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No sign Pakistan knew of bin Laden presence, says U.S.

Thorough Pro

Aug 23, 2008
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WASHINGTON—The Obama administration has seen no evidence Pakistan's government knew Osama bin Laden was living in that country before his killing last week by U.S. forces, the U.S. national security advisor said Sunday.

"I can tell you directly that — I've not seen evidence that would tell us that the political, the military, or the intelligence leadership had foreknowledge — of bin Laden," Tom Donilon told NBC's "Meet the Press" when asked if Pakistan was guilty of harbouring the al-Qaida leader.

Read more: No sign Pakistan knew of bin Laden presence, says U.S.

No sign Pakistan knew of bin Laden presence, says U.S.
The raid could well be a blessing for Pakistan. Just think: if it had been a joint operation the U.S. could never be sure if Pakistanis would take advantage of the opportunity to destroy evidence of any complicity with Al-Qaeda. Yet since the U.S. carried out its raid alone, if it finds no such evidence us Americans will be almost completely sure that Pakistan is in the clear.
Well US has a black mailing device , the harddrives , when it will choose to blackmail Pakistan Army it will come up with some home made email or conversations

Fact : A while ago few videos emerged of Pakistani soliders killing terrorist and there was a huge uprard in Western Human rights

Now when US kills people from drones and infact the bin laden raid - is an example of killing an unarmed man and women and children there is no such debate or discussion infact its totally correct to dispose of a dead body in water (Allegedly killed) god knows if his skull and bones will be kept in some chamber we don't know , every one who read about Geronimo's past , knows what was done with his dead body and parts and same can be assumed about Mr Laden

The bottom line is :
a) US attacked a Sovereign nation i.e Pakistan
b) US back-stabbed pakistan and told our army to go in waziristan when they knew about this compound and courier
c) US continues to use drones to provoke Pakistan
d) US refuses to pay for the past due funding for our Army's coopoeration in captureing over 100 militants and countless others

The bottom line is , when any other nation kills terrorist its "illegal and against Geneva convention" but when it chooses it and does it its called retribution or justice.

An american CIA agent can come and kill a human in Pakistan , its called accident while a Pakistani women if points a gun (allegedy not to forget she was kidnapped and her children stolen) gets life in US prisons

So there are basic ethical questions about integrity of what USA is doing in Pakistan , and to be honest also in Libya by Supporting 200-300 terrorist in Libya by funding and sponsoring terrorist in Libya.

So really - we are approaching a point where Pakistan needs to really stand up - look US eye to eye and say Back off -

The reason why , the world is suffering is simple, US has a WILD WILD WEST mentality
and unless you develop some spine , and integrity to stand up , the killings will not stop

Its simple Law of WILD WILD WEST laws - a Mavrick only understand the language of another Mavrick not this attitude of holding hands on your stomach , and bowing your head down , or shacking heads and smiling etc

Realistically - I think if it was a joint mission it would have been a great collaborative joint operation for Pakistan - but instead Pakistan became a laughing stock of world - I think Americans are to be blamed

Why don't our Army Generals show a list of all the soliders and people who suffered as a result of US's war on Terror in Afghanistan -

This is really a back stabbing of epic proportions
A senior official in Pakistan's civilian government told ABC News, "Elements of Pakistan intelligence -- probably rogue or retired -- were involved in aiding, abetting and sheltering the leader of al Qaeda," the strongest public statement yet from the Pakistani government after the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound.

This is based on the government's judgment that the number of years bin Laden spent in Abbottabad -- and it now appears in a village outside the city of Haripur -- would have been impossible without help, possibly from someone in the middle tier of ISI, Pakistan's intelligence agency, who grew up fighting alongside the mujahidin against the Soviets, said the official.

According to the official, the military and ISI have been weeding some of them out but many remain.
A senior official in Pakistan's civilian government told ABC News, "Elements of Pakistan intelligence -- probably rogue or retired -- were involved in aiding, abetting and sheltering the leader of al Qaeda," the strongest public statement yet from the Pakistani government after the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound.

This is based on the government's judgment that the number of years bin Laden spent in Abbottabad -- and it now appears in a village outside the city of Haripur -- would have been impossible without help, possibly from someone in the middle tier of ISI, Pakistan's intelligence agency, who grew up fighting alongside the mujahidin against the Soviets, said the official.

According to the official, the military and ISI have been weeding some of them out but many remain.

link please..........
The raid could well be a blessing for Pakistan. Just think: if it had been a joint operation the U.S. could never be sure if Pakistanis would take advantage of the opportunity to destroy evidence of any complicity with Al-Qaeda. Yet since the U.S. carried out its raid alone, if it finds no such evidence us Americans will be almost completely sure that Pakistan is in the clear.


forge fake videos, release them without voice and say these are evidences, you entire hoax of command and control centre in osama house, weapons etc have they vanished in thin air???
The commander and chief disagrees with the thread title.


Osama bin Laden must have had Pakistan support network, says Obama

Barack Obama raises pressure on Pakistan to investigate whether its people were involved in helping Bin Laden hide

Barack Obama has ratcheted up the pressure on Pakistan, demanding that the Pakistani government investigates whether its own people were involved in a network to support Osama bin Laden in his Abbottabad hideout.

The US president's comments are his most direct yet on the subject of Pakistan's possible complicity with terrorism. He told the CBS show 60 Minutes that Bin Laden must have had "some sort of support network" inside the country.

"We don't know whether there might have been some people inside of government, outside of government, and that's something we have to investigate, and more importantly, the Pakistani government has to investigate," he said.

Obama's words add to a sustained verbal attack by the US administration on the Pakistani government in the wake of the raid on the al-Qaida leader's lair in the middle of a busy garrison town that is home to three regiments, a military academy and thousands of soldiers.

Last week the CIA director, Leon Panetta, told Congress that Pakistan had been "either involved or incompetent".

Tom Donilon, the national security adviser, said on ABC's This Week that there was no evidence Pakistan had foreknowledge of Bin Laden's presence. But he said the al-Qaida chief "was living, and we now know operating, in a town 35 miles away from Islamabad, a military town. So questions are being raised quite aggressively in Pakistan."

Osama bin Laden must have had Pakistan support network, says Obama | World news | The Guardian
Well US has a black mailing device , the harddrives , when it will choose to blackmail Pakistan Army it will come up with some home made email or conversations
yup, I said the a couple of times here. The harddrives, the laptops, the handwritten notes are being studied and analyzed. Dont hold your breath when a report comes out that along with **** on his harddrives contact of top Pakistani military establishment and nuclear sites also was also found.
The raid could well be a blessing for Pakistan. Just think: if it had been a joint operation the U.S. could never be sure if Pakistanis would take advantage of the opportunity to destroy evidence of any complicity with Al-Qaeda. Yet since the U.S. carried out its raid alone, if it finds no such evidence us Americans will be almost completely sure that Pakistan is in the clear.

For once you have finally made sence. Such an anomaly never occurs but today it has.
Same old tactics by US. Let me admonish Pakistan officials, wake up before its too late.
What makes me feel bad is how come an uninvited guest could leave its host in grave troubles!!. If I am not mistaken OBL was supposed to in Afghanistan fighting Americans who followed him in particular?.
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