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Only 24% of Britishers think Islam is compatible with British life.

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Dec 29, 2012
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Fewer than one in four people think Islam is compatible with British life, faith minister warns
Baroness Warsi accuses critics of Islam of being 'un-British'

She points to polling which shows just 24% think Islam is compatible with being British and 23% say it is not a threat to Western civilisation

PUBLISHED: 10:31 GMT, 24 January 2013 | UPDATED: 10:34 GMT, 24 January 2013

Faith minister Baroness Warsi warned that the 'underlying, unfounded mistrust' of Muslims is fuelling extremism
Fewer than one in four British voters believes Islam is compatible with the British way of life, the UK's first Muslim woman Cabinet Minister reveals today.
Baroness Warsi will quote private police figures which show that more than half of race hate attacks in Britain are against Muslims as she condemns critics of Islam for peddling 'hate'.
Lady Warsi sparked huge controversy two years ago when she said Britain's approach to Muslims has made Islamophobia acceptable at middle class dinner parties.
But in a new speech today she accuses critics of Islam of being 'un-British' themselves by grouping ordinary Muslims with extremists.
The Minister for Faith and Communities reveals stark polling conducted by YouGov which found that just 24 per cent of voters think Islam is compatible with being British, while more than half disagree. Only 23 per cent say Islam is not a threat to Western civilisation.
An unrepentant Lady Warsi, whose parents emigrated from Pakistan, said that she was right to speak out before and will use the new evidence to warn that the 'underlying, unfounded mistrust' of Muslims is fuelling extremism.
In her speech to a group called Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks, which monitors violence against Muslims, Lady Warsi condemned politicians and the media for failing to do enough to combat negative views of Muslims.
'When I said that Islamophobia had "passed the dinner table test", I meant anti-Muslim sentiment had become so socially acceptable, it could be found even in the most civilised of settings.
'I got a fair amount of stick for making that statement. There were those who denied the problem existed. There were those who said talking about it was dangerous.
'But let me tell you what's really dangerous. It's when people are treated differently because they hold a different religious belief. It's when a country turns a blind eye towards that discrimination.

'And it's when we allow a perception of a people to become so entrenched that extremists are able to capitalise on it. Because any form of prejudice, bigotry or discrimination is wrong. It's unBritish.' Lady Warsi will quote new figures from the Association of Chief Police Officers showing that between 50 to 60 per cent of all religious hate crimes reported to police are now against Muslims.
The police have never previously broken down hate crimes by individual religions.
And she will reveal the polling information for the first time to back up her case. It was commissioned by Dr Matthew Goodwin of Nottingham University - an expert in extremism.

Two years ago Lady Warsi was condemned for dismissing what many people saw as legitimate criticism of Islamist extremism
Two years ago Lady Warsi was condemned for dismissing what many people saw as legitimate criticism of Islamist extremism.
But she will said that it is her critics, not her, who are to blame for boosting extremists.
'My fear is that seeing one community as the "other" is a slippery slope that will enable extremists to advance their twisted interests unchecked,' she said.
'I don't have to remind anyone what happens when an unfounded suspicion of one people can escalate into unspeakable horror.' Baroness Warsi said more should be done to promote Muslim role models such as Olympic hero Mo Farah.
'To those who say that there is a conflict of being loyal to Britain and a Muslim, you have to look no further than Mohamed Farah,' she said.
'Our national hero is a practising Muslim. The double gold medallist saw no conflict between crossing the finish line in the Union Flag and dropping to the ground in prayer. In fact, he showed how seamlessly religion and patriotism can go together.'
She will conclude by condemning those who say Muslims are unpatriotic, citing research among Muslims that showed 83 per were proud to be British, compared to 79 per cent of Britons overall.
And she said that both her grandfathers fought for Britain during the Second World War.
'I will not take lessons on loyalty from those on the extreme right who demonstrate the ideology of intolerance - the very fascism that my grandparents fought all those years ago.'

Baroness Warsi: Fewer than one in four people think Islam is compatible with British life | Mail Online

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Warsi is the Minister for Faith and Communities. She is paid to look after ALL faiths, however she only looks out for ONE
- Mark , London, 24/1/2013 13:06
2747 people like this
Europeans better learn to live with Islam.

Islamic Faith is now an inevitable part of European Fabric.

Mainland Europe has 44 million to 60 million Muslims and this number is only going to increase, as Muslims say, Inshallah and Mashallah.

West has miserably and utterly failed to counter the Islamic Ideology throughout history...now why cry? Just get along together.


What do you see in the picture? The areas least "blue" (almost white) are areas where Muslims are between 100,000 to 1,000,000, lets not even go any further :lol:

China alone probably has more Muslims than there are Sikhs in whole wide world!!!

Islam is now a truly global civilization/religion/ideology that is present in every single nation on the face of the planet! and their numbers are only gonna grow...and it achieved all this in less than 1450 years!!!!....so just say Mashallah to all that and get along.

To Muslims, they better become moderate and stop this radicalism madness ...the "infidels" has a tolerance upto a certain limit, you guys should hope that this limit is never crossed.:)
It takes some time getting use to, you will see more and more Britishers accepting Islam as a part of British society.
I think it is true. The British people have a very free and open
whereas Islam is a bit restrictive (no offence).

so naturally unless the Muslims change their ideology a bit, Europeans will naturally find it difficult to accept them in their society.
Dislike of Islam is increasing in Britain due to spread of Wahhabism.

problem is the intent of muslims to displace the hosts and spread their ideology. they alwasy do that. eeven in this forum there are people who wantt o supplant hinduism in india with islam.. they dont realise that what they themselves follow is not islam but imperialism. what is the use of the whole world converting to islam.. think about it. if whole world is islam, the muslims will still find a way to keep fighting. guaranteed.
Europeans better learn to live with Islam.

Islamic Faith is now an inevitable part of European Fabric.

Mainland Europe has 44 million to 60 million Muslims and this number is only going to increase, as Muslims say, Inshallah and Mashallah.

West has miserably and utterly failed to counter the Islamic Ideology throughout history...now why cry? Just get along together.


What do you in the picture? The areas least "blue" are areas where Muslims are between 100,000 to 1,000,000, lets not even go any further :lol:

China alone probably has more Muslims than there are Sikhs in whole wide world!!!

Islam is now a truly global civilization/religion/ideology that is present in every single nation on the face of the planet! and their numbers are only gonna grow...and it achieved all this in less than 1450 years!!!!....so just say Mashallah to all that and get along.

To Muslims, they better become moderate and stop this radicalism madness ...the "infidels" has a tolerance upto a certain limit, you guys should hope that this limit is never crossed.:)

If you are done with your rant, let me tell you something. This is the very thing about you radical islamists that pisses off non-muslims. Islam arrived in Europe (Spain) so many centuries ag. Still not a single majority west European Islamic country. You guys cry so much about people embracing it, still in N. AMerica islam is a minority religion. The fact is, there are very less people converting to Islam. The population is increasing simply because of the fastest rate of population growth (read reproduction) of Muslims.

Many posters here said how Hinduis,m is dying and what not. Latest PEWs research shows Hindus increased by 2 % over the last decade. We still are more than 1.3 billion people out of 6 billion world population. :)
Dislike of Islam is increasing in Britain due to spread of Wahhabism.

I think you are generalizing so many things....There is not issue with the religion rather it is section or you can say some few % of people who are creates interpretation to suits to their advantage....And unfortunately this kind of people are their in every religion.......as one of the posters are said...the liberal and sane minded person of each religion has more responsibility to control and coordinate their people to righteous path...
If you are done with your rant, let me tell you something. This is the very thing about you radical islamists that pisses off non-muslims. Islam arrived in Europe (Spain) so many centuries ag. Still not a single majority west European Islamic country. You guys cry so much about people embracing it, still in N. AMerica islam is a minority religion. The fact is, there are very less people converting to Islam. The population is increasing simply because of the fastest rate of population growth (read reproduction) of Muslims.

Many posters here said how Hinduis,m is dying and what not. Latest PEWs research shows Hindus increased by 2 % over the last decade. We still are more than 1.3 billion people out of 6 billion world population. :)

You are an idiot.

Neither am I Islamist nor I give a **** about Hinduism.....
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