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Norway: Terrorism in Oslo and Utoeya by suspected far-right Christian

7.57pm: Former Guardian staffer Neil Perry, based in Oslo, is watching Norwegian television and tells me they are showing images taken from a helicopter showing people swimming in the water off Utoya Island, presumably they threw themselves into the sea to get away from the gunman. An eyewitness has reported bodies of people who had been shot floating in the water.
the only logical entity that would be ''inclined'' or even ''justified'' (lack of better words) in attacking Norway would be Libya.....other than that, it's hard to imagine who else would want to do it

unless it's just some anarchists trying to stir up trouble domestically
where does ''india'' or this guy ''singh'' figure into this conversation??

Nothing. I just wanted to show the difference b/n Norwegian & Indian politician's response to terrorist attacks. While Norwegian leaders were calm we have big-mouth politicians like Digvijay Singh who doesn't miss any chance to revel in the limelight ,no matter the trauma that the nation faces.

Gordon Corera
Security correspondent, BBC News
Police are saying that they believe the car bomb and the shooting are linked and they are thought to have a suspect in custody from Utoeya. That means they should be getting a clearer idea of who was behind this attack.

An al-Qaeda linked group is still a strong possibility, based on opposition to the role of Norwegian forces or issues linked to the publication of cartoons of the prophet. There were arrests last year in Norway linked to an international terrorist plot.

However, at this stage other possibilities, including domestic extremists, cannot be ruled out.

Constructing a large car bomb requires a degree of sophistication and the crucial factor for the police will be establishing how many people are behind this attack, whether any are still at large and to whom they might connected.
Norway, really? Never would have thought this day would come. I just hope Canada's not next. Its a great thing Canada has started deporting a lot of mullah extremists and are very strict in letting immigrants in.

Good move by Canada. The jihadis who carry out this heinous crimes doesn't realize the fact that by doing so they are jeopardizing the future of immigrants as a whole.
did it ever occur to you that that is the very ''reaction'' the terrorists aim to create?
A white Person with police uniform killed 10+ youngsters on a AUF parti on UTØYA 2 hrs after bomb was gone off in Oslo. Its take almost 1:30 to 2 hrs to get too UTØYA. And now witness are telling they say same person with van linked with bombing so in other words some norwegain crazy person for some reason is behind todays attack. He has been caught now lets wait and see

Vitne s mistenkelig mann i politiuniform to minutter fr bombeangrepet - nyheter - Dagbladet.no
"Witness saw suspicious man in police uniform, two minutes before the bomb attack
- This is a hot track, police said."

Its same person who went off to utøya and killed 10 young ppl.
8.35pm: Oslo police have said they suspect the man arrested after the youth camp shooting is also linked to the bombing in Oslo.
Acting Police Chief Sveinung Sponheim won't give any details about the man, who was dressed in a police uniform when he opened fire.
He said police were still trying to get an overview of the shooting at the Utoya youth camp and could not say whether there was more than one shooter.
2107: Aerial images have been released by Norway's TV2 showing members of a Swat team arriving at the island where the shooting took place. In the same set of images, young people stripped down to their underwear could be seen swimming away from the island toward shore.
2100: Acting Police Chief Sveinung Sponheim in Oslo says the shooter had also been spotted in the capital prior to the explosions.
2056: The foreign minister has also confirmed that the man arrested following the shooting on the island is Caucasian.
terror group Ansar al-Jihad al-Alam has taken responsibility

Possible suspect, the extremist mullah krekar:

Apparently, Muslim extremists, like the piece of **** in the pic above I posted, have nothing to do with incidents that happened today in Norway. It seems it's the work of a homegrown terrorist, possibly right wing oriented.
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