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North Korea Is the Second-Happiest Place on Earth, According to North Korea


Mar 16, 2011
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North Korea may be one of the happiest places on Earth… according to a study by North Korea. Guess who is last? That’s right, the “American Empire.” However you know the study was fair and balanced since they didn’t rank themselves first on the list. They gave the title of Worlds Happiest Place on Earth to China.

Korea’s Chosun Central Television recently came out with a happiness index compiled by local researchers. Their findings? China is the happiest place on the planet, earning 100 points (a perfect score!). At number two is none other than North Korea itself. Cuba, Iran and Venezuela (in that order) round out the top five.
North Korea One of The Happiest Places on Earth
I wonder where Bhutan stands in their rankings... who are otherwise the happiest country on the planet in the anti-world for the NKoreans.
A very interesting list. Congratulations to the top five "winners": China, North Korea, Cuba, Iran and Venezuela. These nations truly form a club of like-thinking and right-thinking peoples!!!
People from few countries are again not happy :D
World superpower is last!!! What happened to white picket fence & the American dream?
Awesome, my father once wanted go there for summer vacation, apparently there's a train route of some kind in Northeast China.
A very interesting list. Congratulations to the top five "winners": China, North Korea, Cuba, Iran and Venezuela. These nations truly form a club of like-thinking and right-thinking peoples!!!

you forgot pakistan in this list.
I too would be happy if i lived in an extremely poor third world country under a murderous dictator.... not.
North Korea, the "New Land of Opportunity". The Great Leader should give a chance to people from all over the world to migrate there to make a good fortune and carrear.
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