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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

Not from what i have heard to be honest. I heard the pakistan army is struggling against the taliban. Large parts of the country are under taliban control. I was recently reading an artical from a afghan journalist who was captured by the taliban. According to him he observed a peace deal between the taliban and the pakistan army where army convoys were allowed through taliban roadblocks without any problem.

Mate, this proves how much ill informed you are & that you are here for trolling not for some useful purpose.

The article which you read written by the afghan is not an article by an afghan, but the story of a western reported captured with his afghan driver & interpreter written by himself.

2ndly, i don't know what kind of news channels are there in Australia, but 72% of Afghanistan is in taliban control, not Pakistan.

I believe u r mistaken to have joined this website thinking it as an afgani website, sorry to brake the bad news, its a Pakistani website for discussion.
Exactly what i said is what i meant.

I keep seeing you referring to Nato in afghanastan. It's a totally different story there. They are gaining ground, not losing it. I laugh at the fact that you say they only control kabul and a few isolated bases, that is totally wrong. There are small pockets of insurgency. If NATO left now, there is no way the taliban could take the country back.

Mc Crystal is a Dumb Head eh???
Mate, this proves how much ill informed you are & that you are here for trolling not for some useful purpose.

The article which you read written by the afghan is not an article by an afghan, but the story of a western reported captured with his afghan driver & interpreter written by himself.

2ndly, i don't know what kind of news channels are there in Australia, but 72% of Afghanistan is in taliban control, not Pakistan.

I believe u r mistaken to have joined this website thinking it as an afgani website, sorry to brake the bad news, its a Pakistani website for discussion.

I am not trolling, and i know this website is for discussion about pakastan. She brought stuff up about Afghanistan so i replied to her comments.

Mc Crystal is a Dumb Head eh???

Sorry, i didn't understand anything you said then.
US encouraged by South Waziristan offensive: Gates

ON BOARD A US MILITARY AIRCRAFT: US Secretary of State Robert Gates on Tuesday said he was encouraged by the Pakistani offensive against Taliban but that it was too soon to judge the outcome. “I’m obviously encouraged by the Pakistani operations,” Gates told reporters aboard his aircraft en route to Tokyo. “I think that the terrorist attacks that have been launched inside Pakistan in recent days made clear the need to begin to deal with this problem,” he said. “And so we obviously are very supportive of what the Pakistanis are doing. But [still] it’s very early,” he said, adding the operation had “only been underway a few days”.


Isnt he the SecDef?
Exactly what i said is what i meant.

I keep seeing you referring to Nato in afghanastan. It's a totally different story there. They are gaining ground, not losing it. I laugh at the fact that you say they only control kabul and a few isolated bases, that is totally wrong. There are small pockets of insurgency. If NATO left now, there is no way the taliban could take the country back.

Mate, you seriously need to get yourself up to date to 2009, its not 2001 when occupational forces where gaining ground. :rofl:

I can't stop laughing hearing your stupid kind of remarks, i had no idea Australia has some other kind of BBC or CNN, at least these 2 channels which we see here do show whats happening in reality.

Try to find them somewhere in Australia, may be they are shown somewhere.
will u care to Explain this line...

Yes. If i simply saying that if Every country pulled out of afghanastan, the taliban could not take control of the country again. The Taliban in Afghanistan have been wounded so much that all they can do is be insurgents. They could not retake the country.

Mate, you seriously need to get yourself up to date to 2009, its not 2001 when occupational forces where gaining ground. :rofl:

I can't stop laughing hearing your stupid kind of remarks, i had no idea Australia has some other kind of BBC or CNN, at least these 2 channels which we see here do show whats happening in reality.

Try to find them somewhere in Australia, may be they are shown somewhere.

I do not watch the BBC or CNN. Every single newspaper and media outlet has reported the same thing. The force are gaining ground slowly and are holding areas. I have friends that serve over in Afghanistan and even they have told me.

Perhaps you are being ill informed via your media. I am just repeating what the media is saying also the weekly reports my countries defence department gives out.

Anyway how would you know the forces are not gaining ground? from the media in your country i bet, and of course they would say they are not gaining ground, they would be biased.
Yes. If i simply saying that if Every country pulled out of afghanastan, the taliban could not take control of the country again. The Taliban in Afghanistan have been wounded so much that all they can do is be insurgents. They could not retake the country.

I do not watch the BBC or CNN. Every single newspaper and media outlet has reported the same thing. The force are gaining ground slowly and are holding areas. I have friends that serve over in Afghanistan and even they have told me.

:rofl: :rofl::rofl:

This is it, End of story....
In the above photo some soldiers carry G-3 and some carry AK47 will it not cause logistic problems, any way they all seem to have body armour and kevler helmets that should reduce casualities. But they badly need a modern assault rifle as both these rifles are outdated.
:rofl: :rofl::rofl:

This is it, End of story....

The only reason you are replying with laughing smileys is because you have no reply to reply with.

I am telling you what i have heard from all the media, not only in australia but across the world, i am telling you what i have read in reports, and i am telling you what my friends have said that are in afghanastan.

Why haven't you told me your sources? I bet you source is the lady down the street, or your corrupt most likely taliban run news outlets.

“”You are a propagandist of the worst kind - You have the cheek to justify the TTP atrocities in Swat as a 'rallying point after Lal Masjid' as if they were liberating the people!!””

“”Do you have no shame or decency?””

“”Have you lost your mind?? - think I already know the answer to that!””

“”Salafi and TTP cheerleaders like yourself are beyond pathetic. You are never going to be accepted by the Salafi leadership(given its ethno-centric racist mindset) as one of their own as you are not Arab””

“”I feel sorry for your kind - reviled by pakistanis, misfits in their country of residence, being used by the salafis, and suffering from an identity crisis.””

I cannot thank you enough for the compliments and pearls of wisdom.

To this day I didn’t know much about the Salafi school of thought. If my views somehow project what they stand for, then they must be doing something Right.

Please appreciate that we are not living in Erik Honnecker’s East Germany in the early 80’s; where a hint of a contrarian view would brand you as a “Propagandist”. I am as much a proud and committed citizen of Pakistan as you are.

We are allergic to the Thekeydars of Islam, now you want to begin a new Thekedari system on who is Pakistani and who is not.

To this day I didn’t know much about the Salafi school of thought. If my views somehow project what they stand for, then they must be doing something Right.

hmm - Are you suffering from some sort of messianic complex??
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