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Nobody believed we had killed so many Chinese at Rezang La !!

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China fought Japan for 8 years and gained Manchuria / Taiwan territory but india was completely subjugated by Central Asian conquerors for 800 years and lost Indus River Valley! :lol:

So inferior ;)

You even lost your original Sanskrit language, so you speak a Persian-Turkic language now :lol:

The :lol: was correct. The quality of your posts is dramatically better nowadays.
you speak a Persian-Turkic language now :lol:

So you mean to say marathi is perso-turkic language anyway why dont mods take action against him for using such foolish idiotic troll signature
one should not be mean to "special" people.
Indians by Chinese people to fight neuropathy, and 30 years later how also no good.Skin itchy, let neuropathy 50 years, you think you're so powerful not tell you that India will never go beyond, this is the nature of the problem of the family name, the Indians only between themselves and their own masturbationall day say unrealistic

西班牙? :lol: tranquilo hombre, pero que es "neuropathy"?
50 years after the minor incident,Indians are still being told lies。Pathetic!:azn:

Nope.Your very own government controlled media had declared that PLAGF had suffered 1100+ casualties in that battle.

And by the way,it's not us who are being told lies,as we know about our defeat in 1962 no matter how much hopelessly outgunned and outnumbered our soldiers had been.But you guys don't even accept the 1967 NathuLa incident.
50 years after the minor incident,Indians are still being told lies。Pathetic!:azn:

50 years ago we fought with an army of 80,000 against PLA 1.4 Million. This was no Match. Today we stand at 1.37 Million add Other forces and we become 2.4 Million.

I have been to this battle-field. Can you Highlight what is wrongly projected ?

Till Today PLA has NOT Officially declared their War Dead. Is there some thing to hide. The attrition Numbers were Massive ?

Thanks to 62 war we could ward-off Pakistan in 65. In a way, I am grateful to China to wake us up.

50 years ago we fought with an army of 80,000 against PLA 1.4 Million. This was no Match. Today we stand at 1.37 Million add Other forces and we become 2.4 Million.

I have been to this battle-field. Can you Highlight what is wrongly projected ?

Till Today PLA has NOT Officially declared their War Dead. Is there some thing to hide. The attrition Numbers were Massive ?

Thanks to 62 war we could ward-off Pakistan in 65. In a way, I am grateful to China to wake us up.


50 years late``low class indians still believe those propaganda shyt about 62 from their high caste owners.... cheap, mental-masturbation, inferior complexity and subjective are in your people's blood``with any neutral sources state that PLA board skirmish army suffered minor casualty (none of them stated it over 1000, 722 is the commonly acknowledged number for PLA) compared to incompetent Indian elite armys (1,383 Killed; 1,047 Wounded ; 1,696 Missing; 3,968 Captured)

War Files: Sino-Indian War (1962)

and also your funny number of the troops are rather hilarious``it shows you have no knowledge of whatsoever about battle theater capacity, the terrirans on PLA's side can hardly host such massive number```it is the common sense for battle planners to know the capacity of the theater and deploy troops accordingly``

at the end day``the truth is poorly supplied and equiped PLA board skirmish army humiliated India's most elite army, and the agony echos still
Thats one among many battles btw india lost the war. its ego got spanked so badly that it still hurts indians.

It should hurt.

Its the hurt that served as a wake up call to a slumbering polity who felt back then that defence was getting too much attention. There were calls in Parliament to utilise soldiers for harvesting (!) as they did little else.

It was this wake up call the the nation experienced that gave it the courage to launch a counter offensive in 65 that unhinged the attacker and compelled him to recoil from J&K.

It was this wake up call that helped create a new nation nine years later.

To quote an ad for a popular detergent - "Daag acche hain"
Just found this on youtube.

Indian soldiers surrendered then fed by the Chinese

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50 years after the minor incident,Indians are still being told lies。Pathetic!:azn:

Of course! Everybody knows it was Thor, the God of Thunder, who turned the tide!







I hope you enjoyed this. Are you now ready to make the transition from juvenile sniping to substantive criticism?
Kill and be killed are normal things in war,but in nowadays we Chinese really care about casualty numbers even dare not launch any attack to take back our lands,one reason is that we have one-child policy and so on the soldiers be called are with low mentality and low ability.
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