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Obama's 'worst nightmare ' Chinese troops in Syria

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lol, funny people```why these people are so excited about where and where we should send our troops ?

we like to play a role as a fixer not trouble maker like the U.S
are Chinese robots?? no emotions? not a single bad apple in the bunch?? how many Chinese are serving overseas?? compared to U.S tens of thousands for the last 5+ decades.

and I wonder how many of these rape incidents was committed by an African American

It doesn't matter but about upbringing and discipline of the armed forces. You are trying to imply those rape and murder are forgiveable becos US soldier are emotion and has their needs. So when far away from homeland and deprived of sex or entertainment, murdering or raping young girls are forgiving. Becos the local needs to be considerate to the emotion needs of US soldier? What are dumb idea you try to sell us. If you are thinking that way, you are no different from the monkey on trees. Barbarian American. :tdown:
you should stop arguing with him, he don't know anything about ground combat.

In Vietnam War alone, US send 2 millions troop overseas, and only a handful of case out of those "MILLIONS" of soldier, and he start talking when China have 5 thousands.
Typical american response. Always brag about the few handful and try to shove all the responsible to the locals. Probably, next time US soldier will blame its the fault of the local trying to seduce them with sexy clothing and try calling those rape victim as slut. You are no different from those ISIS barbarian. :tdown:
Rubbish article and a rubbish source. China isn't sending any soldiers. The war against ISIS is an American/Saudi problem. No one is even getting near this failed war. Let the Americans recruit soldiers and send their men as they are responsible for ISIS. China taking part against ISIS is wishful thinking at best. If anything, China is rubbing its hands and licking its lips as they see the US slide down further in a quagmire beyond repair. The Americans will be bogged down in the war against ISIS and their conquest to remove Assad for years to come. Whilst China will be further strengthening their economy and standing in the world like they have been doing during Iraq/Afghanistan wars.

The Americans have truly dug a deep hole for themselves. A hole so big and deep that they now have to recruit and bribe countries to scrape together a crappy coalition against ISIS. So far, Pakistan, Malaysia and Indonesia are off that list. Very much to the frustration of the US/Saudi nexus. It's an unthinkable mess. To complicate matters further, the Americans have been completely outfoxed by Putin in Syria. The plan to overthrow Assad is in the trash bin as we speak. No wonder the warmongering segment of the American society are in a sort of panic mode. Many Americans feel angry and are even willing to vote for a bigot like Trump. Unthinkable that a man of his character would one day be leading the polls and even be running for the White House! Just wait till this guy gets elected... He is going to build a wall against illegal immigrants which Mexico is going to pay for. He is going to close down mosques and impose a ban on Muslims entering the US. The real fireworks haven't even begun yet. LOL @ some red necks actually believing that this mad dog can fix their problems.
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Typical american response. Always brag about the few handful and try to shove all the responsible to the locals. Probably, next time US soldier will blame its the fault of the local trying to seduce them with sexy clothing and try calling those rape victim as slut. You are no different from those ISIS barbarian. :tdown:

lol, as if you have any actual combat experience.

Military is just like any community, if there are rapist in China, THERE WILL BE RAPIST with in Chinese Military. Just because you are in the military does not means they will not commit any crime. In fact, US Military have a low crime/servicemen ratio, MUCH lower than the civilian level.

But as I said, what do you know. Beside sitting behind the keyboard and typepty-type away.
lol, as if you have any actual combat experience.

Military is just like any community, if there are rapist in China, THERE WILL BE RAPIST with in Chinese Military. Just because you are in the military does not means they will not commit any crime. In fact, US Military have a low crime/servicemen ratio, MUCH lower than the civilian level.

But as I said, what do you know. Beside sitting behind the keyboard and typepty-type away.

Bro, save the speech for a later time. It doesn't look so good for your country and the whole world knows it.
China should try...
I'm all for it. Now China can share the headlines for killing women and children. You won't be able to censor it.
Nahhhhh...............Do you people really believe this news??:hitwall: This is just another cheap obvious Russian propaganda/wishful thinking. They also said the same thing when they started their intervention in Syria, where their media started claiming Chinese aircraft carrier( never mind that the only one China has at present is just a prototype used for training and as a test bed for building operating carriers) is being deployed in Syria for operations against Islamic rebels in syria. LMAO.:rofl: China’s military advisers ‘heading to Syria to help fight ISIS’ – report — RT News

Chinese leaders/authorities politely refuted/denied ever indulging in any such mission/conflict not only at present but even in future embarrassing Moscow. China Denies Sending Aircraft Carrier to Syria to Join Russian Forces
China Says Isn't Getting Involved in Syria

What the Russians forget is that Chinese leaders/people are very very risk averse, and would avoid any risky bets/actions if they can afford to, which in this case they can definitely afford to. So you can bet your head that China will never send its forces/troops to any conflict in the middle east. At best the Chinese will just say 'we call for calm on both sides and they should all come to the negotiating table' .lol :enjoy:

So anybody who even believes one bit in this news is either very naive or trying to act dumb. :D
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History tells us that chinese ventured out once and they were successful in their campaign... and they never used force but diplomacy ...their naval forces at that time were well behaved....
Nahhhhh...............Do you people really believe this news??:hitwall: This is just another cheap obvious Russian propaganda/wishful thinking. They also said the same thing when they started their intervention in Syria, where their media started claiming Chinese aircraft carrier( never mind that the only one China has at present is just a prototype used for training and as a test bed for building operating carriers) is being deployed in Syria for operations against Islamic rebels in syria. LMAO.:rofl: China’s military advisers ‘heading to Syria to help fight ISIS’ – report — RT News

Chinese leaders/authorities politely refuted/denied ever indulging in any such mission/conflict not only at present but even in future embarrassing Moscow. China Denies Sending Aircraft Carrier to Syria to Join Russian Forces
China Says Isn't Getting Involved in Syria

What the Russians forget is that Chinese leaders/people are very very risk averse, and would avoid any risky bets/actions if they can afford to, which in this case they can definitely afford to. So you can bet your head that China will never send its forces/troops to any conflict in the middle east. At best the Chinese will just say 'we call for calm on both sides and they should all come to the negotiating table' .lol :enjoy:

So anybody who even believes one bit in this news is either very naive or trying to act dumb. :D
been in the works for a while:

China preparing to 'team up with Russia in Syria': Boost for Putin in battle against ISIS | World | News | Daily Express

Chinese troops to join Russian marines in Syria soon, says report

China legalises overseas counter-terrorism operations in controversial new anti-terror laws - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

State Media Pushing China as Ideal 'Mediator' in Syrian War
So you are among those who believe China will get militarily involve in Syria??:cheesy::lol:
not in a boots on the ground way but with drones or aircraft.

hell, even the US or Russia aren't on the ground in a big way, they just have small SF presence and Russian troops for airbase security and some special forces for SAR like we saw when they went to get their downed pilot.
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