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Obama clashes with African host over gay rights


May 12, 2011
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DAKAR, Senegal: President Barack Obama on Thursday praised the Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage as a "victory for American democracy" but clashed with his African host over gay rights in a sign of how far the movement has to go internationally.

Obama said recognition of gay unions in the United States should cross state lines and that equal rights should be recognized universally. It was his first chance to expand on his thoughts about the ruling, which was issued Wednesday as he flew to Senegal, one of many African countries that outlaw homosexuality.

Senegalese President Macky Sall rebuffed Obama's call for Africans to give gays equal rights under the law.

"We are still not ready to decriminalize homosexuality," Sall said, while insisting that the country is "very tolerant" and needs more time to digest the issue without pressure. "This does not mean we are homophobic."

Obama said gay rights didn't come up in their private meeting at the presidential palace, a mansion that looks somewhat similar to the White House. But Obama said he wants to send a message to Africans that while he respects differing personal and religious views on the matter, it's important to have nondiscrimination under the law.
Obama clashes with African host over gay rights - The Times of India

What is he even doing here, he should spend time vacationing in some Luxury resort with his fastidious wife than finger point the host country in front of their president....
That's the difference between a modern democracy people are immigrating to and a backward developing country that nobody cares.
That's the difference between a modern democracy people are immigrating to and a backward developing country that nobody cares.

They never learn to Respect other nations.

All nations have their tradition and culture- that was not taught in their elementary schools.
They never learn to Respect other nations.

All nations have their tradition and culture- that was not taught in their elementary schools.

Tell that to African slaves and Africans that had to go to different schools even after the Emancipation Declaration. Hi, it's our tradition and culture to keep Africans as house keepers. "Separate and Equal" is also America's tradition!

Of course, people have long held prejudice and you can call it tradition and culture or whatever, and it is a long process to abandon prejudice, but dialogue is the first step towards equality of all humans.

It's funny how Africans are the most ardent opponent of gay rights when they themselves were the most oppressed group in American history.

More often than not, the oppressed group of people in a country do not have the voice and power to abolish discrimination. In those situations, outside pressure is certainly needed, unless you want the oppression and discrimination persist against those people, in the name of tradition and culture!

Also when you cited "tradition and culture," whose tradition? you means those discriminated people's tradition is to be discriminated against? Those gays in certain backward countries have tradition to be stoned to death? Ask those gays whether they want that tradition.
South Africa is even refusing to let Obama to pay a visit to N.Mandela, what a snub.
gay rights :hitwall: :hitwall:
what if some more people want marriage with animals????

Ha, Animal marriage, reminds me of such an episode of South Park.

I wouldn't be surprised it that becomes another struggle in future..at-least not in my lifetime.
More to the point is polygamy. If "gay" marriage is OK because it makes people happy, who is harmed, etc.; why not polygamy among consenting adults?? I don't see how western countries will be able to maintain their legal prohibition of polygamy in light of the reasoning that leads to allowing gay marriage.
Tell that to African slaves and Africans that had to go to different schools even after the Emancipation Declaration. Hi, it's our tradition and culture to keep Africans as house keepers. "Separate and Equal" is also America's tradition!

Of course, people have long held prejudice and you can call it tradition and culture or whatever, and it is a long process to abandon prejudice, but dialogue is the first step towards equality of all humans.

It's funny how Africans are the most ardent opponent of gay rights when they themselves were the most oppressed group in American history.

More often than not, the oppressed group of people in a country do not have the voice and power to abolish discrimination. In those situations, outside pressure is certainly needed, unless you want the oppression and discrimination persist against those people, in the name of tradition and culture!

Also when you cited "tradition and culture," whose tradition? you means those discriminated people's tradition is to be discriminated against? Those gays in certain backward countries have tradition to be stoned to death? Ask those gays whether they want that tradition.

Chinese Americans have been discriminated in the past aswell. Think of the CE Act of 1860. There is an huge difference between Africans and African Americans. Africans tend to value education while AAs listern to rap music, Africans tend to do arrange marriages while AA have pre-marital sex and get into relationships through love. And African is an large place, not an sigle dominate ethnic group live there.
That's the difference between a modern democracy people are immigrating to and a backward developing country that nobody cares.

Gay rights are human rights. There is no reason for them to not be allowed to be married.
Just another day of American empire asserting its 'culture' on others.
why doesn't bam'bam try to sell gay marriage to vatican...
That's the difference between a modern democracy people are immigrating to and a backward developing country that nobody cares.

Putin is right, no gay propaganda, a racially homogenous country must not accept gay propaganda, or liberalism to preserve strong traditions and work ethics. The USA is :sick: Don't impose your deviant values on anyone, keep it to yourself, whatever works for you.
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