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Old, rich Saudis "temporarily marry" young Syrian girls in Jordan


Dec 12, 2008
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Monday, October 21, 2013

Old, rich Saudis "temporarily marry" young Syrian girls in Jordan

An Israeli TV reporter got into the Za'atari Syrian refugee camp in Jordan and discovered that older Saudi men are taking advantage of girls as young as ten years old and their families.

The video shows a female "marriage broker" extolling the beauty of her virgin girls - the men only want virgins, and they want them young.

According to Palestine Press Agency's reporting of the story, for as little as $3000 the Saudis are "marrying" young girls, having their twisted ideas of "fun," and then divorcing the girls.

A 70 year old Saudi man married a 13 year old girl for a week. A ten year old girl complained on camera about marrying a 60 year old Saudi who beat her during their short "marriage."

The Za'atari camp has around 120,000 residents, making it the fourth largest city in Jordan. Roughly half the residents are children.

The UNHCR head of the camp readily admits that the camp is filled with organized crime.

Solomon2 note: you can find out more about the Za'atari refugee camp here.
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We are talking about a tiny minority of a few individuals that would be persecuted if caught inside KSA. Besides all kind of nationals are involved. It is unacceptable.

But much of the news is exaggerated and false.

Also nobody believes Zionist propaganda.
damn it of its true then its in-human and disgusting
Not so far from what Al-Alam reveald a while ago :lol:

Saudis sexually abuse Syrian refugee girls

We are talking about a tiny minority of a few individuals that would be persecuted if caught inside KSA. Besides all kind of nationals are involved. It is unacceptable.

But much of the news is exaggerated and false.

Also nobody believes Zionist propaganda.

What do you expect from a Zionaiz(s), of whom one of them had sexually assaulted 7 years old gurl!!!
Also nobody believes Zionist propaganda.
Since other sources are listed, nobody has to believe "Zionist propaganda" to confirm the story - which you apparently know so well, since you are convinced it is exaggerated, added extra details, and compared it to the situation in KSA.

Congrats on your research, but another "D+" when it comes to honesty.
Since other sources are listed, nobody has to believe "Zionist propaganda" to confirm the story - which you apparently know so well, since you are convinced it is exaggerated, added extra details, and compared it to the situation in KSA.

Congrats on your research, but another "D+" when it comes to honesty.

Of course much of it is Zionist propaganda and nothing more. We are talking about a few individuals that can be counted on one hand. Such things are seen in every refugee camp besides many other nationals are also involved.

Don't you have some Africans to abuse and put them in concentration camps in the Negev Desert? Or some Palestinian homes to bulldoze and some radical fellow Zionists to settle on Palestinian territory?

What about killing some Palestinian children in Gaza and the West Bank?

Besides we "missed" you in those two threads Zionist. You have gone completely silent. What is bothering you?


@al-Hasani you buried him alive that he turned to the defensive mode trying to demolish KSA reputation portraying the country using made up stories done by Zionists like him anti-saudi by nature in order to convince other ignorances like him. It isnt hard to get some people paid to say whatever you want others to hear. :)
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All news agencies through out the world are busy in giving a bad name to Saudia. Saudis can never do this.

Yes, there is a lot of propaganda but Saudi Arabians are no saints and are as gullible as every other nationalities. There are good and bad people everywhere. There have indeed been reports of a few Saudis who have engaged in such unacceptable issues but they can be counted on one hand or two. Besides you have people from all over the region involved. There are twisted people who abuse the sufferings of weaker people. Nothing new.

I suggest you and others read about similar refugee camps and it can be found as well. I am sure the same is the case in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Africa etc. If not 100% convinced since I recall such stories. Google will probably help me here.

Let alone among the Zionists in Israel.

@al-Hasani you buried him alive that he turned to the defensive mode trying to demolish KSA reputation portraying the country using made up stories done by Zionists like him anti-saudi by nature in order to convince other ignorances like him. It isnt hard to get some people paid to say whatever you want others to hear. :)

He is angry I know. I made a 40-50 year old lunatic evangelist/Zionist tearful and desperate in a matter of a few pots and exposures in a few threads where he was showing his ignorance about Arab and Muslim matters that he has no living clue about. Very funny indeed.
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I think that this news is an attempt to justify ban on Israeli female volunteers at night shifts.:lol:
@al- hasani @Yzd Khalifa your crime is that you are an Arab,thus you carry brutality in your genes as claimed by Rabbi. Thus you will be chased till bathroom.:lol:
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Ahhh sh*t thats so messed up ! :bad:

I hope its not another one of that Misyar thing ! :hitwall:

Oi @al-Hasani @Yzd Khalifa @Arabian Legend - You need to ban that Misyar & Muttah things ! :pissed:

Ahhh sh*t thats so messed up ! :bad:

I hope its not another one of that Misyar thing ! :hitwall:

Oi @al-Hasani @Yzd Khalifa @Arabian Legend - You need to ban that Misyar & Muttah things ! :pissed:
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Armstrong - none of that is tolerated in KSA. They do not act in the name of religion. It is a disguise. An marriage in Islam must be accepted by both parties sincerely. Nothing to do with Islam. We are speaking about a few old Saudi Arabian perverts who see an opportunity. Nothing more and nothing less.

Those individuals regardless of nationality are found in every refugee camp across the world. There have even been reports of Syrian refugees raping other Syrian refugees. This can happen in refugee camps where over 120.000 people live. They are like small cities just much worse in terms of everything. Crimes, beatings, stealing, rapes etc. will happen there as everywhere else which such many people around. Especially in such a hopeless and desperate atmosphere. Unfortunately. But that is human nature.

99,9% of all Saudi Arabians fell nothing more than compassion for our Muslim and Arab brothers and sisters in Syria. Each week there are donations for Syria and Syrians.
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