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Apr 8, 2007
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By B.Raman

We don’t need Agni-V, the intermediate range ballistic missile that we successfully tested on April 19,2012, to give ourselves a deterrent capability against Pakistan. We need it only for a deterrent capability against China.

2. Agni-V is a Chinese-centric missile. The Chinese rightly know it and would be evaluating any changes required in their defence strategy vis-à-vis India in the light of India having at its disposal a missile capable of hitting targets in mainland China, including Beijing. The operational missiles that we have at our disposal now are in a position to successfully target Chinese-occupied Tibet and Western China such as Sichuan, which are not yet economically as developed as Eastern China. Once Agni V becomes operational, India should be in a position to target those parts of Eastern China on which its economic prosperity depends.

3. China’s plans to protect itself against a possible Indian missile strike have to cover the whole of China, instead of only Western China as it is till now. Our intelligence agencies have to be on the look-out for indications of Chinese thinking on this subject.

4. While we are now in a strategically better position to protect ourselves against China by discouraging Chinese temptations to intimidate us with its missile capability, this does not mean that our capability to protect ourselves tactically against China will improve with the induction of Agni V into our arsenal.

5. Our ability to protect ourselves tactically will depend on our conventional capability to deter a surprise Chinese strike across the Himalayas to occupy areas---particularly in Arunachal Pradesh which it describes as southern Tibet--- that it claims as its territory.

6. During the last 10 years, the entire Chinese military planning vis-à-vis India has been focussed on giving itself such a surprise strike capability. Its improvement of its road and rail networks in Western China, particularly in Tibet, its attempts for road-rail connectivity with Nepal, Myanmar and Bangladesh, its improvement of its air bases in Chinese-occupied Tibet and live firing air exercises in Tibet are part of its plans to strengthen its surprise strike capability.

7. Our Army did badly in the 1962 Sino-Indian war not because it was a bad fighting force, but because our policy-makers had not given it the required capability to neutralise a Chinese surprise strike. If you do not give the Army the required capability, you cannot blame it for doing badly.

8.Have we now learnt the right lessons from history and given the Army the capability to blunt a surprise Chinese strike and throw them back after inflicting a prohibitive cost on them? Unless we confront the Chinese with the prospects of a prohibitive cost and outcome if they indulge in a surprise strike as they did in 1962, the temptation on their part to launch a surprise strike, if they lose patience with the border talks, will remain.

9. While we are steadily closing the gaps in our strategic military capabilities with China, the gaps in our tactical capabilities remain and need to be identified and redressed. In our euphoria over the successful Agni V test, we should not lose sight of the continuing gaps in tactical capabilities and the need to close them.

10. The tactical situation that we face today is less favourable than what the Chinese face. In 1962, China had no military relationship worth the name with Pakistan. Today, China has a multi-dimensional military relationship with Pakistan, much of it focussed around the Gilgit-Baltistan axis. In 1962, China had no military-related presence in our periphery. Today, it has in Myanmar, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. In 1962, we didn’t have to worry about the Chinese Air Force and Navy. Today, we have to.

11. In 1962, the war plans of the Chinese Air Force were largely focussed on Taiwan. Today, there are indications of a partial shifting of the thinking of their Air Force towards India. In 1962, they had no Navy worth the name. Today, they have a Navy increasingly capable of operations in the Indian Ocean.

12. It is my assessment that if the Chinese mount a surprise tactical strike across the Himalayas now, it will be a joint Army-Air force operation. It will be a lightning strike designed to satisfy their territorial objectives in the shortest possible time without running the risk of a prolonged war. The role of their Navy will be insignificant for some years to come.

13. We have to have a multi-pronged strategy designed to enable us to pre-empt a tactical Chinese strike with the co-operation of our Tibetan friends and to blunt their strike and throw them back if pre-emption fails. Such a strategy would call for better intelligence collection, better road-rail-air connectivity to the border areas, more well-equipped bases near the border from where our Army and Air Force can operate and a better logistics trail well-tested during peace time.

1`4. We have already taken steps towards giving shape to such a multi-pronged strategy in the Himalayan area, but the progress in implementation has been slow. Our policy-makers should pay urgent attention to this. Our strategic and tactical thinking continues to be largely Pakistan-centric.

15. Whatever Chinese-centric thinking there has been is largely in the context of our power projection with US blessing. We must remember : If there is another limited border war with China imposed on us by Beijing, the US will have no role in helping us. We have to fight and win the war alone. Are we in a position to do so?

Our China Centric Military Capability
If there is another limited border war with China imposed on us by Beijing, the US will have no role in helping us. We have to fight and win the war alone. Are we in a position to do so?
currently in conventional warfare we dont have much chances but 10
to 15 years from now we will be strong enough and its good we are becoming selfcabale and not depending much on US
Dont worry the army and the Air force are in good shape to tackle any threat from China. However we need to fast track the process of development of North East.

Infrastructure will be the key!

Here are some steps already taken to beat back a surprise attack:

1. 90,000 - 1,00,000 soldiers hired to create a new mountain strike corps (two new mountain infantry divisions, with 1,260 officers and 35,011 soldiers, in Assam and Nagaland.)
2. Renewal & repair of advanced landing grounds along ind-china border improves logistics support.
3. IAF expanding and modernizing bases in Assam (Tezpur, Chaboa, Jorhat)
4. SU 30 MKI already deployed to north east.
5. Deployment of BrahMos supersonic cruise missile. (4th regiment of the BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles at a cost of Rs 4,100 crore)

note: The new BrahMos regiment, with the missile's Block-III version that has "steep dive capability'' to take out targets hidden behind a mountain range, will be deployed in Arunachal Pradesh,

Coming soon:

1. Procurement and deployment of ultralight howitzers. (145 M-777 ultra-light howitzers)
2. The Government also sanctioned raising of 100 porter (mule) companies to sustain logistical lines in Ladakh and inaccessible areas of Arunachal Pradesh. These companies of specially bred mules are the lifeline of the Army in north and North-East and each company has 100 mules.
3. procurement of 155 mm long range artillery guns.
4. Procurement of more Pinaka MBRL.(two regiments of the Pinaka multi-barrel rocket launchers for Rs 2,136 crore)
5. Deployment of Agni 5 and MIVR variants of agni.
6. More Russian Smerch multi-launch rocket systems.
7. Deployment of Akash missile in the north east.


1.There is already an ongoing Rs 9,243 crore project for "infrastructure development in the Eastern Theatre'' by 2016-2017.
2. In the pipe line Army's proposed "capability development plan on the Northern Borders'', worth Rs 26,155 crore that is slated for completion by 2020-2021.
3. FAST TRACK MEASURES to develop 14 Strategic Railway Lines sanctioned.

Bottom line:

Army Chief General VK Singh said, ‘Our thrust is on surveillance, decision support systems, acquisition of deep strike capabilities with BrahMos missiles and Pinaka rocket systems, betterment of our artillery and mechanised forces and improving aviation capabilities.’

Conclusion: Our capability in the North east is down only now with time we will be far better off, The opportunity window for a surprise attack is closing down.
So this article is about India preparation (conventional + deterrent) and readiness to face China potentional invasion...but this guy forgot to mention if economical is viable to have arm race with China.

We have over 3 times defense budget more than India...that's not include other hidden cost...you India better be ready to match that. The best way for China to defeat India without fire a signle shot is:

- Push India to have an arm's race until bankrucy the same way as U.S did to U.S.S.R

Let see if India will commit the same mistake as U.S.S.R
So this article is about India preparation (conventional + deterrent) and readiness to face China potentional invasion...but this guy forgot to mention if economical is viable to have arm race with China.

We have over 3 times defense budget more than India...that's not include other hidden cost...you India better be ready to match that. The best way for China to defeat India without fire a signle shot is:

- Push India to have an arm's race until bankrucy the same way as U.S did to U.S.S.R

Let see if India will commit the same mistake as U.S.S.R

you are damn wrong.

when the Soviet Union had the arm race with the US, both nations allocated huge amount of resources to their defense sector and spent those resources domestically. that is when Moscow wants a new fighter/bomber/missile, some factories/research orginaizations inside Soviet Union gets the job. Most of those allocated resources got spent in its domestic market.

this clearly has some positive impact on its economic and sciencific progress.

however, how many india's best weapons are designed/built in india? here we are not talking about licensed production by assembling fighter kits. the truth is a huge chunk of its defense budget becomes some western companies profit and couldn't push for india's own tech improvement.

the case is very different for China.

in short, by having such arm race, india is in a much worse situation than USSR, they not only fact a huge tech/money gap, but also lack a positive feedback loop which can use those spending to actually improve itself.

the best example here is to compare the achievement made by Chinese/indians in the past 5 years. Let's start from Chinese side:

1. J-20
2. CJ-10
3. anti-satelliate weapon
4. mid course anti-ballistic missile test
5. ballistic missile launch early warning system
6. KJ-2000/KJ-200
7. Terminal sensitive projectile
8. Z-10
9. J-10 fitted with WS-10A engines.
10. composite material already applied in so many weapon systems.

tell me what india has? Arjun, LCA?

it is also sad to see the recent missile test success made their nation in such joy mode.

a backward missile fitted with a russian seeker, illegally brought from russia under the name of rocket research...

so dirty
you are damn wrong.

when the Soviet Union had the arm race with the US, both nations allocated huge amount of resources to their defense sector and spent those resources domestically. that is when Moscow wants a new fighter/bomber/missile, some factories/research orginaizations inside Soviet Union gets the job. Most of those allocated resources got spent in its domestic market.

this clearly has some positive impact on its economic and sciencific progress.

however, how many india's best weapons are designed/built in india? here we are not talking about licensed production by assembling fighter kits. the truth is a huge chunk of its defense budget becomes some western companies profit and couldn't push for india's own tech improvement.

the case is very different for China.

in short, by having such arm race, india is in a much worse situation than USSR, they not only fact a huge tech/money gap, but also lack a positive feedback loop which can use those spending to actually improve itself.

the best example here is to compare the achievement made by Chinese/indians in the past 5 years. Let's start from Chinese side:

1. J-20
2. CJ-10
3. anti-satelliate weapon
4. mid course anti-ballistic missile test
5. ballistic missile launch early warning system
6. KJ-2000/KJ-200
7. Terminal sensitive projectile
8. Z-10
9. J-10 fitted with WS-10A engines.
10. composite material already applied in so many weapon systems.

tell me what india has? Arjun, LCA?

it is also sad to see the recent missile test success made their nation in such joy mode.

a backward missile fitted with a russian seeker, illegally brought from russia under the name of rocket research...

so dirty

Dude..be modest :lol:...all those items you listed are junks chinese copy + past, Indians are honorable and honest guys...they dont steal other tech..rather tighten their own belt and pay to keep arm dealer happy..the most important is to be honest citizen of this planet.
we won't be the aggressor, so the cost for us would be less. we just need minimum deterrence capability
it is also sad to see the recent missile test success made their nation in such joy mode.

a backward missile fitted with a russian seeker, illegally brought from russia under the name of rocket research...

so dirty

Can you substantiate that part? Oh wait, you have been banned for trolling.

Can any chinese member substantiate that with sources, or admit he lied? Do you have the integrity to do either of these two? Any neutral sources to confirm this? Otherwise, "so dirty."

These are his claims:
1) Backwards missile.
2) Seeker from russia
3) illegally bought for rocket research.

Substantiate these.
Yep! The Chinese a$$es will continue to burn as the Chinese economic bubble is likely to burst sooner than later! They know this and can't bear to see India galloping ahead!

They can't even get their fake iPhones to work straight and they talk about their toys like the copied J-20, CJ-10 and some vague anti-satellite weapon system! It's so easy to make the Chinese hop with glee just by them looking at those shiny fakes and borrowed aircraft engines from Russia that power their reversed engineered 'fighter planes'! Jeez! If this doesn't suck, what does? :P
Dear never wake up a dreaming enemy. Let them dream. When they wake up. They will find reality. Till then keep doing our work. Don't bother with day dreamers
So this article is about India preparation (conventional + deterrent) and readiness to face China potentional invasion...but this guy forgot to mention if economical is viable to have arm race with China.

We have over 3 times defense budget more than India...that's not include other hidden cost...you India better be ready to match that. The best way for China to defeat India without fire a signle shot is:

- Push India to have an arm's race until bankrucy the same way as U.S did to U.S.S.R

Let see if India will commit the same mistake as U.S.S.R

You have made a mistake on TIME PLACE and SITUATION fronts
1. Time: it was 1990. And race for unipolar world. There was no one in the world that could have helped either side
2. Place: USA & USSR were thousands of miles away from each other. India and china are neighbours. We have to see each other we like or not.
3. Situation : in cold war there was no third party. In India-China situation there are some major parties that will help India for obvious reasons. So result will not be as you wish
India isn't having any other strong enemy. Pak itself isn't in situation to do anything good for you. Ere are some strong opposers in your back ground who will definately make trouble to you when you will be busy with India.

And about arm race the main topic. India has defenders advantage. So we can concentrate on quality. You need more. We don't. We just need good and enough to keep you in check. It's true that India can't threaten to invade china in next 10/15 years but China can't do it now. So it will always remain to hot airs. Just word service from both sides. India is not buying anything out of its reach. We are buying what we can afford. It's just 1.7% of GDP. So we being bankrupt will be remain just your dream.
you are damn wrong.

when the Soviet Union had the arm race with the US, both nations allocated huge amount of resources to their defense sector and spent those resources domestically. that is when Moscow wants a new fighter/bomber/missile, some factories/research orginaizations inside Soviet Union gets the job. Most of those allocated resources got spent in its domestic market.

this clearly has some positive impact on its economic and sciencific progress.

however, how many india's best weapons are designed/built in india? here we are not talking about licensed production by assembling fighter kits. the truth is a huge chunk of its defense budget becomes some western companies profit and couldn't push for india's own tech improvement.

the case is very different for China.

in short, by having such arm race, india is in a much worse situation than USSR, they not only fact a huge tech/money gap, but also lack a positive feedback loop which can use those spending to actually improve itself.
did CCP feed u all these cheap propanganda in ur mind:lol:
Yes u better remain in that dream world ,india is arming itself according to it's strategic needs & it's geopolitical ambitions not for
arm race with any land greedy self proclaimed superpower country .:D

the best example here is to compare the achievement made by Chinese/indians in the past 5 years. Let's start from Chinese side:

1. J-20
2. CJ-10
3. anti-satelliate weapon
4. mid course anti-ballistic missile test
5. ballistic missile launch early warning system
6. KJ-2000/KJ-200
7. Terminal sensitive projectile
8. Z-10
9. J-10 fitted with WS-10A engines.
10. composite material already applied in so many weapon systems.

tell me what india has? Arjun, LCA?

it is also sad to see the recent missile test success made their nation in such joy mode.

a backward missile fitted with a russian seeker, illegally brought from russia under the name of rocket research...

so dirty

my GOD what trash is this :lol:

tell u what india has according to the so called pirated weapons list u have posted
1) j 20 : india would have PAKFA with customized french ,isreaeli avionics & sensor suite & india's experience in software & composite technology

2) CJ-10 : india is few countries in this world to have all 3 versions of cruise missiles'

a) subsonic : nirbhay cruise missile about 1000-1200 km range to be tested in this august
b) supersonic: brahmos LCAM
c) hypersonic : brahmos II to be tested in 2014-15

3) anti satellite weapon : india's DRDO chairman V.K saraswat clearly stated in news that after agni 5 we would focus on anti
satellite weapons ,& it is not a big deal but we may not test it to avoid international condemnation but
simulate it's test
4)mid course anti-ballistic missile test: india is way ahead in this arena compare to china
u beter see AAD & PAD anti ballistic missile system (2 tier ABM system) soon it is going to
be 3 tiered
5)ballistic missile launch early warning system:
lollz u better see what early warning system we have
a) sword fish radar : 600km detection of ballistic missile
b) green pine radar : 500 km detection of ballistic missile

6) KJ-2000/KJ-200: we have one of finest awacs in the world
phalcon awacs which is now a sour grape for u guys
also DRDO indigenious awacs are being developed & would be inducted as soon as possible

7)Terminal sensitive projectile :llollz u forgot that we have a tested & world 's one of the most cluster bombs,the CBU95/105
system which can take care of entire brigade of chinese toy tanks
It is defintely more advanced & proven platform than urs

8)Z10 : haaa.haa u forgot that we are going to have world's best combat helicopter apache block 3/4
& of course HAL's very own LCH is very impressive & competitive to international standards

9)J-10 fitted with WS-10A engines. : U forgot j10A is fitted with AL 31f not Ws 10a & it is no match infact it's a fluke compare
to legendary Rafale which india is going to have ha..haa:lol:

10) composite material already applied in so many weapon systems. : llollz u forgot india has mastered the art of composites in
LCA ,DHRUV helicopter & ofcourse it would be utilized in future

U better stay in ur dreamland that good for U:D
so a big loll for u
Dude..be modest :lol:...all those items you listed are junks chinese copy + past, Indians are honorable and honest guys...they dont steal other tech..rather tighten their own belt and pay to keep arm dealer happy..the most important is to be honest citizen of this planet.
plz dont pamper urself & ur comrades :D yes the difference is they do it legally in paper & while u guys pay it but under the wraps & start to beat the drums that we have bulit it on our own:lol:
@Drsomnath999: don't be that harsh on the guy. He might cry :D please be gentle :D
And I am happy that you didn't tell him any thing about their Casino ops... aircraft carrier :D
So this article is about India preparation (conventional + deterrent) and readiness to face China potentional invasion...but this guy forgot to mention if economical is viable to have arm race with China.

We have over 3 times defense budget more than India...that's not include other hidden cost...you India better be ready to match that. The best way for China to defeat India without fire a signle shot is:

- Push India to have an arm's race until bankrucy the same way as U.S did to U.S.S.R

Let see if India will commit the same mistake as U.S.S.R

There is significant difference between the cold war and India's defence preparation against China. USSR went into a d*** measuring contest with US. India, otoh, prepares for a minimum deterrence especially against a sudden strike. You are mistaken if you think you can push India to bankrupcy.

USSR's 70% industrial output was going to its military. This is not the case with India. USSR achieved parity with US military powerwise in 1970s but still increased the spending until Reagan setaside the military budget for star-wars which USSR could not match.

US had on its side, NATO and USSR was not just trying to reach military parity with US alone but with NATO. USSR's communist bloc was made up of basket-case countries mostly due to the already failing communist theory. India does not strive for military parity with China. Our leaders are more sane in this aspect.

Another point is China banking on its economy. It forgets that India is/will be growing as well economically. Look at your own history and you should know. In 1990 you were a nobody economically. In 22 years you are a force. Why do you forget that the same can't be the case with other countries?

On a side topic -

It is doing the similar with Korea, Japan, Vietnam and other countries which will get it diplomatically isolated even if it has money - case to point - recent Myanmar's call for investment from Japan, not from China.

Remember 3rd Reich and they were significantly advanced in terms of technology but in the end they were defeated against the combined allied forces. Compared with 3rd Reich, you are a nobody technology-wise. Otherwise countries around you(mind you - I am not mentioning India) has better technology than you.
^^^ the main point is we are not in arms race with china & we are mainly bothered to have a minimum credible nuclear deterrence
against them ,they are unnecesarily howling that india is in arms race with china after the recent test of AGNI 5
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