daily reality is but little continuation of this same process of sanctioning the subjugation of the Palestinian people and the permanent occupation of their land and the preparations for the further expulsion of the Palestinian people.

There is a struggle for survival on the part of the people of Palestine. The Palestine Authority has for too long been an instrument of the Israeli occupation itself.

To the extent that Hamas…is saying that it is accurate and responds to the feelings and sentiments and needs of the Palestinian people at large.

PressTV - PA security forces act as Israeli security: Author
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