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Non-Arab Muslim Nations Need to Unite



New Recruit

Jul 5, 2011
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These Arabs are useless, they are only good for funding jihadist activities and destroying Muslim countries from within, like they've been doing in Afgahnistan, Pakistan, Iraq etc and they are already working hard to add Somalia to their collection.
I do not think that you can just say this. Arab people are no differnt to us. We all have been burdend with corrupt leaders that do not really represent us. The West with leadership from America takes advantage of this. In the case of saudies etc the west are supportive of the royal family because it suits them. However in other regions where the leadership are in conflict with western interests the west will go to any lengths including war and killing they say to introduce their way of life, democracy and to introduce leadership which are more representative of the people they serve etc. Simply the west are frauds and complicit with our leaders to increase our suffering and injustice
Unity among the mulims? It was a dream ans will remain forever.

If SA stops supporting US, half of the problems of muslim world will solve automatically.

Another setback for muslims is lack of education / technological development. They were dependent on others and will remain so.
Unity among the mulims? It was a dream ans will remain forever.

If SA stops supporting US, half of the problems of muslim world will solve automatically.

Another setback for muslims is lack of education / technological development. They were dependent on others and will remain so.

It might take time but things will change if not for us then our children
Unity among the mulims? It was a dream ans will remain forever.

If SA stops supporting US, half of the problems of muslim world will solve automatically.

Another setback for muslims is lack of education / technological development. They were dependent on others and will remain so.

Its all about the money.Why would SA stop supporting US? SA has huge oil reserves and US is the largest consumer,its like a marriage made in heaven.
Its all about the money.Why would SA stop supporting US? SA has huge oil reserves and US is the largest consumer,its like a marriage made in heaven.

Thats fine but they the americans and saudies should not then pretend that they care about human rights democracy etc. Otherwise people like me might say they are hypocrites
Thats fine but they the americans and saudies should not then pretend that they care about human rights democracy etc. Otherwise people like me might say they are hypocrites

You nailed it.Yes,hypocrisy is indeed there.Now what do we do about it or what what can we do about it?

The answer in simple words is we should not care about what others think about the World.Rather,we should think,decide and then work for our own development in our own way,with whatever means possible.

The British wanted us to fight against each other and we fought,the Americans wanted us to fight against each other and we fought,the Arabs wanted us to believe that the care and we believed.
And after all this,we point our fingers at them and expect them to do something about it.Isnt that hypocritical on our part as well???

We should stop pointing fingers at others,wasting time on it and do things which is beneficial to us.The World is no utopian place,there will be wars,hunger,injustice whatever.We just need to make sure that we are not in the receiving end...end of story.
I think it's high time Muslims started putting their loyalty on their homeland first, that is what Allah commands us to do. If our loyalty lies anywhere else, even with the fellow "Muslim brother", that person needs to be shipped off to the country where his "Muslim brother" lives. It's high time Muslims around the world started acting like responsible citizens. There will never be a worldwide Muslim Ummah.
This is BS Thread which is trying to sow seeds of disunity amongst MUSLIMS. The Pakistanis on this blog should be embarrassed for partaking in this SA bashing. Let me ask you a question. When Pakistan was struck with a massive earthquake , who came for your help ? The biggest contributor was SAUDI ARABIA ( to the tune of 700 Million USD )
These Arabs are useless, they are only good for funding jihadist activities and destroying Muslim countries from within, like they've been doing in Afgahnistan, Pakistan, Iraq etc and they are already working hard to add Somalia to their collection.

Arab Muslim bloc and non Arab Muslim bloc....

yeh musalman hain jinhain dekh ker sharmayen yahood :laugh:
This is BS Thread which is trying to sow seeds of disunity amongst MUSLIMS. The Pakistanis on this blog should be embarrassed for partaking in this SA bashing. Let me ask you a question. When Pakistan was struck with a massive earthquake , who came for your help ? The biggest contributor was SAUDI ARABIA ( to the tune of 700 Million USD )

No one is anti arab or im not. But the fact is that the saudi royal family is only interested in its own survival nothing else. Saudies could bring America to its knees by refusing to accept the US$. They could dictate to america if they were minded to. America is the biggest and deadly disease facing muslims around the world
Muslims countries should concentrate on developing first......

First reduce your internal weakness, then contribute on unity.

But the question is should we waste our money on luxury while our Palestinian brothers are fighting for survival??

Anyway, to the thread starter, your answer lies here in the last sermon of Prophet Muhammad


All mankind is from Adam and Eve. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; white has no superiority over black, nor does a black have any superiority over white; [none have superiority over another] except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.

Remember, one day you will appear before God and answer for your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.
Dude please correct your flag and I will ask the mod to award you the IRGC Major status!
Ofcourse they need to unite...

Any idea how?

The ebb and flow of all human interactions in the world broils down to Currency.

The selfish Zionist bankers united the world for themselves, in such a way, that every transaction you make, every thing you buy, every loan you take, would ultimately lead to Interest that shall be repaid to IMF, or Federal Reserve.

Just as all of Europe has been united by Euro, And all of America has been united by Dollar, why can't we have a common Currency?

Why be trapped within the boundaries of your country with a seperate currency, and a seperate visa, that you live like cattle in cages.

Ibn e Batuta our Famous Traveller, started from Morocco, with Gold coins, and travelled till China, with the same moroccon Gold Coins in his pocket that he set off with from home. We need to unite ourselves spiritually with Islam, but physically, our trades and tributes with neighbouring countries need to be selfless. Not based on Haraam Interest.

Starting a Gold Standard for all Muslim Country's is the first step. Ofcourse the whole system of Banking, and Economy will jump at you to slit your throat, because starting Gold based economy would mean, by passing the means of livelyhood for Zionist Bankers.

Our Means of Livelyhood shall be Zakaat, And Khums, and Jizya, and it shall never get exhausted, the way it is designed. So Muslim countries would practically trade with each other, without ever burdening each other with the Debt that tags along if we dealtimports and exports in US Dollars, through Federal Reserve.


Sure we need to unite..

Start circulating the idea, that We need to break free from the Interest based Zionist system which has united the whole world to do their slave labor. We need to unite ourselves to stop doing that first! Mutual Benefit of all Countries!

Pakistan Zindabad!
United States of Islam Paindabaad!
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