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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

The only reason you are replying with laughing smileys is because you have no reply to reply with.

I am telling you what i have heard from all the media, not only in australia but across the world, i am telling you what i have read in reports, and i am telling you what my friends have said that are in afghanastan.

Why haven't you told me your sources? I bet you source is the lady down the street, or your corrupt most likely taliban run news outlets.

In which world are u exactly living General Mc Crystal is saying that more troops are needed or war in Afgh will be lost r, why the hell will he say that if NATO & US is gaining ground, has General Mc Crystal is an Idiot or u have sources which are more authentic than the words of General Mc Crystal...

Source of general Mc Crystal Statement is as follows

Without more troops we will lose war against Taliban, says general - Asia, World - The Independent
In which world are u exactly living General Mc Crystal is saying that more troops are needed or war in Afgh will be lost r, why the hell will he say that if NATO & US is gaining ground, has General Mc Crystal is an Idiot or u have sources which are more authentic than the words of General Mc Crystal...

Source of general Mc Crystal Statement is as follows

Without more troops we will lose war against Taliban, says general - Asia, World - The Independent

Yes, i have read the report i don't need to be informed about it. It's pretty obvious you don't know anything about war. The international force are gaining ground that's a fact. BUT, it doesn't mean they are winning. The problem is that once some ground is taken and a local government is established, the ground is retaken my insurgents because forces have moved on. The force that are needed which mccrystal is talking about are needed to provide security and hold the positions captured. Ground is being taken, but not at the rate where in a year or even two years the war will be over, more forces are needed.

Haven't you even heard the saying "You have won the battle, but you haven't won the war?" The war won't be won till the insurgency is gone. The forces are winning battle, they are gaining ground, but extra troops are needed to hold that ground and provide extra security.
I am telling you what i have heard from all the media, not only in australia but across the world, i am telling you what i have read in reports, and i am telling you what my friends have said that are in afghanastan.

Dude you should first try something called google ,search for status of afghan war in a couple of standard sites, channels before commenting .Everybody including the general incharge of afghanistan agree thst the war is not going well. I just don't know from where u r getting ur fancy information.

I am telling you what i have heard from all the media, not only in australia but across the world, i am telling you what i have read in reports, and i am telling you what my friends have said that are in afghanastan.

Dude you should first try something called google ,search for status of afghan war in a couple of standard sites, channels before commenting .Everybody including the general incharge of afghanistan agree thst the war is not going well. I just don't know from where u r getting ur fancy information.


Refer to my last post thanks. Also i refuse to google any information about the war in afghanastan. Most of it is from ametuar news reporters who don't even report proper information.
The only reason you are replying with laughing smileys is because you have no reply to reply with.

I am telling you what i have heard from all the media, not only in australia but across the world, i am telling you what i have read in reports, and i am telling you what my friends have said that are in afghanastan.

Why haven't you told me your sources? I bet you source is the lady down the street, or your corrupt most likely taliban run news outlets.

McChrystal: More Forces or 'Mission Failure' - washingtonpost.com

McChrystal to resign if not given resources for Afghanistan - Threat Matrix



RAND | Newsroom | Commentary | How to Tell if We're Winning the Afghan War

And now the last part, the casualties figure, do check the pattern plzz, hope you can infer something out of it.

iCasualties | Operation Enduring Freedom | Afghanistan

72% territory controlled by Taliban in Afghanistan

http://www.ccun.org/News/2008/Decem...ghanistan, Surround Kabul, NATO in Denial.htm



""hmm - Are you suffering from some sort of messianic complex?? ""
No Brother. Thats NAND
Yes, i have read the report i don't need to be informed about it. It's pretty obvious you don't know anything about war. The international force are gaining ground that's a fact. BUT, it doesn't mean they are winning. The problem is that once some ground is taken and a local government is established, the ground is retaken my insurgents because forces have moved on. The force that are needed which mccrystal is talking about are needed to provide security and hold the positions captured. Ground is being taken, but not at the rate where in a year or even two years the war will be over, more forces are needed.

Haven't you even heard the saying "You have won the battle, but you haven't won the war?" The war won't be won till the insurgency is gone. The forces are winning battle, they are gaining ground, but extra troops are needed to hold that ground and provide extra security.

let me show whats written in it...

In his sombre assessment, which is due to shape President Barack Obama's policy in Afghanistan, the General stated: "Failure to gain the initiative and reverse insurgent momentum in the near-term (next 12 months) ... risks an outcome where defeating the insurgency is no longer possible ... Although considerable effort and sacrifice have resulted in some progress, many indicators suggest the overall effort is deteriorating."

from this u deduce that additional troops will be for Holding ground :hitwall:

keep ranting...
let me show whats written in it...

from this u deduce that additional troops will be for Holding ground :hitwall:

keep ranting...

Whatever. You obvious don't have an understanding of what the article is implying, thus the discussion can not continue so i will leave it at that.
one thing is clear - the long term goals of US and the long term goals of Pakistan regarding Afghanistan are very very different. regardless of US plans for the region, Pak must find a way to gradually steer itself away from being US's frontline soldier. the short term rewards are nowhere near the long-term damage it does to the nation and its institutions.
In the above photo some soldiers carry G-3 and some carry AK47 will it not cause logistic problems, any way they all seem to have body armour and kevler helmets that should reduce casualities. But they badly need a modern assault rifle as both these rifles are outdated.
Indeed, sir, I share your sentiments. In fact, compare an average Pakistani infantry soldier fighting the insurgency in FATA with an average ISAF infantry soldier fighting in Afghanistan, and the difference is stark. Once the war is over, and our national resources are replenished a little, we must invest in a new-generation assault rifle to be built in Pakistan Ordinance Factory (POF) and in finding our soldiers the equipment necessary to save their lives. Modernization at the lowest level of the Armed Forces is slow, it needs to be picked up quickly.

The G-3 is built in POF which is the primary reason it is still in use. It is tried and true, but it is very old. Not at all a reliable weapon, particularly in COIN ops where accuracy at a distance is often very important. There are some rifle experts on this forum, I know Bezerk is really into that stuff, who can shed some light on why we continue to use the G-3. The AK-47 offers an alternative to the G-3s reliability issues, and can also be massively procured anytime the Army wants.

Please, Sirs fatman17 and xeric, I would love to hear your views on the need to modernize our foot-soldiers.

Whatever. You obvious don't have an understanding of what the article is implying, thus the discussion can not continue so i will leave it at that.
xdrive, you have made it clear that your knowledge of Afghan/Pakistani affairs is close to most of our knowledge on Australian affairs, i.e., terrible. IT would serve you best if you went through a few pages on this thread to get yourself up-to-date of the status of COIN in the two countries. There is no need to get all defensive, nobody here wants to insult the Australians, but the facts are facts. Things aren't going swimmingly in Afghanistan. In fact, if I remember correctly, just today morning I heard something about Australia pulling back its forces before the projected date. Seems like even your leadership is losing hope. But really, I don't want to discuss this with you.

one thing is clear - the long term goals of US and the long term goals of Pakistan regarding Afghanistan are very very different. regardless of US plans for the region, Pak must find a way to gradually steer itself away from being US's frontline soldier. the short term rewards are nowhere near the long-term damage it does to the nation and its institutions.
The first part is very true. Our long term plans are different because the US won't be here in the mess, we will. We have every right to pursue favorable long term plans regarding Afghanistan and this region, far more so than any of the Western nations.

As for the second part, I request you to elaborate on your comments. If you believe that Pakistan is a "frontline US soldier", then do you believe that this war that we are currently engaged in is not our war, but American? I think that when these people (I use that word only out of respect for the English language) started attacking Masajid inside Pakistan, Pakistani security forces and, worst of all, Pakistani citizens, they made it our fight.
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Go Brave Pakistan Army.
Root out and skin alive these vigilanti terrorist criminals.
Taliban are nothing but religious thugs.
We will not be intimidated by these lizards.
Every bloody talib off our land.
As for the second part, I request you to elaborate on your comments. If you believe that Pakistan is a "frontline US soldier", then do you believe that this war that we are currently engaged in is not our war, but American? I think that when these people (I use that word only out of respect for the English language) started attacking Masajid inside Pakistan, Pakistani security forces and, worst of all, Pakistani citizens, they made it our fight.

The only reason they attack anything within Pakistan is because of Pakistani support to the US-led war. Pakistan is crucial to whoever is in power in Afghanistan. The US knows this, the Taliban knows this. Both sides try to blackmail us into siding with them - the US through promises of aid, threats of bombing to stone age, etc., the Taliban through bombings.

It is not our fight. We are stuck in it because of our spineless leaders, and we won't magically have good leaders anytime in the future given how our political machinery works. I just hope our army has a long-term plan once SWA is dealt with.
Yes, i have read the report i don't need to be informed about it. It's pretty obvious you don't know anything about war. The international force are gaining ground that's a fact. BUT, it doesn't mean they are winning. The problem is that once some ground is taken and a local government is established, the ground is retaken my insurgents because forces have moved on. The force that are needed which mccrystal is talking about are needed to provide security and hold the positions captured. Ground is being taken, but not at the rate where in a year or even two years the war will be over, more forces are needed.

Haven't you even heard the saying "You have won the battle, but you haven't won the war?" The war won't be won till the insurgency is gone. The forces are winning battle, they are gaining ground, but extra troops are needed to hold that ground and provide extra security.

lol how exactly is ground being taken when you control less than 30%of afghanistan ? and karzai doesn't even leave kabul ?
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