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Obama must apologise for crimes against Iran: Ahmadinejad


Nov 3, 2008
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United States

Wed Jan 28, 12:51 PM

TEHRAN (AFP) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad demanded on Wednesday that President Barack Obama apologise for past US "crimes" against the Islamic republic, after the new US leader extended a hand of diplomacy to Tehran.

The firebrand Iranian leader also called on Washington to withdraw its troops from across the world as a proof of Obama's promised policy of change.

"You were standing against the Iranian people in the past 60 years," Ahmadinejad said in an address in the western region of Khermenshah that was broadcast on state television.

"Those who speak of change must apologise to the Iranian people and try to repair their past bad acts and the crimes they committed against Iran," he said, suggesting it could be a condition for any talks between the archfoes.

In an interview on Monday with Al-Arabiya television, Obama promised to lay down a framework for his policy towards Iran, whose leaders have long regarded the United States as the "Great Satan".

"As I said in my inauguration speech, if countries like Iran are willing to unclench their fist, they will find an extended hand from us," Obama said.

"It is very important for us to make sure that we are using all the tools of US power, including diplomacy, in our relationship with Iran."

But Ahmadinejad on Wednesday launched a fresh tirade against the United States and said he expected "deep and fundamental" change from Obama.

"Meet people, talk to them with respect and put an end to the expansionist policies. If you talk about change it must put an end to the US military presence in the world, withdraw your troops and take them back inside your borders," Ahmadinejad said.

He said the advocates of change must "stop supporting the Zionists, outlaws and criminals" and also called on the United States to "stop interfering in other people's affairs."

"If someone wants to talk with us in the language that (George W.) Bush used ... even if he uses new words, our response will be the same that we gave to Bush during the past years," he added.

Ahmadinejad will himself run for office again in Iran's presidential election on June 12.

Tension between the two nations, which severed diplomatic relations almost three decades ago, soared over Iran's contested nuclear drive, which many in the West fear is a cover for a secret atomic weapons programme.

Bush -- who famously declared Iran part of an "axis of evil" -- refused to talk to Tehran until it stopped sensitive nuclear fuel work, but on Monday Obama extended a diplomatic hand.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday that a US envoy would join multilateral talks next week on Iran's nuclear programme.

"With respect to Iran, there is a clear opportunity for the Iranians, as the president expressed in his interview, to demonstrate some willingness to engage meaningfully with the international community," Clinton told reporters.

Washington's UN ambassador, Susan Rice, also pledged "direct" nuclear diplomacy with Tehran if it halts uranium enrichment, a process which makes fuel for nuclear plants but can be diverted to make the core of an atomic bomb.

The five permanent members of the UN Security Council -- Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States -- plus Germany (known as P5-plus-1) have offered Tehran economic and energy incentives in exchange for halting uranium enrichment.

But Tehran is pressing on with the work, insisting that its nuclear programme is peaceful and solely geared toward electricity generation.

The Security Council has already adopted four resolutions demanding an enrichment freeze, including three which imposed sanctions on Iran for its defiance.

Representatives of the P5-plus-1 are expected to meet again next week in Germany.

On Wednesday Ahmadinejad said Tehran would "wait, see and listen to what they (the United States) say and then consider what they do."

"If there is a real change, we will welcome it."

Obama must apologise for crimes against Iran: Ahmadinejad - Yahoo! Canada News
Iran is asking too Much From USA, America cant do this otherwise Israel will be really Pissed and you may see assassination of Obama Soon.
Iran is asking too Much From USA, America cant do this otherwise Israel will be really Pissed and you may see assassination of Obama Soon.

edit: was going to be snarky but in the renewed spirit of diplomacy and restraint i'll bite my tongue. i only wonder why assassination is on the mind...
Iran is asking too Much From USA, America cant do this otherwise Israel will be really Pissed and you may see assassination of Obama Soon.

Iran is asking TOO much from the U.S? I think it's the other way around. The U.S has been demanding A LOT from the Iranians since the revolution. A mere apology to all the stupid accusations and degrading comments from the past American administrations is not a big deal.

The Iranians don't have hostility towards the U.S like the way they do against the Iranians. If that wasn't the case, Iranian president wouldn't have accepted the Invitation from Columbia University back in 2007. Which was a success since the yankees proved that they don't know the first thing about respect and Hospitality.
Iranian president wouldn't have accepted the Invitation from Columbia University back in 2007. Which was a success since the yankees proved that they don't know the first thing about respect and Hospitality.

You must be joking, if you considered columbai university to be success. It was a total failure on Ahmadinejad. We could not back-up on the answer of the halocaust, that it never existed. He said that there is no such thing a gay people in Iran, which was one of the big laughs.

He talks about being in the international community, but has shown any sign of it. There are european countries including Russia ready to help Iran on power issues for trade of of nuclear issue. Yet he does not comply. Bush is right, if Iran did acquire nuclear warhead, this man would actually use it. He is bonifide nutcase!!!!
You must be joking, if you considered columbai university to be success. It was a total failure on Ahmadinejad. We could not back-up on the answer of the halocaust, that it never existed. He said that there is no such thing a gay people in Iran, which was one of the big laughs.

He talks about being in the international community, but has shown any sign of it. There are european countries including Russia ready to help Iran on power issues for trade of of nuclear issue. Yet he does not comply. Bush is right, if Iran did acquire nuclear warhead, this man would actually use it. He is bonifide nutcase!!!!

From your point of view, he might be a nut-case, But from the general view, everyone in the world criticized Columbia university's stupidity of bringing out a guest and trying to humiliate him with petty and cheap one liners. That was a failure on America's part. Secondly, it also showed that the so called "EVIL SATANS CHILD" doesn't mind coming out to a university, answering a couple of questions from the students.

His soft spoken and friendly attitude was praised by some American elements since most of protesters (Jews, specially) had pictures of him with devil's horns coming out of his head.

It was also a huge slap on the jewish community's face who were trying SO hard to protest against him and yet some of the crowd developed a better understanding of his personality and the circumstances his country is surrounded with which effects his foreign policy.
Iran is asking too Much From USA, America cant do this otherwise Israel will be really Pissed and you may see assassination of Obama Soon.

if u.s does fufill what iran is asking for them iran wins [as it will cause a bitter relationship between isreal and the u.s.]
if u.s doesnt do what iran is asking them to do, iran wins
its a win win situation for iran as its safer being u.s.'s enemy than it's friend.
A new administration came in US and this Jackass didn't waste anytime in opening his mouth.
It was on CNN yesterday. Everyone was laughing in my gym on this guy. What a demand.
A leader of a country should be more reasonable and choose his words carefully not like this nutjob.
Iran is asking TOO much from the U.S? I think it's the other way around. The U.S has been demanding A LOT from the Iranians since the revolution. A mere apology to all the stupid accusations and degrading comments from the past American administrations is not a big deal.

The Iranians don't have hostility towards the U.S like the way they do against the Iranians. If that wasn't the case, Iranian president wouldn't have accepted the Invitation from Columbia University back in 2007. Which was a success since the yankees proved that they don't know the first thing about respect and Hospitality.

was his trip so miserable? he would be the first i've met who hasn't absolutely bombed that place. blasts of fun, that is. frackin vacation
A new administration came in US and this Jackass didn't waste anytime in opening his mouth.
It was on CNN yesterday. Everyone was laughing in my gym on this guy. What a demand.
A leader of a country should be more reasonable and choose his words carefully not like this nutjob.

go on.... :crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy:
A new administration came in US and this Jackass didn't waste anytime in opening his mouth.
It was on CNN yesterday. Everyone was laughing in my gym on this guy. What a demand.
A leader of a country should be more reasonable and choose his words carefully not like this nutjob.

Do you even know what your talking about?

It's a reasonable demand. If Obama apologizes for past US actions then the two countries could move towards peace. Ofcourse Israel would'nt like any of it.
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