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On Nagas of Nagaland State political solution


May 19, 2015
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On Nagas of Nagaland State political solution

The Naga population in 2011 is about 4 million. And the Nagas live in Nagaland, Manipur, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh (North East India) and Myanmar. The Nagas are comprised of various tribes, and the Nagas are culturally, socially and ethnically different from the mainland Indian. Culturally or ethnically, there is not any affinity between the Nagas and the Indian except that the Indian have forcefully invaded the Naga country and occupied in Nagalim since 1956.

How the Nagaland state was formed?

Some of the Nagas of present Nagaland state have forcefully formed the new state of India known as Nagaland state. Now some of the Naga leaders of Nagas of Nagaland want to have a separate Naga political solution for the Nagas in Nagaland only. Do you think that giving Naga Political solution for the Nagas in Nagaland will be easier and more feasible than bringing the Nagas under one administrative unit? The GoI not willing to integrate the Naga inhabited areas under one administrative unit should not be the reason for demanding a separate Naga political for the Nagas in Nagaland only.

The present Nagaland state was allowed to form by GoI without much effort. In fact, it was formed in order to erase the concept of the Naga national movement and to smother the Naga national movement. The GoI treacherously enticed some of the Naga leaders, and eventually formed the present state Nagaland. All the Naga architectures who helped to form the present Nagaland state were alleged to be assassinated by NNC as the Naga national movement cannot compensated in exchange of Nagaland state formation. One should not be too proud and too complacent of having a state like Nagaland under the constitution of India as it was formed to weaken and smother the Naga national movement.

With the formation of Nagaland state, many Nagas in Nagaland are enjoying the fruits of the Nagas (Nagas in Naga land or Nagalim) as the Government of India have been pouring a huge amount of budget EVERY year to Nagaland state to fool the Nagas, and to pull down the Naga national movement. And depending on this easy money from the GoI, many Nagas have gone crazy after money and became lazy unlike their counterpart Nagas who are struggling hard toiling soil with their sweats for their living. It’s very unfortunate and sad that some of the Nagas including the Naga leaders have totally forgotten the purpose of their forefathers’ national movement who have sacrificed their lives for the future Naga generation.

Many Naga people have been observing and crying silently in their heart what were happening recently in the present state Nagaland. And it’s indeed very unfortunate that something is going beyond the state of people mind to continue observing silently. What’s there for the Nagas in present Nagaland state without the Nagas from other parts of the Nagalim? And what’s there for the Nagas in Myanmar or Manipur or any other state without the other Nagas? Do you think that the present Nagas in Nagaland state have become more powerful, popular and bolder without the Nagas from other parts of the Nagas? Do you think the wisdom of some Nagas are taken back by God? Do you think that GoI will pour in more money to Nagaland state if the Nagas in present state of Nagaland demand for a separate Naga political solution?

Some of the Naga leaders from NNC claims to be the sole representative of the Nagas in Nagaland (Nagalim)? And they also claim to be the only Naga National movement which can bring Naga political solution. Do the NNC also endorses the claims of Naga political solution for the Nagas in Nagaland state or do the NNC stands for the whole Nagas?

What is the main purpose of Naga National movement?

Is the Naga national movement started by Naga Club and later by the late Phizo – the father of the Naga nation is only for the present state Nagaland state? Even if some of the Naga leaders from the present state Nagaland state are brainwashed by Indian money and other facilities available in the state, and might have forgotten the main purpose of our Naga National movement, anyone can ask any non-Nagas on the purpose of the Naga National movement.

What are the main reasons of some leaders in present state Nagaland who have totally lost their mind, memories and Naga political history from their mind? The main purpose of our National movement is very clear from the beginning till today. And even though some of the Nagas including some of the Naga leaders in present Nagaland state have lost their mind, memories and forgotten the Naga political history, but we should be happy that more than 99% of the Nagas are for our Naga National movement to bring a honourable solution.

Who recognized the Naga national movement?

  1. The Naga national movement is recognized and supporting by UNPO. The UNPO has recongised Naga as one of the indigenous nation, and give their support for our Nagas rights to self-determination.
  2. The Naga International Support Center, Amsterdam, a human rights organization recognized and support the Nagas rights to self-determination. Some of the other Naga factions also trying to connect with NISC to get international support from outside.
  3. The Baptist World Baptist Alliance (BWA), also recognized the Naga political problem, and gives their prayer support for Naga reconciliation and early Naga political solution. The Baptist World Alliance (BWA) held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from July 4 to 9 in 2011, affirmed support to the long-protracted Naga issue and with the affirmation, a total of 120 nations federating with BWA would focus to advocate the Naga issue to all corners of the world through prayers.
  4. The Indian Government recognized the Naga political problem and the uniqueness of the Naga history, and thus a ceasefire agreement was made to process the Indo-Naga peace-talks.
  5. Based on recognition of uniqueness of the Naga history and Naga problem is a political problem, the GOI also made a Framework Agreements on 3rd August 2015.

Then how comes that suddenly some of the Nagas in Nagaland have changed their demand from Naga political movement into Nagaland state political solution? The Nagas outside the present state Nagaland may not have the rights to interfere in state political issue. However, every concern Naga has the rights to interfere in the state political affair when anything that goes against the interest of the Naga nationalmovement. The Naga nationalists were working on to bring all the Nagas (Nagaland, Myanmar, Manipur, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh) as one nation since 1940s.

Is the Naga nation only for the Nagas in Nagaland state? Why some of the Nagas of Nagaland have changed the Naga national movement into Nagaland state movement? Why some of the Nagas of Nagaland have lost their vision and hope? Today, some of the frustrated leaders who believe in “Divided we retain our leadership; united we lost our leadership” are leading some section of the Naga people. And some of the Naga gullible people are following them too. Leadership changes too. There can be misunderstanding, jealousy, hatred and ideological differences within a faction, tribe or nation. And out of frustration, hatred, ideological differences or other reasons – some of the leaders may want to retain their leadership by forming a few faction or organization. But one should not mislead other people to pull down the national movement. And also one should not change the Naga national movement into Nagaland state people movement. Kuknalim

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