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Old, rich Saudis "temporarily marry" young Syrian girls in Jordan

Please keep you're lack of knowledge on Islam to yourself. Internet is not a great source on the subject as well.

On topic, Marry temporarily? how can that happen? And i think the title is misleading instead of writing "Old, rich Saudis" it should be a "a few Saudis" you can't brand everyone as the same. Such sick perverts usually form a very tiny minority of any population so at least be fair.

This is because it is easier to demonize Saudi Arabians than most other populations in the world. That is simply the reality because of the high level of ignorance. Our government is partially to blame for that because I would personally like to see harsh reactions when false news is being spread in the international media which is often the case. I would like to see more being done to promote our ancient land we live on, it's many ancient cultures, our people, our customs, dresses, music, food, religion (Islam), hospitality, art, Arab culture, native ancient Semitic civilizations that lived on our land etc. I would like to see a much more aggressive step towards that. But I also know the difficulties that concern that since every country on this earth and people will face ignorance and false reports.

But our government has chosen a style where ignorance to all this is the way forward. I guess you can have different approaches. I would maybe slightly change them but who am I to decide?

You see our proud resident Zionist (Solomon2) even made a similar gossip/sensational title in another thread where he wrote "Saudi Gazette" which big letters to attract the crowd (everything that smells of KSA here and elsewhere in this world usually attracts opinions) when the article concerned an Arab Palestinian Christian journalist and guest write on Saudi Gazette that wrote a piece about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict to somehow make it sound like the official stance of KSA was that of being pro-Israel at the expanse of our Muslim and Arab brothers and sisters the Palestinians.

That is what we are up against. The trained eye (as I claim my is) can see those small details but most people ignore them. Especially if they don't know the author or his agenda.

I have seen threads on this forum where false news have been posted and despite me and many other members providing plenty of sources to show that this is indeed a hoax then new members have believed it in the very same thread and just kept posting nonsense. That proves that people do not even bother to read the actual threads but swallow everything. There is no critical sense.

The height of religious hypocrisy, those slimy sand fleas.

Says a wannabe Eskimo immigrant from God knows where with serious inferiority complexes. Why don't you leave the ignorance for yourself "slimy ice flea"? I have seen you write nonsense about us Muslims and Arabs many times before.

I am quite frankly a bit tired of ignorant trolls like you.

Keep religion out of this clown. It has nothing to do with religion when a few twisted individuals (can be counted on one or two hands) do things like that. All other nationalities in the region are involved, Syrians themselves. You can find such cases in EVERY single refugee camp across the world. Does not make it better for that reason though.

Besides I can refer to my post number 13 in this very own thread. Maybe your intellect is sufficient to understand it. But I doubt it given your conduct.

Armstrong - none of that is tolerated in KSA. They do not act in the name of religion. It is a disguise. An marriage in Islam must be accepted by both parties sincerely. Nothing to do with Islam. We are speaking about a few old Saudi Arabian perverts who see an opportunity. Nothing more and nothing less.

Those individuals regardless of nationality are found in every refugee camp across the world. There have even been reports of Syrian refugees raping other Syrian refugees. This can happen in refugee camps where over 120.000 people live. They are like small cities just much worse in terms of everything. Crimes, beatings, stealing, rapes etc. will happen there as everywhere else which such many people around. Especially in such a hopeless and desperate atmosphere. Unfortunately. But that is human nature.

99,9% of all Saudi Arabians fell nothing more than compassion for our Muslim and Arab brothers and sisters in Syria. Each week there are donations for Syria and Syrians.
I sincerely doubt poor @Yzd Khalifa has been going around and getting himself into "temporary marriages", besides the patriarchal and exploitative societal tendencies aren't exactly KSA's gift to the world nor is KSA the only place afflicted by it- whatever else one may say about the Kingdom. People can let go of the stereotyping and generalizing at least for once.
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Hay you, al-Hasani. Why don't they you included) just DO the girls and be done with, instead of following to the letters of Islamic laws and violating Islamic laws' spirit?
I sincerely doubt poor @Yzd Khalifa has been going around and getting himself into "temporary marriages", besides the patriarchal and exploitative societal tendencies aren't exactly KSA's gift to the world nor is KSA the only place afflicted by it- whatever else one may say about the Kingdom. People can let go of the stereotyping and generalizing at least for once.

:lol: Here I must say you nailed it (; ..

Too bad for the Elder of Zion that there is no such thing as temporary marriage in Saudi Arabia at all. In fact, if the Saudis heard such thing, they gonna rofl at it.

But again, the Elder is trying to be objective more than being subjective to all of his work, nothing surprising.

That Temporary marriage is haram :lol:
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Old, rich Saudis "temporarily marry" young Syrian girls in Jordan[/SIZE]

An Israeli TV reporter got into the Za'atari Syrian refugee camp in Jordan and discovered that older Saudi men are taking advantage of girls as young as ten years old and their families.

The video shows a female "marriage broker" extolling the beauty of her virgin girls - the men only want virgins, and they want them young.


So, not only is prostitution OK in Islam, even pedophelia seems to be widely authorized by Islamic governments.
But adultery is still punishable by stoning, or other severe bodily punishments (even for women who are raped! :hitwall:)..

Do you see how stuck your 'great' islamic law is in the dark ages, especially how it facilitates and protects the oppression of women by 'men' in more ways than I have fingers to count? Dump that 'the Quran and Hadiths and Sharia can never be changed' attitude (which I can prove to you in a polite but confronting way is a very evil lie that you're all brainwashed with all your life by your meglanomaniac warlord imams) to give yourselves not only a morality that is modern and respected by the other major faiths on earth (of which at least Christianity and the Jews worship the same God as The One you call Allah, btw, and I can prove that as well), but a good measure of individual freedom as well..

You don't need to adopt McDonnalds or Hollywood, hell you can make modern-islamic versions of those businesses, but I do strongly suggest you become a LOT more critical of those imams who claim to know Allahs will, for I doubt they consult Allah much on anything.
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Vultures of war. Creating, feeding the war and taking the shameful fruits

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