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Norway killer Anders Breivik ruled sane, given 21 YEAR PRISON Term

I have nothing to say but....... LOL@justics! if he was a Muslim they had enough reason to invade his country!!
Looks like one of my hostel rooms...is that Swedish jail? The guy went to Norwegien jail...

It seem better than Swedish Prision. You have a TV too.


On point. He can come out after serving 10 years, and serve the remaining 10 outside on probation and on community service :lol:
They can extend that sentence to an additional 21 years if he still remains a threat (which he will be) to society after his 21 year sentence.

Don't expect that madman to live free after 21 years :no:
It seem better than Swedish Prision. You have a TV too.


On point. He can come out after serving 10 years, and serve the remaining 10 outside on probation and on community service :lol:

Looks like my room now...So I am in Norwegien prison? Man, that guy isn't going to learn anything! I mean HE SMILED when his sentence was announced! What does that show you? = Ha! Even the system is on my side- they just had to pull up a drama...
Page badlo, hate nahin love karo

Are you telling him that? I sure do hope so...

Because thanks to his hate he killed 77...can't love a racist murderer! Can't love a justice system which devalues life! Sorry!
prison prison hoti hai ,

The reason for putting a person in prison is to isolate them....Give them time to ponder on what they did not to give them full entertainment and a better life than they had back at home? Wouldn't that just help increase crime rates...I mean if you are no longer afraid of imprisonment...and if your prison cell looks just like you room...What has changed? House arrest would have done the same?

Plus if a poor man who doesn't have a roof on his head gets a roof, some food and TV! Why not go kill some people and get 21 years of comfort?

Why are you apologizing before Zakii gets here?

I always apologize if I am wrong...The strong is not one who bullies the weak but the one who has the guts to stand up to their own wrong...I apologized now Please stick to the topic


BTW, What's wrong with Zakii?
I always apologize if I am wrong...The strong is not one who bullies the weak but the one who has the guts to stand up to their own wrong...I apologized now Please stick to the topic


Man you remind me of my youngest daughter and son.

The little one will finger the big one.

When the wrath of the parent comes down (usually me), the little one makes doe eyes as if butter wont melt .....
All of the teenage jihadists should move to Norway-
Blow some infidels up- and come out of the jail after few years to brag about it-
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