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Number of different type of fighters in IAF

@janon your thoughts on post # 5 please.
The mig-27s were upgraded and modernized completely indegenously in India with no help from the OEM, between 2002 and 2009. While the upgrade was not as deep as the jaguar upgrade (no re-engining, for example), it still brought some respectable capabilities to this otherwise obsolete bird. Because of that upgrade, it is still relevant in our neighbourhood, and it can still perform useful missions. However it has some fundamental flaw in the engine, and it is too old and therefore unwise to be re-engined from a cost-benefit POV, so the whole fleet will be retired by 2017.

Livefist: SPECIAL REPORT: The Story Of India's MiG-27 Upgrade
Upgrade of MiG-27 fighter aircraft completed : Latest Headlines, News - India Today

This was one instance where working on the MKI with ToT immensely helped us do some things ourselves. Many systems developed in India for the MKI went into the mig-27s and jaguars. @sandy_3126 might be able to tell us more about the bird, since he has worked on it.
I am just wondering what kind of presence does MIG has in Anglo-French Jaguars . Can somebody shed light on it?
The mig-27s were upgraded and modernized completely indegenously in India with no help from the OEM, between 2002 and 2009. While the upgrade was not as deep as the jaguar upgrade (no re-engining, for example), it still brought some respectable capabilities to this otherwise obsolete bird. Because of that upgrade, it is still relevant in our neighbourhood, and it can still perform useful missions. However it has some fundamental law in the engine, and it is too old and therefore unwise to be re-engined from a cost-benefit POV, so the whole fleet will be retired by 2017.
27 has been one of my favorite a/c's. as fas a re-engine is concerned , I don't think it is relevant as Khatchaturov R-29B is one of the best engines ever fitted on an air frame. One of the key upgrades for the Mig 27 is instead of being a low level ground attack a/c it is now a high altitude bomber with PGM and A2G missile.

Livefist: SPECIAL REPORT: The Story Of India's MiG-27 Upgrade
Upgrade of MiG-27 fighter aircraft completed : Latest Headlines, News - India Today

This was one instance where working on the MKI with ToT immensely helped us do some things ourselves. Many systems developed in India or the MKI went into the mig-27s and jaguars. @sandy_3126 might be able to tell us more about the bird, since he has worked on it.

It did, some of the MFD, and Com convertors for the supporting A2G munition which I will leave to your imagination. also with DARE upgrade Mig27 will also get significant defensive capabilities.... These birds will last longer than we think...
@sandy_3126 What about the radar(or the lack of it) on Mig 27s? I think the DARE upgrades were only w.r.t avionics.
US has about 450 F15's, 1250 F16's, 187 F22's, 430 F18's, 488 SuperHornets, 100 Harriers.
About 2900 aircraft. This doesn't include a mishmash of other minor stuff.
It's actually the ''other stuff'' that makes the USAF invincible. The sheer number of AEWACS and EW aircrafts and refuellers all act as tremendous force multipliers, which is why the number of fighters don't even say half the story of its combat capability.
The USAF has some 300 F-15E. I would suspect the US has more than 450 F-15. :coffee:
Superboy/man YOUR MATHS is awful

178 Su30mki
235 Mig21
124 Jaguar
70 Mig27
54 Mig29
49 Mirage 2000

= over 700 planes
Your Numbers are slightly in accurate
IAF has 194 Su 30MKI as of Jan 2014,
Also we wont be upgrading 62 Mig29 , if we only had 54
Mirages are correct at 49
we have 70 Mig27 Fighters and 9 Trainers across 4 Sqds ,this figure is correct
IAF has 149 Jaguars ( 116 Jag IS, 8 Jag IM, 25 Jag Trainers, IAF plan to keep 100 Jag IS and 20 Trainers Flying till 2026

Mig 21 Numbers are overstated at 235,
its more close to 180, since 3 sqds have been retired in last 2 yrs, and AK Antony said that we have 9 Mig 21 sqds in service as of Jan 2014, with 120 of them being Bisons,
Non Bison mig 21 will be phased out by 2015

So actual fleet is more likely to be 194+180+124+70+62+49, thats around 680 fighters spread across 34 sqds
Is there any official source which updates fleet size of IAF
Given India's population, IAF needs at least 4,000 fighters.
So according to your warped logic, the number of aircraft depends on the population?? :what: I thought it was about threat perception?

Hmmm....I must be wrong. That means Burkina Faso should have just two fighters in their air force!! :lol: Jeeez!
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