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Old, rich Saudis "temporarily marry" young Syrian girls in Jordan

There are few loopholes

1: Allowing short marriage as per sharia.. ( no Idea what Koran say, it is in practice)
2: Citing Muhammad marriage with 6 or 9 year old Ayesha..

These perverts will target poor girls.. Earlier they were targeting Indian subcontinent girl, now war broken middle east.
I am sorry but I don't think that any Arabs target Indian girls. No offense. I am not implying anything here but I know that this is not correct.

Besides you know nothing about Islam or the historical context and times so I would advice you to keep quite.
these wahabbis are disgusting creatures.PRC should not cooperate with such animals .These animals only deserve a bullet in their worthless heads.
Short marriage is against all principles of the Sunni version of Islam :lol: Chill out ...

There are few loopholes

1: Allowing short marriage as per sharia.. ( no Idea what Koran say, it is in practice)
2: Citing Muhammad marriage with 6 or 9 year old Ayesha..

These perverts will target poor girls.. Earlier they were targeting Indian subcontinent girl, now war broken middle east.
Besides we "missed" you in those two threads Zionist. You have gone completely silent. What is bothering you?
Try using the "@" (Mention) function next time; it's a much more polite form of invitation, yes? But looking at the two threads, either I'm not the person to rebut them or my presence wasn't necessary to do so.
Armstrong - none of that is tolerated in KSA. They do not act in the name of religion. It is a disguise. An marriage in Islam must be accepted by both parties sincerely. Nothing to do with Islam. We are speaking about a few old Saudi Arabian perverts who see an opportunity. Nothing more and nothing less.

Those individuals regardless of nationality are found in every refugee camp across the world. There have even been reports of Syrian refugees raping other Syrian refugees. This can happen in refugee camps where over 120.000 people live. They are like small cities just much worse in terms of everything. Crimes, beatings, stealing, rapes etc. will happen there as everywhere else which such many people around. .

99,9% of all Saudi Arabians fell nothing more than compassion for our Muslim and Arab brothers and sisters in Syria. Each week there are donations for Syria and Syrians.

Why are you even giving justifications ya-akhi?ya-habibi every nation consist of good and bad people,societies are always heterogeneous by nature as people of different approach,mindset and environment live together,thus forming a diverse society.
But some mindsets ignore such basic concept due to hatered against specific nations,that is why we see people here bashing and humiliating each other,they will always see an Arab murdering ,raping,abusing not just an individual.
Don't you have some Africans to abuse and put them in concentration camps in the Negev Desert? Or some Palestinian homes to bulldoze and some radical fellow Zionists to settle on Palestinian territory? What about killing some Palestinian children in Gaza and the West Bank?
As people can see, al-Hasani attempts to direct attention away from his countrymen by stoking blind hatred of Zionists. I and others have posted enough here, over time, so that such things can be defended by Pakistanis wishing to embrace Zionism instead:

- The Africans are illegal migrants
- The "Palestinian" homes bulldozed were built illegally
- Zionists can settle on "state" land because Mandate Law encouraging such settlement still applies; far from being outdated, the same Mandate Law is also the basis of UNRWA which services the daily needs of hundreds of thousands of Arabs.
- Palestinian children killed in Gaza and the West Bank are often pushed to the front of a conflict zone by adults, or killed by their own people by mistake; there is no evidence of Israeli intent to kill Palestinians who aren't threatening the lives of Israelis, as opposed to Arabs who celebrate those who kill Jewish non-combatants and kids deliberately in non-combat situations - i.e., terrorism.

The tide has been turning in the Arab World the past few years as more and more Arabs see the tyranny imposed upon them by the Israel-haters. While the Saudi king has business dealings with Jews he's been a real Zionophobe since at least the 1970s and has bent much effort to try to set back the clock and push Arabs back down into the pit of hatred. Are you proud of your role in this, al-Hasani?
Try using the "@" (Mention) function next time; it's a much more polite form of invitation, yes? But looking at the two threads, either I'm not the person to rebut them or my presence wasn't necessary to do so.

I was just staggered by the complete silence of a self-proclaimed Zionist who apparently is the living embodiment and reincarnation of peace, prosperity and coexistence.

The Zionist government that you so dearly support wholeheartedly and never criticize is doing all the opposites every day and even while we speak here now.

But I guess it is easier to sit in some apartment or suburban house in Washington D.C. blabbering without having a clue about the ground realities.

Likewise your ignorance, hatred for everything Arab and Muslim have been demonstrated again and again. On numerous occasions and different threads.

Meanwhile we still have thousands of Baruch Goldstein worshippers inside Israel and his grave has even become a pilgrimage site.
The phenomenon of the adoration of Goldstein's tomb persisted for years.[7] The grave's epitaph said that Goldstein "gave his life for the people of Israel, its Torah and land".[8] In 1999, after the passing of Israeli legislation outlawing monuments to terrorists, the Israeli army dismantled the shrine that had been built to Goldstein at the site of his interment. However, the tombstone and its epitaph, calling Goldstein a martyr with clean hands and a pure heart, was left untouched.[8] In the years after the dismantling of the shrine, radical Jewish settlers continued to celebrate the anniversary of the massacre in the West Bank, sometimes even dressing up themselves or their children to look like Goldstein.[7][29]
In 2010, Jewish settlers were criticized that during celebrations of Purim they sang songs praising Baruch Goldstein's massacre demonstratively in front of their Arab neighbours. A phrase from the song reads "Dr. Goldstein, there is none other like you in the world. Dr. Goldstein, we all love you… he aimed at terrorists' heads, squeezed the trigger hard, and shot bullets, and shot, and shot."[30]

Baruch Goldstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But what to expect from a illegal entity that was founded upon stolen land and terrorist elements - Irgun members that were heavily absorbed in the newly founded IDF in 1948.


Less than 2 years after the King David Hotel Bombing:


If you think that any sincere Arab or Muslim will ever be on the side of you Zionists then you are severely mistaken. I would even dare to say deluded.

But well you are the same individual who according to European and Christian members here propagandizes (in the European section of this forum) that in order to adopt anything good one must become a Zionist.

So excuse me for not taking you seriously.

Lastly I would appreciate if you quoted my whole posts (as I do with yours) and not just statements that you handpick outside the context that they have been written in order to create another narrative than the one I was actually portraying.

Why are you even giving justifications ya-akhi?ya-habibi every nation consist of good and bad people,societies are always heterogeneous by nature as people of different approach,mindset and environment live together,thus forming a diverse society.
But some mindsets ignore such basic concept due to hatered against specific nations,that is why we see people here bashing and humiliating each other,they will always see an Arab murdering ,raping,abusing not just an individual.

Indeed 7abibi. But some resident Zionists are unable to see the nuances. All they want to is propagandize. It is in their blood. The "we are the victims" mentality runs deep inside every Jew.
I was just staggered by the complete silence of a self-proclaimed Zionist who apparently is the living embodiment and reincarnation of peace, prosperity and coexistence.
Thank you. I know you didn't mean it sincerely but many visitors to Israel certainly think so, at least by comparison with its Arab neighbors.

The Zionist government that you so dearly support wholeheartedly and never criticize is doing all the opposites every day and even while we speak here now.
Once again, al-Hasani confuses what things ARE for what they are CALLED.

Likewise your ignorance, hatred for everything Arab and Muslim have been demonstrated again and again. On numerous occasions and different threads.
I'm prejudiced: Arab-cooked food is usually better than Jewish-cooked food and Arab manners are generally better than those of Israelis.

Meanwhile we still have thousands of Baruch Goldstein worshippers inside Israel and his grave has even become a pilgrimage site.

Baruch Goldstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaWhile a minority might idolize BG, the larger society overwhelmingly rejected him and his cause.

If you think that any sincere Arab or Muslim will ever be on the side of your Zionists then you are severely mistaken. I would even dare to say deluded.
That's already happened.

But well you are the same individual who according to Europe and Christian members here propagandizes (in the European section of this forum) that in order to adopt anything [good?] one must become a Zionist.
"Anything good" is exaggeration meant to reduce my analyses to absurdity. If that's all you have as rebuttal, it's no wonder that there are Pakistanis who take me more seriously than they take you.

I would appreciate if you quoted my whole posts (as I do with yours) and not just statements that you handpick outside the context that they have been written in to create another narrative than the one I was actually writing.
Huge big quotes can be a waste of readers' time. I try to be accurate and representative in my "handpicking" so do specify your quibble rather than criticize my style in general.
Thank you. I know you didn't mean it sincerely but many visitors to Israel certainly think so, at least by comparison with its Arab neighbors.

Once again, al-Hasani confuses what things ARE for what they are CALLED.

I'm prejudiced: Arab-cooked food is usually better than Jewish-cooked food and Arab manners are generally better than those of Israelis.

Baruch Goldstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaWhile a minority might idolize BG, the larger society overwhelmingly rejected him and his cause.

That's already happened.

"Anything good" is exaggeration meant to reduce my analyses to absurdity. If that's all you have as rebuttal, it's no wonder that there are Pakistanis who take me more seriously than they take you.

Huge big quotes can be a waste of readers' time. I try to be accurate and representative in my "handpicking" so do specify your quibble rather than criticize my style in general.

I am sure they do. I mean the Zionist propaganda machine runs 24/7 so it is no surprise. I wonder how many of them even learnt about the realities and living conditions next door in Gaza? They were probably more busy partying in the streets of Tel Aviv chasing girls. But I am afraid to tell you that just 1 out of over 20 Arab countries receives more tourists than Israel alone. You can guess the name of that country.

No, I don't confuse anything. I am exposing you as the one-sided and plain Zionist that you are. Nothing more and nothing less. I on the other hand am able to criticize both parties while I am yet to see you do such a simple thing. Apparently it is not that simple if one is a right-wing Zionist.

Yes, and I am Barack Obama. You are just saying that for the sake of it. And Israelis are in general richer than Yemenis. Juhu.

That might be the case but my point still stands.

No, in order to find a lasting peace and solution to this tiring conflict one does not have to become a Zionist as you propagandizes. You see that's where you are totally mistaken. Maybe one day you will realize that.

Those are their words. Not mine. I am simply just reporting those words again for the sake of the argument.

Until now I can look at the thanks you have received from Pakistanis and the ones I have received. You make the judgement. Outside of all this then I do not bother who supports what or not. I am trying to portray you as a one-sided and fanatical Zionist. That is not just an empty claim. That is a claim that I feel pretty certain about judging from your posts. Not just a few posts but a wide range of them.

Having a totally absent level of criticism for ones own party is a great sign of having fanatical tendencies. I for example have criticized a WIDE range of aspects in Saudi Arabia, Yemen and the Arab world as a whole. So we are once again back to square one. The simple fact that I have criticized the actions of some Palestinians and Arabs as recently as today when I have never seen you criticize your fellow Zionists. Staggering is is not?

And no talking about gastronomy is not an example of my point being wrong.

If you actually prove to me and the members here that you are not just a one-sided and fanatical American Zionist then I might take you and your views more seriously. I am sure most others would do that as well.

That is just a sign of your dishonesty then. The least one can do is to quote the full post of the person whom you have a discussion with.

See, I quoted your whole post. It's not really that hard.
No, I don't confuse anything. I am exposing you as the one-sided and plain Zionist that you are.
What "exposure"? It's right there on my "about" page! Being a Zionist is something to be proud of! And the administration on this board has known since the first day I appeared here. As for "one-sided" - you're the one who can't endorse the right of Jews - any Jews - to pray and live in the Holy Land without being subject to Arabs, while Zionists like me advocate co-existence, something current KSA leaders cannot abide in their own country.

Nothing more and nothing less. I on the other hand am able to criticize both parties while I am yet to see you do such a simple thing.
Why should I criticize both parties? Why should I be fair? Sometimes one group of people are simply better behaved and a better example than another group of people. If you don't believe that, why not trade places with a convict in your local prison?

No, in order to find a lasting peace and solution to this tiring conflict one does not have to become a Zionist as you propagandizes. You see that's where you are totally mistaken. Maybe one day you will realize that.
Note carefully that while this may or may not be true, al-Hasani does not deny that Muslims advocating Zionism can bring peace; however, al-Hasani has no other solution to offer.

Having a totally absent level of criticism for ones part is a great sign of having fanatical tendencies.
On the contrary, the issue is that compared to its Arab neighbors and several other Muslim countries, there is very little to criticize about Israel.

That is just sign of your dishonesty then. The least one can do is to quote the full post of the person who have a discussion with.
If other commenters here complain that I'm being unrepresentative I will reproduce more quotes in full; however, long-winded ego trips that add distortions and red herrings to the thread I will continue to ignore per my choosing.

Oh, here is the Arab and Muslims Supporters of Israel thread.
What "exposure"? It's right there on my "about" page! Being a Zionist is something to be proud of! And the administration on this board has known since the first day I appeared here. As for "one-sided" - you're the one who can't endorse the right of Jews - any Jews - to pray and live in the Holy Land without being subject to Arabs, while Zionists like me advocate co-existence, something current KSA leaders cannot abide in their own country.

Why should I criticize both parties? Why should I be fair? Sometimes one group of people are simply better behaved and a better example than another group of people. If you don't believe that, why not trade places with a convict in your local prison?

Note carefully that while this may or may not be true, al-Hasani does not deny that Muslims advocating Zionism can bring peace; however, al-Hasani has no other solution to offer.

On the contrary, the issue is that compared to its Arab neighbors and several other Muslim countries, there is very little to criticize about Israel.

If other commenters here complain that I'm being unrepresentative I will reproduce more quotes in full; however, long-winded ego trips that add distortions and red herrings to the thread I will continue to ignore per my choosing.

Oh, here is the Arab and Muslims Supporters of Israel thread.

Now you are doing it again. Ignoring large parts of my post. Another sign of dishonesty and intellectual limitations from your side. I encountered them in previous threads so I am not actually surprised. I was indeed even expecting such a turn of events or rather continuation.

The first paragraph of your post is just an empty rant with no proof whatsoever. I am sure that you can consult the actual Israelis and Jews who happen to live in Israel that have discussed with me on numerous occasions on this very own forum. But I don't rate you that highly anyway so I am not expecting any miracles.

Haha. Have I ever told you that I love your simplistic and moronic anecdotes and comparisons each time you run out of arguments? It's always a real pleasure in the comical way. Always a guaranty for a laugh or two.

"How would you feel if you lived next to a murderer". You know those kind of questions. Just laughable really.

But thanks for confirming that you are nothing more than a one-sided and fanatical right-wing American Zionist completely incapable of analyzing and coming to terms with the faults that your party and side ALSO commit. If that is not blind fanaticism then what is fanaticism?

Yes, sure. I let you live in the illusion of Zionism being the only solution to peace while that lame, childish, dishonest, empty and fanatical view is clearly without any foundation in real life whatsoever.

Who is talking about ego? Well, well, look what we have hear. An self-proclaimed Zionist that has equaled and still equals Zionism with the reincarnation of goodness, prosperity, coexistence etc. Talk about scoring an own goal.

So I gather that you are left with no further arguments. If that is the case then I don't really see a reason to continue this debate. I don't expect you to look at the conflict from more than just one tiny angle anyway so you are probably wasting my time although I like surprises so you might deliver one for once.
There are few loopholes

1: Allowing short marriage as per sharia.. ( no Idea what Koran say, it is in practice)
2: Citing Muhammad marriage with 6 or 9 year old Ayesha..

These perverts will target poor girls.. Earlier they were targeting Indian subcontinent girl, now war broken middle east.

Please keep you're lack of knowledge on Islam to yourself. Internet is not a great source on the subject as well.

On topic, Marry temporarily? how can that happen? And i think the title is misleading instead of writing "Old, rich Saudis" it should be a "a few Saudis" you can't brand everyone as the same. Such sick perverts usually form a very tiny minority of any population so at least be fair.
There are good and bad people in every country/culture. Blaming KSA for the acts of such demented individuals is like blaming Western countries for old aged white pedophiles hunting their preys in South-East Asia and the Subcontinent.
Saudis are known for this. Nothing to shock about.

Saudis are known for this. Nothing to shock about.
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