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Now, Chinese choppers enter several hundred kilometres inside India

@HongWu calm down buddy. Our news has denied any incursion. Dont fall into a trap which has a political motive serving for some people in india
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Chinese choppers enter several hundred kilometres inside India

That's one hell of a deep incursion, if it's indeed true, why didn't India or rather IAF intercept them . !!
@HongWu calm down buddy. Our news has denied any incursion. Dont fall into a trap which has a political motive serving for some people in india
Yes, this is all Chinese territory that our helicopter is flying over. But the Indians are trying to take advantage of us while we fight Japan. Xi Jinping will make them pay dearly. The PLA army is still the strongest arm of the Chinese military. It can butcher the Indian army even while the navy and air force deals with Japan.

China's Thrust in the High Himalayas - Forbes

Can it really be that China wants to flex its muscles against India in a repetition of the Sino-Indian border war of the fall of 1962 that resulted in at least 2,000 killed, two thirds of them Indian? Almost without anyone noticing what was going on, two dozen Chinese troops have moved about six miles beyond the “Line of Actual Control” that’s viewed, at least in New Delhi, as India’s de facto northernmost border.

A few dozen Indian troops have set up camp several hundred meters from the Chinese in a confrontation that no one quite expects to burst into bloodshed. Should not loudspeaker demands to get out, and banners strung up bearing the same message, be enough to persuade the Chinese to decide, We’ve made our point and now we can leave. That’s how it’s been in hundreds of such “intrusions,” as they’re delicately called, over the decades since the two sides were actually shooting at one another in a contest in which the Chinese definitely proved their prowess.

This time, though, the Chinese are staying much longer than usual in a most inhospitable region covered with snow and ice at altitudes of several thousand meters. Much to the consternation of Indian policy-makers, the Chinese commander has refused to come to any agreement or understanding with the Indian commander. This time around, the Chinese seemed more determined than usual to nip away at the Indian lines — and Indian self-esteem.

The Chinese would seem to have already amply proved their military superiority by refusing to consider abandoning a virtually uninhabited region called Aksai Chin that the Chinese took over in 1962 and have held ever since. The region is so desolate, so difficult to defend and of so little immediate value that India virtually ceded it while still claiming it. The Line of Actual Control, as far as the Indians are concerned, is the border separating the territory the Indians still hold from Chinese-held territory.

There is a feeling in Delhi of, this can’t be, and won’t this latest hassle go away. That’s partly because China’s premier, Li Keqiang, is due to come to Delhi next month to meet India’s Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh. They should have a lot to talk about, including the problem of China diverting precious waters by damming the enormous rivers that flow out of China through northern India and neighboring Bangladesh. The Indus River flows out of Tibet, through northern India south of the disputed line with China before cutting through Pakistan.
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Death before disgrace ..shoot every junks
"Several hundred kilometers"! That's not a simple "incursion" that's an invasion. China's new President as I have mentioned before is more hawkish and aggressive than his predecessor; he is clearly more heavy handed with India.
Hongwu's fa*ting bomb???? I am scared.

You should be, because if China did really conduct strategic bombing on New Delhi you could potentially be killed in the bombing (you want to look like those little children in Gaza or Iraq?), but if you do survive share some videos and photos of the bombing with us. Have your phone or camera ready, you can become our reporter, and report to us photos and videos of the event.
"Several hundred kilometers"! That's not a simple "incursion" that's an invasion. China's new President as I have mentioned before is more hawkish and aggressive than his predecessor; he is clearly more heavy handed with India.
This time it's choppers. Next time it's main battle tanks! That's when you call it an invasion.
Do we know what kind of choppers PLA used in this deep incursion?
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