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Now China sets up camps, hoists flag in Bhutan!

You clearly don't know our history man so I suggest you not to make a prat out of yourself.

Maratha empire started as a regional empire with capital in Pune but at its extent, it had most of today's India and multiple parts of Pakistan in it.

I was talking about the situation in case of the resurrection of that empire today.

Yes, it started to expand to north India. But because of British, they were defeated like everyone else.

But your statement of "most India" is incorrect. Go look up on the size of the empire so you don't show ignorance about your own country.
For what communities think of Ladakh, go visit various chat room. I will provide what India newspaper said about Ladakh. Your newspaper indicting you yourselves. And I have collect many serious writings by India think thank, I would need time to dig it out.

Battle of tents and banners on border

dna Special: Government calls bluff on army's Ladakh manoeuvres - India - DNA

So you trust Indian media. rit???:omghaha: Go back to post #46, their one Chinese calling Indian media as lairs.
FYI, we Indians trust our Army than our medias & Government.
Yes we created them to kill our prime minister and our army . go and post your claims in stupid and funny . Clowns are the one who couldnt take control over south tibet .

They were lucky enough to become a part of India . They are happy to get themselves away from the northern losers .

We could have taken it. Nevertheless Dalai Lama 13 sold Sikhim, Bhutan, South Tibet (Arunachal Pradesh) to British. We Chinese are peaceful people. Even though we are at the right and win the war, we do not want to alter the status quo.

1962 war is not to grab India territory. Its to teach Indian a lesson. Wake up India, you have not learn your lesson.
To Gangtok, Sikkim

You shameless Sikhimese forgot you got invaded by India. Right now, after travelling inside Tibetan and chatting with people in forum, I got this feeling that those well-informed Tibetan already aware those "Indian Tibetan" (or you Sikhimese want to deny your ethnic) are living in shitt hole.


There were only 70 soldiers outside the palace of the chogyal who weren't even armed with automatic weapons to fire and kill.

Instead, they disarmed the palace guards and allowed the bureaucrats to conduct elections.

You call a 70-man group as an invasion?

Or you call a 98% favourable vote as a annexation?

Too much of Red Book has ruined your mind.

Take a breather, go to the mountains and relax your mind.

Funny dialogue coming from someone who stays in a concrete jungle.

Just google Gangtok and see what a 'shitt hole' I live in. :rofl:

My ancestors are of my home state itself though many Sikkimese share ancient Tibetan genes.

When did I deny that?

And this was wayy before China even existed. :D

So as I said, relax.

Within next 20 years, China will put more and more Tibetan into university training them to be doctors, lawyers, elite civil servants, engineers... And you Sikhimese will continue with your superstition in shitt hole.

Boo hoo! Go cry me a river of frustration. :lol:

You do what's good for you; we do what is good for us.
We could have taken it. Nevertheless Dalai Lama 13 sold Sikhim, Bhutan, South Tibet (Arunachal Pradesh) to British. We Chinese are peaceful people. Even though we are at the right and win the war, we do not want to alter the status quo.

1962 war is not to grab India territory. Its to teach Indian a lesson. Wake up India, you have not learn your lesson.

India did learn the lesson. But most Indians in here had not learned the lesson.

There were only 70 soldiers outside the palace of the chogyal who weren't even armed with automatic weapons to fire and kill.

Instead, they disarmed the palace guards and allowed the bureaucrats to conduct elections.

You call a 70-man group as an invasion?

Or you call a 98% favourable vote as a annexation?

Too much of Red Book has ruined your mind.

Take a breather, go to the mountains and relax your mind.

Funny dialogue coming from someone who stays in a swampy waste island.

Just google Gangtok and see what a 'shitt hole' I live in. :rofl:

My ancestors are of my home state itself though many Sikkimese share ancient Tibetan genes.

When did I deny that?

And this was before China even existed. :D

So as I said, relax.

Within next 20 years, China will put more and more Tibetan into university training them to be doctors, lawyers, elite civil servants, engineers... And you Sikhimese will continue with your superstition in shitt hole.
On a gunpoint yes.

You do that.

We are really happy and content here.

Today, India can peacefully "liberate" bhutan as well. Indian army control Bhutan army. Its good you enjoy being inside India with rape culture and caste system. No one can force you to change your mind.

Anyway, the smartest Tibetan are well travelled. Now Tibetan are rich. They been Dharmsala to see Dalai. China does not stop them. I met many of them in Dharamsala. Its a big disspoint for them.

Now many Chinese Tibetan already despise Indian Tibetan. Many claim that in forum and chat room, people can sense who is from China, as they are more polite and Indian/Nepal Tibetan is crude.

Enjoy your shitt hole.
Indians soldiers are the biggest coward not seen in this planet. It was Indian divisions who make British lost Malaya. Mamood Ghazni with few thousands mob can sack Delhi 17 times. Indians out number Muslim invaders 1000 times.

Robert Clive conqered India with less than 750 white man in Battle of Plassey.

In 1962, Indians flee like no body fighting Chinese. If Indians could be 1% as brave as Greece in Thermopylae, they would not get such humiliation.

The only thing you chinese accomplished ever was to run back on seeing enemy forces.The same thing happened in 62 and few months back .The only thing you are good enough is to get embarrassed.

The talk about cowardice from a chinese is a bit rich considering the fact that you would have been speaking Japanese if the US have not come to rescue in WWII. That too to a country which is multiple times smaller than yours .What will you call that ??

We taught them a lesson in 1962 and we reminded them 50 years later in April of this year when we showed who is boss.

The only thing you showed both time is that you can run back fast ..... :lol:
The only thing you chinese cowards accomplished ever was to run back scared with tail between your legs on seeing enemy forces.The same thing happened in 62 and few months back .The only thing you are good enough is to get embarrassed.

The talk about cowardice from a chinese is a bit rich considering the fact that you would have been speaking Japanese if the US have not come to rescue in WWII. That too to a country which is multiple times smaller than yours .Chinese soldiers are the biggest coward seen in this planet.

The only thing you showed both time is that you can run back fast ..... :lol:

You guys were defeated by China in 1962, and most Indians accept this fact. If you want people to respect you, at least accept the basic historical fact that India was militarily defeated by China in 1962. There is no way you can spin this defeat to a victory. The more you try, the less credible you look.

Hence, I posted post #111.
The only thing you chinese cowards accomplished ever was to run back scared with tail between your legs on seeing enemy forces.The same thing happened in 62 and few months back .The only thing you are good enough is to get embarrassed.

The talk about cowardice from a chinese is a bit rich considering the fact that you would have been speaking Japanese if the US have not come to rescue in WWII. That too to a country which is multiple times smaller than yours .Chinese soldiers are the biggest coward seen in this planet.

The PLA taught USA a lesson. When China enter Korean war, the yankee were at Manchurian border. When the war ends, USA was at 38 lines.

The Chinese organized under Mao fought with light weapons, against USA armed with heavy weapons and air power. Many units died until the last man. USA got frighten.
India did learn the lesson. But most Indians in here had not learned the lesson.

Yes India did learn the lesson .We learnt that every time after the blabbering and bravado the only thing china can do is run back .
The only thing you chinese cowards accomplished ever was to run back scared with tail between your legs on seeing enemy forces.The same thing happened in 62 and few months back .The only thing you are good enough is to get embarrassed.

The talk about cowardice from a chinese is a bit rich considering the fact that you would have been speaking Japanese if the US have not come to rescue in WWII. That too to a country which is multiple times smaller than yours .Chinese soldiers are the biggest coward seen in this planet.

The only thing you showed both time is that you can run back fast ..... :lol:

We went back after we taught India a painful lesson. In April we got concessions out of India and only then did we go back. India was defeated by China multiple times in 1962, 1967, 1987 and 2013. India has always been a defeated nation in the eyes of the Chinese people, that's why so many Chinese look down on Indians.
You guys were defeated by China in 1962, and most Indians accept this fact. If you want people to respect you, at least accept the basic historical fact that India was militarily defeated by China in 1962. There is no way you can spin this defeat to a victory. The more you try, the less credible you look.

Hence, I posted post #111.

Nobody is contesting it on the basis of Aksai Chin

But we still hold hold Arunachal Pradesh . They tried to capture AP and when their logistic broke , they ran back on the claimimg that our aim was to teach a lesson .
You guys were defeated by China in 1962, and most Indians accept this fact. If you want people to respect you, at least accept the basic historical fact that India was militarily defeated by China in 1962. There is no way you can spin this defeat to a victory. The more you try, the less credible you look.

Hence, I posted post #111.

He's not suggesting that India won the 1962 war, the facts on the ground are that India lost and lost badly.

What he is saying is that, had the war continued, the Indian divisions that were being rushed to the front would have turned the tables and reversed all Chinese gains of Indian territory etc so and so forth. This is a widely accepted fact.
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