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Obama's 'worst nightmare ' Chinese troops in Syria

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I rest assure you if Asad goes no muslim will live a simple life due to israel policies which we all knew and ASAD is last castle standing its way
are you saying any countries military in the same position wouldn't have the same kinda incidents?

and considering how many U.S servicemen are around the world and the time frame 5+ decades that you can only mention a half a dozen or so incidents is striking.

you would think there would be dozens if not hundreds of rapes and crimes.

not nearly on the scale of USSR rape of Germans and Imperial Japanese rape of South Koreans and Chinese :pop:

sorry our boys aren't train to be robots.
just one example, Russian soldier killed Armenian family last year.. its the same everywhere, dont even listen to that troll..
Court jails Russian soldier accused of killing Armenian family - Yahoo News
China should step in now..enough is enough..For sure China will win on PDF with support of Pakistani biradars.
Bro, you have no idea how to fight a 4th Generation Warfare like ISIS don't you?

US can send ground troop to fight in Syria and Iraq, heck, we did that just 3 years ago, why not?

It's not about money, it's not about casualty, it's not about anything else, but for a simple reason. WHY?

ISIS want US boots on the ground, it's how they recruit the non-educated Muslim Brethren for the Jihad. The reason there were jihad in the first place is there were western troop in Saudi Arabia, the holy land of Islam in the 90s. So, exactly why do America need to send troop to Syria to fuel the fire?

ISIS have to be dealt with by local authority. It's not about who created ISIS (by the way, ISIS were in Jordan long before US set foot in Afghanistan in 2001). Of course, you can blame US on the ISIS, in fact, you can blame all these to the west, but without addressing the sectarian faction (ie Shi'a vs Sunni) you are simply doing nothing and bombs keep falling and people keep dying.

No need to ponder over spilt milk anymore. The damage has been done.

It is very crucial to point out that the Americans are indeed responsible for creating ISIS after the debacle in Iraq. The US decided to unilaterally invade Iraq on the false pretences of WMDs and removing Saddam. No one including the West is responsible for fixing the ISIS mess other than the Americans. No, it is not a conspiracy or a blame game against the Americans. These are the simple and undeniable facts. It is very easy now to scrape together a useless coalition and lecture everyone about the importance of defeating ISIS. The Americans have been behaving like this for far too long. We have seen this behavior after the Cold War where the Americans left everyone high and dry after Balkanizing the former USSR. We all know what happened after that. The same is happening now with ISIS. In short, Americans create problems and leave it to others to sort it out. No wonder the world is basically sick and tired of fighting US wars. Even the American people are tired barring the Trump supporters. The Americans also need to stop acting like the grandad of the world by imposing regime change. Let the people figure it out instead of acting like God.

Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq | The Guardian
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No need to ponder over spilt milk anymore. The damage has been done.

It is very important to point out that the Americans are indeed responsible for creating ISIS after the debacle in Iraq. No one including the West is responsible for fixing the ISIS mess other than the Americans. It is very easy now to scrape together a useless coalition and lecture everyone about the importance of getting rid of ISIS. The Americans have been behaving like this for far too long. We have seen this behavior after the Cold War where the Anericans left everyone high and dry after Balkanizing the former USSR. We all know what happened after that. The same is happening now with ISIS. In short, Americans create problems and leave it to others to sort it out. No wonder the world is basically sick and tired of fighting US wars.

Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq | Seumas Milne | Opinion | The Guardian

lol..........you are quite funny. As if US did not invade Iraq, there will not be an ISIS.

Maybe next time if you crash your car on a bridge, you would blame the bridge for being exist instead of your own driving? I wonder?

As I said, you can blame the US all you want, and try to play victim in these issue, if this is how you think it will fix the current situation, then I can tell you this, unless God, Allah or Buddha create a Noah's Ark type situation, the problem is not going to go away in the middle east, the only different is, you are just blaming the US for your own misfortune and bombs keep falling and people keep dying. But as long as you can blame the US for this, then it would make it A-OK, I guess, as long as you get to blame the US, the whole middle east can go to hell in a hand basket for all you care, right?
lol..........you are quite funny. As if US did not invade Iraq, there will not be an ISIS.

Maybe next time if you crash your car on a bridge, you would blame the bridge for being exist instead of your own driving? I wonder?

As I said, you can blame the US all you want, and try to play victim in these issue, if this is how you think it will fix the current situation, then I can tell you this, unless God, Allah or Buddha create a Noah's Ark type situation, the problem is not going to go away in the middle east, the only different is, you are just blaming the US for your own misfortune and bombs keep falling and people keep dying. But as long as you can blame the US for this, then it would make it A-OK, I guess, as long as you get to blame the US, the whole middle east can go to hell in a hand basket for all you care, right?

Your denial won't change anything. The world isn't crazy and we don't have short term memory. Everyone knows who exactly is responsible for the creation of ISIS. This is what happens when you play with fire. You reap what you sow. You don't have to convince me about anything. It is too late for convincing now... Like I said, the damage has been done and ISIS is a reality now. The Americans are in a hurry to extinguish the fire they created. Only, the fire has already destroyed half the forest. The Saudi/US coalition is in tatters and no one wants to do the fighting. Meanwhile, Putin is calling the shots along with Assad. The same Assad the Americans so dearly want to dispose.
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Your denial won't change anything. The world isn't crazy and we don't have short term memory. Everyone knows who exactly is responsible for the creation of ISIS. This is what happens when you play with fire. You reap what you sow. You don't have to convince me about anything. It is too late for convincing now... Like I said, the damage has been done and ISIS is a reality now. The Americans are in a hurry to extinguish the fire they created. Only, the fire has already destroyed half the forest.

I am not trying to convince you, nor everybody, I honestly don't care who created ISIS to begin with, for a very simple reason. I DO NOT LIVE IN THE MIDDLE EAST. Whatever you people killing your own people is not my business. I spend 2 years in Iraq and Afghanistan and I know what I saw. So I don't honestly care about you, nor your brethren nor ISIS nor anything related to Middle East.

Just telling you the truth that you can blame US for it, but NOTHING, I will say again, NOTHING will get done. And you people will keep dying, but I could care less about it. In fact, most of my people in the west think Muslim (Moderate and Extremist) are bad and the more your own killing each other the better. So, you be the judge on that.
I am not trying to convince you, nor everybody, I honestly don't care who created ISIS to begin with, for a very simple reason. I DO NOT LIVE IN THE MIDDLE EAST. Whatever you people killing your own people is not my business. I spend 2 years in Iraq and Afghanistan and I know what I saw. So I don't honestly care about you, nor your brethren nor ISIS nor anything related to Middle East.

Just telling you the truth that you can blame US for it, but NOTHING, I will say again, NOTHING will get done. And you people will keep dying, but I could care less about it. In fact, most of my people think Muslim (Moderate and Extremist) is bad and the more your own killing each other the better. So, you be the judge on that.

That is very easy to say for you. To destroy the lives of other people and pretend that you don't care. That is to be expected though. The policies of your country are the reason why terror organizations like ISIL are even here today. Your policies provide them with breathing space and a cause to recruit people. Worse, you plot regime change and the outcome is always a disaster. Your prime goal is to rid Assad, but it has backfired miserably after the Russian intervention. You arm "good" rebel groups and wonder why the killing is going on. Like I said, the mess is now too complicated. Good luck with fixing it though. Pakistan, Indonesia and Malaysia have already opted out of the US/Saudi coalition. That leaves not much to vouch for.

PS. Please stop using bold and capitals.
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That is very easy to say for you. To destroy the lives of other people and pretend that you don't care. That is to be expected though. The policies of your country are the reason why terror organizations like ISIL are even here today. Your policies provide them with breathing space and a cause to recruit people. Worse, you plot regime change and the outcome is always a disaster. Your prime goal is to rid Syria of Assad, but it has backfired miserably after Russian intervention. Like I said, the mess is now too complicated. Good luck with fixing it.

lol......why fix when it ain't broken.

Isn't this is the way it should be? This is how Middle East should be. People killing each other with the same religion just because they are of different faith. Lol we in the west would just watch it on TV like this is a football game, so, if you count on us to fix it up for you, I can tell you this, there are going to be a LONNNNNNG wait.

And the Russian LOL. Are they making progress is Syria?

Syrian civil war: No end in sight for terrorism or the refugees fleeing to safety | Commentators | Voices | The Independent

Could an End to Syria’s Civil War be in Sight?

Meanwhile in Iraq, far away form the Russian

After Ramadi, Iraq sets sights on ISIS in Mosul - CNN.com

Iraqi forces continue to push ISIS from Ramadi, while some pockets remain - CSMonitor.com
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lol......why fix when it ain't broken.

Isn't this is the way it should be? This is how Middle East should be. People killing each other with the same religion just because they are of different faith. Lol we in the west would just watch it on TV like this is a football game, so, if you can't on us to fix it up for you, I can tell you this, there are going to be a LONNNNNNG wait.

You are actually laughing when people are being slaughtered due to your negligence and cowardice? To you it is a laughing matter? You like to call yourself a professional? It is very hard to believe that people like you are actually enlisted and would be fighting for a cause.

Having said that, don't be so sure. The monster that you created has already bit you. Do I need to remind you of Paris and other attacks on your shores? Try laughing about that. Look what misery your actions have caused for European capitals. Millions upon millions of Syrian refugees have to be accommodated in Europe.

American credibility is zero in the world and for the very reason you are displaying right now. You are arrogant and think you have all the answers. You really don't have all the answers.

You say you don't have anything to convince to us? Why are you using bold capitals and even participating in this thread to begin with?
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You are actually laughing when people are being slaughtered due to your negligence and cowardice? To you it is a laughing matter? You like to call yourself a professional? It is very hard to believe that people like you are actually enlisted and would be fighting for a cause.

Having said that, don't be so sure. The monster that you created has already bit you. Do I need to remind you of Paris and other attacks on your shores? Try laughing about that.

Well, I laugh out Loud on you, not on the people they Killed. On one hand, you blame the US for meddling the Iraq in 2003 and created ISIS, on the other you blame the US for NOT intervening the situation now. That's funny on any other angle.

You can try to derail my post on the ISIS by attacking me outright, but facts remain, I have been on the receiving end of those ISIS folk back in Iraq, my friend was one of the member of the team in Iraq to track down and killed Zarqawi back in 2006, I know A LOT more than you do about the situation in Iraq and ISIS.

You, on the other hand, know nothing about the issue and only have a point of view of what OTHER people tell you to. In a way I feel sad for you, but in a way, you simply embarrasses yourselves thru an open channel

As I said, you are welcome to blame US for all your Muslim Misfortune, yeah, as if that can change anything. Don't really care about what you, your people, your country think about the US, we are too big to ignore people like you. But obviously, you are quite pissed for being ignored.
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