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Obama's 'worst nightmare ' Chinese troops in Syria

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Bro, save the speech for a later time. It doesn't look so good for your country and the whole world knows it.

Bro, Military was not there to "Look Good". They are to do their job. 7 years in the military not once do I ever try to look good in front of a camera.

Don't really care what's the world point of view on US military, I only do care about one thing and one thing only, GET THE JOB DONE. If that means I am gonna be a bad guy for me to survive, then well, so be it.
not in a boots on the ground way but with drones or aircraft.

hell, even the US or Russia aren't on the ground in a big way, they just have small SF presence and Russian troops for airbase security and some special forces for SAR like we saw when they went to get their downed pilot.

If you believe China will send drones and fighter jets in a country they have no business in(unlike Russia/western powers), then i must say you are naive. lol China wont even send drones in its neighboring countries who are in turmoil/civil war and have even launched strikes in her own territory a few times(Myanmar),what makes you think they will do so in a middle eastern country that is thousands of miles away from their neighborhood and in which they never had/still have no interests in whatsoever? Old boy , people can dream.:lol: The Chinese aren't fools/stupid to fall into such trap that is easily avoidable. They only care about signing business deals/trade with any regime be it U.S/U.K/French backed regime or Russian backed one, they don't care one bit.:D

In short :WHY CHANGE A WINNING STRATEGY(non intervention)??:meeting:
If you believe China will send drones and fighter jets in a country they have no business in(unlike Russia/western powers), then i must say you are naive. lol China wont even send drones in its neighboring countries who are in turmoil/civil war and have even launched strikes in her own territory a few times(Myanmar),what makes you think they will do so in a middle eastern country that is thousands of miles away from their neighborhood and in which they never had/still have no interests in whatsoever? Old boy , people can dream.:lol: The Chinese aren't fools/stupid to fall into such trap that is easily avoidable. They only care about signing business deals/trade with any regime be it U.S/U.K/French backed regime or Russian backed one, they don't care one bit.:D

In short :WHY CHANGE A WINNING STRATEGY(non intervention)??:meeting:
maybe because Putin can make it worth their while ?

I honestly don't see a big deal if they were to deploy a few PLAAF squadrons to bomb IS
Take the 190 million in Pakistan, to them China is god.

Speak for yourself. Most Pakistanis hold China in high regard, like a brotherly country. Nobody worships China, at least not the common man. Perhaps Pakistani so called "liberals", who are out of sync with the sentiments of the common Pakistani, worship China the way they worship the west due to a severe inferiority complex. But most Pakistanis don't.
for Pakistan maybe :disagree: China is god?? so is China above Allah?

For Pakistani "liberals", yes. But then again anyone can be their god due to their inferiority complex.
maybe because Putin can make it worth their while ?

I honestly don't see a big deal if they were to deploy a few PLAAF squadrons to bomb IS

LOL Putin can make it worth their while??:lol: Good one.

Let's all hope they do then.:D

For Pakistani "liberals", yes. But then again anyone can be their god due to their inferiority complex.

"EUTimes" :yahoo::yahoo:

China would never do that. There is no need to attract the attention of all the Islamists of the world when US and the West is on their target list, and now Russia becoming their newest target. China would be wise to stay out of this quagmire.

China has no strategic interests in Syria. Its biggest Islamist threat is ETIM and that has nothing to do in Syria, but is still active in Afghanistan where China will need US support in handling it.

In 2010 Abdul Haq al Turkestani ETIM chief was killed by US drone strike. In 2012 ETIM's new chief Abdul Shakoor Turkestani, who was also the head of Al-Qaida in FATA region, was killed in another drone strike. So its the US that is helping China in countering its biggest internal threat, and hence we see the quadrilateral (Afghanistan, Pakistan, US and China) talks with Taliban.
Forget what US or the West thinks about this. Would love to know how Turkey takes this news, if true! They still seems to be following their logic of 2011 where dealing with Kurds & throwing Assad out is more important than countering radical islamists.. & their covert support to ISIS. They just need to rethink their policy as Assad is not isolated anymore.. & by getting Russia & China involved, balance is slowly shifting towards his side!
Just my two cents..
Who gives a fuk? Tommorow when they kill some chinese soldiers i bet they will take ther soldiers back:-).
Bro, Military was not there to "Look Good". They are to do their job. 7 years in the military not once do I ever try to look good in front of a camera.

Don't really care what's the world point of view on US military, I only do care about one thing and one thing only, GET THE JOB DONE. If that means I am gonna be a bad guy for me to survive, then well, so be it.

Bro, things aren't that simple anymore. The reason why the Americans are turning to other nations for setting up a coalition and outsourcing the dirty work is evident. The Americans won't commit troops to fight ISIS. It is a huge conundrum, bro. Getting the job done is exactly the main problem.

"EUTimes" :yahoo::yahoo:

China would never do that. There is no need to attract the attention of all the Islamists of the world when US and the West is on their target list, and now Russia becoming their newest target. China would be wise to stay out of this quagmire.

China has no strategic interests in Syria. Its biggest Islamist threat is ETIM and that has nothing to do in Syria, but is still active in Afghanistan where China will need US support in handling it.

In 2010 Abdul Haq al Turkestani ETIM chief was killed by US drone strike. In 2012 ETIM's new chief Abdul Shakoor Turkestani, who was also the head of Al-Qaida in FATA region, was killed in another drone strike. So its the US that is helping China in countering its biggest internal threat, and hence we see the quadrilateral (Afghanistan, Pakistan, US and China) talks with Taliban.

Exactly my thoughts. China is never getting involved in a mess they didn't create. It would tantamount to suicide. China is going to lean back, have some popcorn and watch things unfold. This is just wishful thinking from EUTimes.
Obama says, ooh sorry, I will have my vacation after this term and leave all this mess to Trump(maybe). Good luck, my successor.
Bro, things aren't that simple anymore. The reason why the Americans are turning to other nations for setting up a coalition and outsourcing the dirty work is evident. The Americans won't commit troops to fight ISIS. It is a huge conundrum, bro. Getting the job done is exactly the main problem.

Bro, you have no idea how to fight a 4th Generation Warfare like ISIS don't you?

US can send ground troop to fight in Syria and Iraq, heck, we did that just 3 years ago, why not?

It's not about money, it's not about casualty, it's not about anything else, but for a simple reason. WHY?

ISIS want US boots on the ground, it's how they recruit the non-educated Muslim Brethren for the Jihad. The reason there were jihad in the first place is there were western troop in Saudi Arabia, the holy land of Islam in the 90s. So, exactly why do America need to send troop to Syria to fuel the fire?

ISIS have to be dealt with by local authority. It's not about who created ISIS (by the way, ISIS were in Jordan long before US set foot in Afghanistan in 2001). Of course, you can blame US on the ISIS, in fact, you can blame all these to the west, but without addressing the sectarian faction (ie Shi'a vs Sunni) you are simply doing nothing and bombs keep falling and people keep dying.
No wonder China is rising and US is declining as US Christian population decline :enjoy:

i don't see a declining religious population as a huge negative. Soon you will know what I mean if it is rising there.
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