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Now China sets up camps, hoists flag in Bhutan!

The PLA taught USA a lesson. When China enter Korean war, the yankee were at Manchurian border. When the war ends, USA was at 38 lines.

The Chinese organized under Mao fought with light weapons, against USA armed with heavy weapons and air power. Many units died until the last man. USA got frighten.

Do you have comprehension problems .I was talking about Japan w.r.t. WWII not korean war .
He's not suggesting that India won the 1962 war, the facts on the ground are that India lost and lost badly.

What he is saying is that, had the war continued, the Indian divisions that were being rushed to the front would have turned the tables and reversed all Chinese gains of Indian territory etc so and so forth. This is a widely accepted fact.

This is laughable fantasy. India put its best military and got smoked. Coulda woulda shoulda is irrelevant. If we put our best soldiers, ALL of India would be under CCP control.

You got waxed in 1962, accept this fact kid.
He's not suggesting that India won the 1962 war, the facts on the ground are that India lost and lost badly.

What he is saying is that, had the war continued, the Indian divisions that were being rushed to the front would have turned the tables and reversed all Chinese gains of Indian territory etc so and so forth. This is a widely accepted fact.

Thank you. With this we can proceed.

You have a point here. While Chinese may not be able to hold on to the outskirt of Tezpur, we may be able to hold at least Tawang. As Indians unit would also have logistic problem attacking Tawang.
This is laughable fantasy. India put its best military and got smoked. Coulda woulda shoulda is irrelevant. If we put our best soldiers, ALL of India would be under CCP control.

You got waxed in 1962, accept this fact kid.

Look at the first sentence which I posted, I'm not claiming a false victory.

But yes, coulda woulda shouda but didn't.

Thank you. With this we can proceed.

You have a point here. While Chinese may not be able to hold on to the outskirt of Tezpur, we may be able to hold at least Tawang. As Indians unit would also have logistic problem attacking Tawang.

Please elucidate, what makes you say that the IA would be facing logistics issues in Tawang?

Even if true, had the war escalated, the respective air forces would have been called in and in that regard India had a clear advantage and air superiority over Tawang would have ensured Chinese positions would have been under heavy duress.

And I would be interested in knowing why you refer to the PLA/China as 'we', whilst claiming to be both originating from as well as residing in Singapore.
Your guns would fall apart before the bullet left. Your soldiers lack courage or dignity. You aren't a worthy opponent. In Indian doctrine equals fight equals.

Is that the reason Rajni kanth is so popular in India?
We should nuke India back to stone age. That would solve lots of problems in southeast Asia.

I can tell you are Chinese.....because you guys only know one thing is barking.....if not then why dont you nuke....go ahead nuke....unless close your big sh1t mouth...
This is laughable fantasy. India put its best military and got smoked. Coulda woulda shoulda is irrelevant. If we put our best soldiers, ALL of India would be under CCP control.

You got waxed in 1962, accept this fact kid.

Is that why we still hold Arunachal Pradesh ?? Your superior PLA came , saw and ran back from AP.
We went back after we taught India a painful lesson. In April we got concessions out of India and only then did we go back. India was defeated by China multiple times in 1962, 1967, 1987 and 2013. India has always been a defeated nation in the eyes of the Chinese people, that's why so many Chinese look down on Indians.

In both 67 and 87 you ran back from the fighting.In 62 , PLA defeated IA in Aksai Chin but still had to run back from AP .

In 2013 . you got no concession and it is a fact that after the tenting your PLA had to return back without nothing.

As to , chinese looks down or up , nobody cares.
Please elucidate, what makes you say that the IA would be facing logistics issues in Tawang?

Even if true, had the war escalated, the respective air forces would have been called in and in that regard India had a clear advantage and air superiority over Tawang would have ensured Chinese positions would have been under heavy duress.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...camps-hoists-flag-bhutan-9.html#ixzz2XUvtsmUA

20 km from Tezpur, you go into mountains with bad roads. One of India's way of talking their way out of defeat is bad road and mountain terrain and logistic. Tawang is around 150 km on roads from Assam plains. Then India army is facing problem in supplying the army.

Also its not so easy to attack defended mountainous region. PLA did it does not mean INA can.

I do not think India air force is as advance as China air force else they will use it. This is another excuse to cover up failure. Indian airforce is very small in number of planes. Even USA air force cannot stop China in Korea.

Also India fly samll number of Hunter and vampire. PLA is flying a larger number of Mig 15 and Mig 17. I do not think how Indian airforce can affect the outcome.

1962 war model

Indian POWs in front of the Potala after their release (April 1963), Lt. Col. Rattan Singh, Lt. Col. Balwant S. Alhuwalia, Brig. John Dalvi, Lt. Col. Maha Singh Rikh, Lt. Col. K.K. Tewari.

Look at the smiling Indian officers cameo. These Indians are from the so call "martial race". Their tribes are supposingly train to fight since 3000 years after Aryan invasion. They shitt on lower caste.

They smile happily after being captured. To the Indians soldiers, being captured is the best outcome fighting the Chinese. The Chinese treat POW well. The Indians will find themselves walking into holiday chalet. For these POW the war is over.

The Chinese PLA seldom surrender. Most fight till death. The Japanese IA does not surrender. They fight till death. You can only captured those who are too injured to commit suicide.

The Japanese general will harakiri.

I studied Indian military history. Indian army are planet biggest coward. They are just bully. They surrender very often when facing a true opponent. If they find a weaker opponent, they bully.
We are at least 50 years ahead of India. In China, no one shitt in the streets. In India people still shitt in the streets. India is the world biggest shitthole. India's wicked culture are far worse and far threatening to humanity than radical Islam.

I can come to terms with Islam but not Hindic culture,



We should import a few of you over as you eat everything from cockroaches to baby foetuses.
Nobody is contesting it on the basis of Aksai Chin

But we still hold hold Arunachal Pradesh . They tried to capture AP and when their logistic broke , they ran back on the claimimg that our aim was to teach a lesson .

Actually, they have no intention of holding on in the eastern sector. And if they wanted to, they won't be able to. So its hard to tell which one is which until we do an analysis of all of the areas they retreated from. Could they have hold any area that they retreated from? If the answer is yes, than they had retreated on their own will. And they have no desire to hold any part of the territory they gained in the eastern sector.
He's not suggesting that India won the 1962 war, the facts on the ground are that India lost and lost badly.

What he is saying is that, had the war continued, the Indian divisions that were being rushed to the front would have turned the tables and reversed all Chinese gains of Indian territory etc so and so forth. This is a widely accepted fact.

Actually, there was a lull between the first and the second phase of the war. India was in no position to send more troop. The real difference maker was the anticipated American participation of the war. If China had been able to over come logistical problems at that time, and if Americans didn't intervene, than the out come would have been Chinese troops entered New Delhi in a matter of weeks.
Look at the first sentence which I posted, I'm not claiming a false victory.

But yes, coulda woulda shouda but didn't.

Please elucidate, what makes you say that the IA would be facing logistics issues in Tawang?

Even if true, had the war escalated, the respective air forces would have been called in and in that regard India had a clear advantage and air superiority over Tawang would have ensured Chinese positions would have been under heavy duress.

And I would be interested in knowing why you refer to the PLA/China as 'we', whilst claiming to be both originating from as well as residing in Singapore.

If China decided to hold Tawang in 62, they would still be holding Tawang today. Tawang is clearly Chinese territory that British didn't even want after gained that track of land.
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