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Osama's death: pre-planned by the CIA & the ISI?



New Recruit

Jul 2, 2010
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Very interesting piece. It says this event was pre-planned by the ISI & the CIA, Pasha/Kiyani & Panetta/Mullen. Pakistan had to make the 'ultimate sacrifice', to become the scapegoat, to end the WOT, to give the US a graceful exit from Afghanistan. Very plausible.

Behind Osama’s Death!!! « News From North and South

We – in this post – will take a closer look to the incidents taken place before this operation and demise of Osama.

ISI and Pakistani Security establishment toughens tones with respect to American and CIA policies.

Raymond Davis captured in Pakistani city of Lahore and returned to America after the payment of blood money called Diyat to the victims of the slain men. Americans faced the wrath of public and pooh-poohed the payment of Diyat and placed it on head of Saudis.

ISI Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha went to Washington and met with CIA Chief Leon Panetta and looked into the eye of former and told him key Pakistani demands.

Panetta told media that Americans ought to have good working relationship with ISI and confessed that there had been few differences in the opinion but they now have been worked out for the better cooperation in the future.

Americans approved the transfer of Raven Drone aircrafts to Pakistan as efforts to counter insurgency in Pakistan. Transfer of the Drone technology was the key demand of Pakistan. The concern has been communicated to Panetta in Pasha-Panetta meeting in Washington. Interestingly, meeting took place in Pakistani Embassy in Washington. Imran Khan staged a sit-in on the main supply route of NATO Forces in Peshawar.

Americans communicated Indians through back channel that they have to develop a more workable strategy with respect to Pakistan and Indian Security Establishment reaches ISI and Pakistani Security Establishment that they believe to be still in-charge of Pakistani India Policy. It should be noted also that Trade Talks were held between Pakistan and India and it was decided unanimously that Indians will abolish all Pakistan specific tariff barriers.

American Ambassador to India resigns and mentions his personal differences and reasons along with official for the resignation. The Ambassador always took tougher stand on Pakistan whenever it came to satisfying Indian sentiments regarding terror-outfits in Pakistan and Mumbai attacks. Just after the resignation, Indian Security establishment gave the contract of the induction of New Generation aircrafts in its fleet to European companies instead of American companies. American Pentagon strongly deplored the cancellation of the contract.

White House and Department of Foreign Affairs issues a statement that Indians should look beyond Pakistan. They have a role to play in Afghanistan but they should look beyond Pakistan. Now here we see that Americans who had been professing greater role of India in Afghanistan phrased their sentence so that it became evident that Americans are now seeing Post America AFPAK where Pakistan’s interests will be protected and Indo-Pak stance on Afghanistan will be neutralized.

Army Chief Kiyani, ISI Chief Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha and PM Gillani went to Kabul in one plane and held important talks with Afghan President Karzai and broke the negotiations with Taliban. Americans supported the negotiations with Taliban and Saudi Arabia also provided ample base and support for the negotiations. Al-Qaeeda showed its displeasure over the negotiations and Taliban in Pakistan vowed to mow the talks through Suicide attacks. In the meanwhile Zardari strikes a deal with PML(Q) and power sharing formula has been agreed upon. PML(N) Shahbaz Sharif meets Army Chief late in the night and went straight to Army House.

News of Helicopter crash flashed on TV and then at 4 AM President Obama confirms that Osama bin Laden is dead!!!
So we see that the events that happened before the demise of Laden show clearly that ISI gained its key demands and handed over Laden to Americans which are desperately looking for a graceful exit strategy from Afghanistan. With Osama dead, Americans will pack up from Afghan stage and will call back the soldiers. This was of course a threat to Karzai who feared that Taliban will definitely recapture Afghanistan as they are already very strong in Southern Afghanistan such as in Kandahar where recently 500 Taliban escaped after breaking a Jail. So what everyone got out of this deal?

Pakistan: ISI got its role back with less Indian interference in Afghanistan and Taliban representation in Afghan National Government. Army got Drone technology and closure of Indian Espionage missions on Afghan side of Durand Line that are supporting Terrorists inside Pakistan. Zardari earned his two more years and a deal of power sharing was finalized with PML (Q) that Zardari dubbed as Qatil (murderer) League on the occasion of Soyam of Slain Benazir Bhutto. PML (N) earned its Punjab government and assurance that Punjab Government will not be toppled through in-house seat adjustment between PML (Q) and PPP.

Afghanistan: Karzai got his presidency. Taliban got their recognition in Afghan Game of Power and their long demand of American departure from region is met though clandestinely.

America: USA won its safe and graceful exit. Obama had this one feather to put in his cap and especially when Elections are in hand. American public was calmed down by the corpse of Laden. American Soldiers won their departure to their homeland. Key American motive of killing Laden has been fulfilled.
WOW...bloggers knew everything. He should have told to Obama, he missed 25m $$.
Yes great post but let me break this news to you isi and Pakistan army has been exposed they are subservient to American miltary and CIA nothing you will say can change the facts
Maybe it's better it was subservient this time if it means ending the WOT (not ending it today, but the US troops start packing up their bags from Afghanistan) & Pakistan's role in it?
Pre-planned is bull $hit!

I could not watch TV for last two days. Pakistanis cursing gov and army for the raid deep inside our territory and the West cursing us for osama. :sick::sick::sick:

The govt and army again proved their incompetency. :tdown:

Very interesting piece. It says this event was pre-planned by the ISI & the CIA, Pasha/Kiyani & Panetta/Mullen. Pakistan had to make the 'ultimate sacrifice', to become the scapegoat, to end the WOT, to give the US a graceful exit from Afghanistan. Very plausible.

Behind Osama’s Death!!! « News From North and South

i think relying on conspiracy theories and blogs is escapism. Face facts and realities. Acknowledge you have a problem so measures can be taken to correct it.
bulls crap for GODsake come out of it .... stop praising your army and ISI they are crap and nothing
i think relying on conspiracy theories and blogs is escapism. Face facts and realities. Acknowledge you have a problem so measures can be taken to correct it.

Facts are that the US is looking for an exit strategy from Afghanistan, & this is the perfect one. This also ends Pakistan's involvement in the WOT. There will be no more active military operations in Afghanistan, & peace initiatives will be taken inside Afghanistan to strengthen the Karzai government.
If this was pre-planned then the Pakistani leadership will pay a big price perhaps with their lives.

Osama's supporters have already declared Pakistan as enemy no. 1 now after his death.
If this was pre-planned then the Pakistani leadership will pay a big price perhaps with their lives.

Osama's supporters have already declared Pakistan as enemy no. 1 now after his death.

Osama doesn't have too many supporters though. Pakistan always maintained good relations with the Afghan Taliban (Mullah Omar, Hekmatyar, Haqqani), & now is in a very good position to finish off the few TTP terrorists now that the US isn't influencing events from Afghanistan anymore.
Article is BS.

If it were to be believed it would mean that kiyani and pasha are CIA double agents who risked worldwide embarrassment of our nation so that US could be made victorious whilst Pakistan is seen as a failed state.

Why would any protectors of the nation do that?

They are just useless and totally incompetent. They had USA by the balls when RD was captured and they let him go. They've let 100's of CIA agents loose in our cities and then the CIA slapped them in the face when they conducted the osama operation by not even notifying them and worse of all accusing them of complicity.

Oh boy, what utter gullible fools they are. They are only good at killing their own Pakistani citizens.
Article is BS.

If it were to be believed it would mean that kiyani and pasha are CIA double agents who risked worldwide embarrassment of our nation so that US could be made victorious whilst Pakistan is seen as a failed state.

Why would any protectors of the nation do that?

They are just useless and totally incompetent. They had USA by the balls when RD was captured and they let him go. They've let 100's of CIA agents loose in our cities and then the CIA slapped them in the face when they conducted the osama operation by not even notifying them and worse of all accusing them of complicity.

Oh boy, what utter gullible fools they are. They are only good at killing their own Pakistani citizens.

Yes great post but let me break this news to you isi and Pakistan army has been exposed they are subservient to American miltary and CIA nothing you will say can change the facts
Pre-planned is bull $hit!

I could not watch TV for last two days. Pakistanis cursing gov and army for the raid deep inside our territory and the West cursing us for osama. :sick::sick::sick:

The govt and army again proved their incompetency. :tdown:

i think relying on conspiracy theories and blogs is escapism. Face facts and realities. Acknowledge you have a problem so measures can be taken to correct it.
bulls crap for GODsake come out of it .... stop praising your army and ISI they are crap and nothing
generals have sold off pakistan.

LOLZ.......wait and see boys.......we wont ever comprehensively get to know what exactly has been done but we will see signs which would point to a certain direction. It would be easier for you if you'd just try to look at the facts ;)
Very interesting piece. It says this event was pre-planned by the ISI & the CIA, Pasha/Kiyani & Panetta/Mullen. Pakistan had to make the 'ultimate sacrifice', to become the scapegoat, to end the WOT, to give the US a graceful exit from Afghanistan. Very plausible.

Behind Osama’s Death!!! « News From North and South

I mean seriously ?! Anyone looked at the URL pioussluts[dot]wordpress[dot]com :lol:

You sure it's not a satire blog ? :lol:
The U.S. is now refusing to release photos of Osama's dead body:

Obama says he won't release bin Laden death photo

By KIMBERLY DOZIER and ERICA WERNER, Associated Press Kimberly Dozier And Erica Werner, Associated Press – 16 mins ago
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama said Wednesday he's decided not to release death photos of terrorist Osama bin Laden because their graphic nature could incite violence and create national security risks for the United States.

"There's no doubt we killed Osama bin Laden," the president said in an interview with CBS News, and there was no need to release the photographs or gloat. "There's no need to spike the football," he said.

The president said that for anyone who doesn't believe bin Laden is dead, "we don't think that a photograph in and of itself is going to make any difference."

"There are going to be some folks who deny it. The fact of the matter is you won't see bin Laden walking on this earth again," said Obama.

The president made his comments in an interview Wednesday with CBS' "60 Minutes". Presidential spokesman Jay Carney read the president's quotes to reporters in the White House briefing room, ahead of the program's airing.

Photos taken by the Navy SEAL raiders show bin Laden shot in the head, numerous officials have said. CIA Director Leon Panetta said Tuesday he expected at least one photo to be released. Asked about that, Carney said the decision had not been made at that time.

But Carney also said the president never doubted his position on not releasing the photos. Obama said in the interview, "It is important for us to make sure that very graphic photos of somebody who was shot in the head are not floating around as an incitement to additional violence."

"I think that, given the graphic nature of these photos, it would create some national security risk," he said.

Carney said there would not be images released of bin Laden's burial at sea, either.

Some family members of those who died in the 9/11 terror attacks thought it important to document bin Laden's death, as did some skeptics in the Arab world who doubted his demise in the absence of convincing evidence. But many lawmakers and others expressed concerns that the photographic images could be seen as a "trophy" that would inflame U.S. critics and make it harder for members of the American military deployed overseas to do their jobs.

Obama's decision on the photos came a day ahead of his planned visit to ground zero in New York City to lay a wreath and visit with 9/11 families and first responders.

It also came after a revised description of the circumstances of bin Laden's death. After initially saying the terrorist was armed or even firing, the White House said Tuesday that bin Laden was unarmed, raising questions about the basis for his killing.

Attorney General Eric Holder, in an appearance on Capitol Hill, sought to underscore the legality of the shooting.

"Let me make something very clear: The operation in which Osama bin Laden was killed was lawful," Holder told the senators Wednesday. The raid "was justified as an action of national self-defense" against "a lawful military target," he said.

Carney said that the SEAL team that raided the compound where bin Laden was living in Abbottabad, Pakistan, had the authority to kill him unless he offered to surrender, in which case the team was required to accept the surrender.

"Consistent with the laws of war, bin Laden's surrender would have been accepted if feasible," said Carney. Officials have said bin Laden resisted, though they have not offered further details.

Meanwhile, the SEALS involved in the daring raid are in the Washington area for debriefing, and U.S. officials have begun to comb through the intelligence trove of computer files, flash drives, DVDs and documents that the commandos hauled out of the terrorist's hideaway.

Bin Laden had about 500 euros sewn into his clothes when he was killed and had phone numbers with him when he was killed, U.S. officials said, a possible indication that the terrorist mastermind was ready to flee his compound on short notice.

Obama says he won't release bin Laden death photo - Yahoo! News
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