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Norway massacre: Breivik declared insane

This was a isolated incident...insanity by a person. don't need to bring the religion into that and playing victimhood card.

Bringing religion into the Breivik massacre is very appropriate because he was a member of a religious organization. The Knights Templar. The basis of Knights Templar was a Crusade, just the same as any other religious nut motivated by faith based hatred.
Breivik made his decisions based on what he read in the news. He was fed information from the media he read then formed a conclusion, that Islam was about to take over Europe, and to go on a killing spree.

Were his conclusions insane? Not based on the media reports (the media reports themselves were insane, but his conclusions were not).

This is a case of Norway and the European Far Right politicians and newswriters trying to absolve themselves of any moral responsibility for the crime, and bury their head in the sand.
I would first say to avoid misunderstandings, I believe that Breivik actions is one of the sickest criminal deeds that happend here in Scandinavia since the second world war. I hope he never gets out of jail, and I know that everyone he meets during his punishment (other prisoners, jailers, etc.) will try to make his life a miserable hell, and it suits me fine.
I took time to read large parts of the Breivik "manifesto" And as far as I can understand his views based historians who despise Islam for various reasons.
And on a very old-fashioned Christian conservatism, a philosophy that disappeared here in Northern Europe after the Second World War. It is a Culture Conservatism that puts God, King and Fatherland as the highest authority. And anything that threatens or raises questions when these values site is considered enemies. Anyone who knows anything about the Scandinavian countries, know that even though most still honor these values​​, they have only a ceremonial role and is open to criticism, ranging from very serious debate to total ridicule.This is now seen by all as one of the finest qualities of our open society. That everything is open to criticism.
Calling him a Knights Templar, is to take him too seriously, I think that the order he describes as KT had only himself as a member, anyone can call themselves KT. It's actually when he writes of the "Order" to take power in Norway and elsewhere that his insanity is most evident, if it were not so tragic it would be laughable.
Breivik declared insane because he's nobody. No one can understand him as he see the world from a different angle and dimension.

Ironically other Breiviks occupying the White house and the ElyséePalace are not declared insane because he's someone.
The man was in a fit. What he did is pure insanity. This was neither a commando style raid nor a suicide-bomber attack. It wasn't planned; just went on a raged killing spree out of personal fears to the height of paranoia. If he was given life sentence, he'd be released in 11 years.
The man was in a fit. What he did is pure insanity. This was neither a commando style raid nor a suicide-bomber attack. It wasn't planned; just went on a raged killing spree out of personal fears to the height of paranoia. If he was given life sentence, he'd be released in 11 years.

yes genius, it wasn't planned.

only the few hundred pre-planned actions he mentioned in his diary. Other than that it wasn't pre-planned :cheesy:
whatever it is, it hadn't anything to do with Palestine.

they where there to learn politics and have fun they state... could do whatever they wanted for that sake! wouldn't change the mind of the killer!

yeah, the killer living in a sissy, unimportant country with a ridiculous legal system.......how many people did he massacre again?
again started playing victimhood card? Muslims themselves to blame for this. More than 95 % terrorist organisation are of Muslims. I do not want to bring religion on the subject but facts are there for everyone to see.

Really? That "95%" is fact? Do you even know the subject that's being talked about here?
The man was in a fit. What he did is pure insanity. This was neither a commando style raid nor a suicide-bomber attack. It wasn't planned; just went on a raged killing spree out of personal fears to the height of paranoia. If he was given life sentence, he'd be released in 11 years.



Seems pretty organized and professional to me.
praful -- have you noticed that nobody cares what you have to say in this forum?

go find another forum to yap on, this one isn't for you.
Goddamnit. The bastard was insane, but he should still spend the rest of his life in jail...
The same law can be applied to declare Mohammed Atta as insane..making the whole point of 9/11 and WOT as useless!

The fact that he served very well the anti-muslim agenda of the secret agencies is enough to secure his release!
LOL... Did he committed this cruelty because of his religious belief unlike "other" people do on the name of religion and called it Jihad against the enemy of Islam. This guy was suffering from islamophobia but he was not motivated by his religion's belief.

He did go by a particular ideology. Read his archives.

try to read the post in the context of the debate. I don't need to spoon feed you ..go figure it out.

There's 'context'? Wow! Then why bring Islam into the debate?

LOL ...and who are you ? :tongue:

He is someone.
I didn't bring Religion into it...few members were bringing...read from the start

I did look into them. And for that matter, your "95%" claim is irrelevant.

Their point is that if he had been a Muslim, he would've certainly been sentenced to death. And what does Mr. Berivik get for killing a bunch of kids to 'fulfill' his ideology? He's 'declared insane'.

Do you not see the bias?

I understand that there's no death penalty in Norway, but this despicable crime deserves every bit of accountability. Technically insane or not.
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