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Only Role And Targets Assigned to Army in lieu of Pardon for Alleged RCO.


Dec 7, 2007
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When IK returns as PM, Military Establishment will be dreading him what he shall do against their alleged role in RCO.

Military Establishment should be given these targets for the next 10 years in lieu of any action for their alleged role in RCO and destabilizing the country:

1. General Headquarters to concentrate all their energies working on a military plan to liberate Kashmir.

2. A think tank comprising of foreign policy experts, academicians, economists, and retired military thinkers to think through financial, political, and diplomatic challenges and ramifications. That should be under civilian government.

2. Work on Pakistan own AIP equipped Submarine force. Pakistan Chinese AIP sub delivery is in difficulty after Germany refused to supply diesel engines.

3. Work on Pakistan NGFA. ( Work with Turkey on a TFX variant).

4. Procure a suitable turboshaft power plant for stalled TAI ATAK T129.

5. Prepare a plan to engage Pakistan engineering universities on advanced military and non-military research projects, financial help and build advanced labs and infrastructure.

6. Build Kalabagh dam. If US army Corps of Engineers can construct Hoover dam, PA
Corps of Engineers should do that also.
They should be given task to how to reclaim water as a result of disastrous climate change effects. They should be given task to build Basha and Dasu Dams, and smaller dams in Baluchistan and sindh.

7. A bill for these targets should be passed in the NA and made public and read to every new batch of military academies.
When IK returns as PM, Military Establishment will be dreading him what he shall do against their alleged role in RCO.

Military Establishment should be given these targets for the next 10 years in lieu of any action for their alleged role in RCO and destabilizing the country:

1. General Headquarters to concentrate all their energies working on a military plan to liberate Kashmir.

2. A think tank comprising of foreign policy experts, academicians, economists, and retired military thinkers to think through financial, political, and diplomatic challenges and ramifications. That should be under civilian government.

2. Work on Pakistan own AIP equipped Submarine force. Pakistan Chinese AIP sub delivery is in difficulty after Germany refused to supply diesel engines.

3. Work on Pakistan NGFA. ( Work with Turkey on a TFX variant).

4. Procure a suitable turboshaft power plant for stalled TAI ATAK T129.

5. Prepare a plan to engage Pakistan engineering universities on advanced military and non-military research projects, financial help and build advanced labs and infrastructure.

6. Build Kalabagh dam. If US army Corps of Engineers can construct Hoover dam, PA
Corps of Engineers should do that also.
They should be given task to how to reclaim water as a result of disastrous climate change effects. They should be given task to build Basha and Dasu Dams, and smaller dams in Baluchistan and sindh.

7. A bill for these targets should be passed in the NA and made public and read to every new batch of military academies.

Building dams is important but doesnt solve our economic issues. For that tough decisions need to be made for years that no political leadership has the balls to own up to.

Law/order, Privitization, cutting subsidies, reforming govt beaurocracy, investing in social infrastructure such as health and education as key. Most important neautering the army leadership to the point they can only be yes men.

These things can be done, but the first 4 will take pain as the cancer has gotten deep into body of society and needs total chemotherapy ti have any hopes of functioning as a society.
When IK returns as PM, Military Establishment will be dreading him what he shall do against their alleged role in RCO.

Military Establishment should be given these targets for the next 10 years in lieu of any action for their alleged role in RCO and destabilizing the country:

1. General Headquarters to concentrate all their energies working on a military plan to liberate Kashmir.

2. A think tank comprising of foreign policy experts, academicians, economists, and retired military thinkers to think through financial, political, and diplomatic challenges and ramifications. That should be under civilian government.

2. Work on Pakistan own AIP equipped Submarine force. Pakistan Chinese AIP sub delivery is in difficulty after Germany refused to supply diesel engines.

3. Work on Pakistan NGFA. ( Work with Turkey on a TFX variant).

4. Procure a suitable turboshaft power plant for stalled TAI ATAK T129.

5. Prepare a plan to engage Pakistan engineering universities on advanced military and non-military research projects, financial help and build advanced labs and infrastructure.

6. Build Kalabagh dam. If US army Corps of Engineers can construct Hoover dam, PA
Corps of Engineers should do that also.
They should be given task to how to reclaim water as a result of disastrous climate change effects. They should be given task to build Basha and Dasu Dams, and smaller dams in Baluchistan and sindh.

7. A bill for these targets should be passed in the NA and made public and read to every new batch of military academies.
No one is dreading anything
Imran khan is an investment that Establishment has worked hard on and won't let go easily. In words of Pervez ilahi. He Is only useful with a majority govt. . And this is where things seem to be heading.
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No one is dreading anything
Imran khan is an investment that Establishment has worked hard on and won't let go easily. In words of Pervez ilahi. He Is only useful with a majority govt. . And this is where things seem to be heading.
k, whatever you say, guy
With the war initiated through Afghanistan, liberating Kashmir is not possible. The war on the streets of Pakistan has to be won and ended first, and it will take years to do this. As for building dams, involving Army should be the last option. There are managers, engineers, tradesmen, and masons sitting jobless in Pakistan. This disastrous flood has taken away livelihood of people affected by floods, they should be given jobs on building dams, reservoirs, etc.
With the war initiated through Afghanistan, liberating Kashmir is not possible. The war on the streets of Pakistan has to be won and ended first, and it will take years to do this. As for building dams, involving Army should be the last option. There are managers, engineers, tradesmen, and masons sitting jobless in Pakistan. This disastrous flood has taken away livelihood of people affected by floods, they should be given jobs on building dams, reservoirs, etc.
If IK becomes PM, traitorous role of Bajwa shall be on the table. It shall be wrong to lock horns with the army especially as the next CoAS will be the choice of Bajwa and DOD.
Need to keep Army busy in the job they supposed to do and construction and rebuilding work rather than political brinkanship role they have assumed for the past 60 years.
As far the war on the streets of Pakistan...
I pray we avoid bloodshed which is possible. If a new army chief comes it will still be immensely rough but there could be hope for a bloodless democratic transition.
IK is not coming back to power...

Unless if he does a 180 and gets with the colonial project under the Mil-establishment's auspices.
When IK returns as PM, Military Establishment will be dreading him what he shall do against their alleged role in RCO.

Military Establishment should be given these targets for the next 10 years in lieu of any action for their alleged role in RCO and destabilizing the country:

1. General Headquarters to concentrate all their energies working on a military plan to liberate Kashmir.

2. A think tank comprising of foreign policy experts, academicians, economists, and retired military thinkers to think through financial, political, and diplomatic challenges and ramifications. That should be under civilian government.

2. Work on Pakistan own AIP equipped Submarine force. Pakistan Chinese AIP sub delivery is in difficulty after Germany refused to supply diesel engines.

3. Work on Pakistan NGFA. ( Work with Turkey on a TFX variant).

4. Procure a suitable turboshaft power plant for stalled TAI ATAK T129.

5. Prepare a plan to engage Pakistan engineering universities on advanced military and non-military research projects, financial help and build advanced labs and infrastructure.

6. Build Kalabagh dam. If US army Corps of Engineers can construct Hoover dam, PA
Corps of Engineers should do that also.
They should be given task to how to reclaim water as a result of disastrous climate change effects. They should be given task to build Basha and Dasu Dams, and smaller dams in Baluchistan and sindh.

7. A bill for these targets should be passed in the NA and made public and read to every new batch of military academies.
You don't seem to understand:-

No one is dreading anything
Imran khan is an investment that Establishment has worked hard on and won't let go easily. In words of Pervez ilahi. He Is only useful with a majority govt. . And this is where things seem to be heading.
If you did not and could not understand machiavellian nature of the Establishment then be your own guest.
In my circle of several dozen highly educated people ( engineers and PhD's I and few who defended army now 60-70 people all are disgusted by their treachery, let my qualify them as Establishment). Just look at BD, they are still hanging people who had supported Pak Army in 1971.
That could be the undercurrent in Pakistan. You don't have to be a Nom Chomsky to read it.
If you did not and could not understand machiavellian nature of the Establishment then be your own guest.
In my circle of several dozen highly educated people ( engineers and PhD's I and few who defended army now 60-70 people all are disgusted by their treachery, let my qualify them as Establishment). Just look at BD, they are still hanging people who had supported Pak Army in 1971.
That could be the undercurrent in Pakistan. You don't have to be a Nom Chomsky to read it.

Letting Pakistan default by June would have been the real treachery.. what are they phd in?
If IK becomes PM, traitorous role of Bajwa shall be on the table. It shall be wrong to lock horns with the army especially as the next CoAS will be the choice of Bajwa and DOD.
Need to keep Army busy in the job they supposed to do and construction and rebuilding work rather than political brinkanship role they have assumed for the past 60 years.
As far the war on the streets of Pakistan...
I pray we avoid bloodshed which is possible. If a new army chief comes it will still be immensely rough but there could be hope for a bloodless democratic transition.
Blaming military will not take the country or public anywhere. If's and but's are not also useful. There is no guarantee of future COAS neither are there any proofs against Bajwa. Keep this in mind that this world or politics or the system is not black and white. While we analyze any situation or give our views on the information we have, its the media which has to play a role that its required to do along with politics and military. IK comes in power, we don't know who will be the COAS in his tenure as PM. We do not know what the circumstances will be then. If you think Bajwa has done wrong, then its done whatever you think he did, you can blame him day and night, nothing will happen. Military is such a strong entity in Pakistan, with such a massive human resource and technology at its disposal that even with multiple operations or multiple projects, no can say that Military has been truly kept busy since it looks after almost all matters related to Pakistan's security and beyond. Understanding how the military system operates is not rocket science but its also not the rumors that have been built up on this forum. A basic way to understand military is to be in military or a part of military or associated strongly with military in real life on almost every day basis.

The control that IK wants or lets say any COAS wants, or any other politician wants or USA wants - over Pakistan, its not going to happen. Don't even think freemasons or illuminati or Rothchilds or Rockfellers - there is another entity who sits above skies. He controls everything. Now what you and everyone need to understand that practical steps by public will bring the power back to Pakistan and the public. No one takes practical steps. Its not easy to take practical steps. Its much easier to type words online. Just as a guideline, think about billionaires of the world, how did they become billionaires ? Now please don't tell me that Pakistan Army stopped Pakistanis from becoming billionaires. When you match power with power, then the struggle begins, but then you have to decide what is power ? Is it money, authority, technology, resources, a top level seat or is it a combination of all.

The war on streets of Pakistan will not end till extremism dies from Pakistani society, especially extremism linked with religion.
Army will kill IK if he comes back into power with majority, Army knew this very well that the day one of their uniformed chor get arrested and punished, their empire of Thugs will go down. There is a reason why they never let any civil govt work or finish its tenure. Army is full of c()nts who will take the entire country down if they are going down.
IK is not coming back to power...

Unless if he does a 180 and gets with the colonial project under the Mil-establishment's auspices.
For 10-15 years I watched IK, never believing in him, that cliché, "nothing changes in Pakistan."
IK changed that single handedly.
He has spine of steel.
One against: twelve parry alliance, all major media blackmailers, Army, ISI, MI, USA, and corrupt trader and business class (of Punjab who sharifs let to steal taxes in particular and rest of Pakistan traders in general).

Army will kill IK if he comes back into power with majority, Army knew this very well that the day one of their uniformed chor get arrested and punished, their empire of Thugs will go down. There is a reason why they never let any civil govt work or finish its tenure. Army is full of c()nts who will take the entire country down if they are going down.
Exactly they play musical chair irrespective PM and his party was corrput or Mr. Klean like IK.
They have flourished Kleptocracy in Pakistan. But you can’t ways foll people for all of the times. Most recently during musharraf army was ordered not to go out donning uniforms.
You don't seem to understand:-

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History lesson:
Power cannot not control forever.
Power cannot control for very long.

Otherwise Shah of Iran, Hosni Mubarak, Marcos, Pinochet, Qaddafi, Saddam Hussain, Suharto, would still be ruling.

Pakistani establishment running on expired shelf life and extension grants.
Army will kill IK if he comes back into power with majority, Army knew this very well that the day one of their uniformed chor get arrested and punished, their empire of Thugs will go down. There is a reason why they never let any civil govt work or finish its tenure. Army is full of c()nts who will take the entire country down if they are going down.
well then time to weed out such traitors from the army. surely army has patriots in its rank to counter the traitors within their ranks.
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