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North Korea - US Tension: News & Discussions

Council on Thursday voted
unanimously for tough new
sanctions against North Korea for
its latest nuclear test, ignoring
threats by the nutty nation to nuke the United States. Universally regarded as a
psychotic basket case, North
Korea saw its closest patron
China join hands with the US to
draft a resolution aimed at telling
Pyongyang that the international community condemns its ballistic missile and nuclear tests and its repeated
violation of Security Council resolutions. However, both Washington and Beijing remained
quiet on Pakistan, the country partly responsible
for North Korea's advances in nuclear weaponry
in exchange for ballistic missile technology. Like
North Korea, Pakistan too is seen as building a
national narrative based on paranoia and conspiracy theories. But the US is unwilling to confront it because of
its perceived exigencies in Afghanistan and China
prefers not to because of its usefulness against
India and US. On Wednesday, North Korea was at its bizarre
best, threatening a pre-emptive nuclear strike
against the US because it is using its ''puppet''
South Korea to prepare for denuclearizing
Pyongyang. "Since the United States is about to ignite a
nuclear war, we will be exercising our right to
preemptive nuclear attack against the
headquarters of the aggressor in order to protect
our supreme interest," North Korea's foreign
ministry spokesman said in a statement carried by the official news agency. Pyongyang's unnamed foreign ministry
spokesman also said it would be entitled to take
military action as of March 11 when US-South
Korea military drills move into a full-scale phase
as it had declared the truce invalid. The nuclear threat was not taken too seriously
since North Korea routinely resorts to such
bluster even though it would be eviscerated if it
launches its few weapons, which in any case, are
not thought to have the range to hit mainland
United States. Still, the desperate country - stalked by famine and hunger according to refugees
who trickle out - has so little to lose that many
experts fear its irrational utterances. Successive US administrations have assured
South Korea and Japan, who as the North's
immediate neighbours are at the receiving end of
its intimidation, that they will be protected with
American nuclear umbrella and missile defense.

lolz any sanction left ?:lol: US applied all of them on NK but lolzzzzzzzz:no:
Kim will get more angry! I think US wants NK to nuke US and then US have all figured it out! Once they triger KIm to use missile on USA! America will shoot it in the air! And it will have a big reason to send army to NK!
SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA – North Korea on Friday blamed South Korea and the United States for
cyberattacks that temporarily shut down
websites this week at a time of elevated tensions
over the North's nuclear ambitions. Experts,
however, indicated it could take months to
determine what happened and one analyst suggested hackers in China were a more likely
culprit. Internet access in Pyongyang was intermittent
on Wednesday and Thursday, and Loxley Pacific
Co., the broadband Internet provider for North
Korea, said it was investigating an online attack
that took down Pyongyang servers. A
spokesman for the Bangkok-based company said Friday that it was not clear where the attack
originated. North Korea's official Korean Central News
Agency blamed the shutdown on the United
States and South Korea, accusing the allies of
expanding an aggressive stance against
Pyongyang into cyberspace with "intensive and
persistent virus attacks." South Korea denied the allegation and the U.S.
military declined to comment. Loxley Pacific, which has provided broadband
Internet service in North Korea through a joint
venture with the government since 2010, said
the Internet was back to normal Friday. AP
journalists in Pyongyang also were able to access
the Internet again Friday after two days of disruptions. Most North Koreans do not have
access to the Internet, which remains restricted
to a select group. The cyberattack accusation comes amid a torrent
of North Korean criticism against the U.S. and
South Korea for holding routine joint military
drills that Pyongyang considers preparations for
an invasion. North Korea also is incensed by U.N.
sanctions punishing Pyongyang for testing a nuclear device that it claims to need as a defense
against U.S. aggression. "The U.S. thinks that only it can have nuclear
weapons. But we have nuclear weapons for
justice, and for the sovereignty of our country,"
Lt. Ri Yong Kwon of the North's Korean People's
Army said Friday at the heavily militarized border
dividing the Korean Peninsula. Increasingly, many nations see cyberspace as a
new front for warfare. China and the U.S. have
accused one another of state-backed
cyberspying. Accusations of cyberattacks on the Korean
Peninsula are not new, but it is usually South
Korea accusing the North of unleashing hackers
on its computer networks. Seoul believes
Pyongyang was behind at least two cyberattacks
on local companies in 2011 and 2012. South Korean security experts questioned North
Korea's quick blame of Washington and Seoul
because it can take months to trace the source of
a cyberattack and hackers can easily disguise
their locations. Individual hackers in China, where information
about North Korea's cyberspace and computer
software is more widely available than in the U.S.
and South Korea, are more likely to blame in this
case, said Lim Jong-in, dean of Korea University's
Graduate School of Information Security in Seoul. "There are many Chinese Internet users who
have expressed their hatred of North Korea these
days. I think it's more likely that some of them
launched cyberattacks on North Korean
websites," said Lim. "Many in China know much
more about North Korea's IT environments." Self-styled Chinese patriotic hackers have
attacked the websites of foreign governments
and private corporations at times of tension with
Japan, France, Germany and others. Outrage
might be sparked by territorial disputes,
diplomatic snubs or perceived insults to China. Such hackers, working individually or in tight
networks, with or without government
knowledge, may have been similarly riled up
over North Korea's latest provocations, including
the Feb. 12 nuclear test. China had urged North Korea not to conduct the
provocative test, and Beijing gave its support to
U.N. sanctions punishing Pyongyang in the wake
of the underground explosion, the North's third.
The test has drawn vocal criticism from middle-
class urban Chinese and even government- backed scholars.

so Korea has internet... lol

of course they will blame them.. :what:

Glorious master leader has called the cyber police, back tracing authorized, you dun goofed...
thanks,, i was searching random things on google and saw this website.. so why not register.. :)
true,i also found this forum while searching for defence related stuff.:)
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