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No Mr Modi, Sardar Patel never shared your views on India


Aug 11, 2013
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Growing up in Surat, I often heard a comment on Vallabhbhai Patel from my uncles and other relatives.

It was repeated by Narendra Modi at a rally last week. He said: “Every Indian still regrets that Patel did not become the first prime minister. Had he been the first prime minister, the country’s destiny would have been different.”

How Patel, who died in 1950, could have changed independent India’s destiny in three years was not explained by Modi. And what Patel would have done to do this was also not clear to the impartial observer. Did Modi mean that Indians would not have been so poor and backward had Patel led us instead of Nehru? Was that the meaning of “changed India’s destiny”? But Vallabhbhai Patel had no background of economic achievement or even understanding. Like the other great leaders of the time, his background was in law and his job was that of home minister.

No, what Modi was reaching for of course was the “unity and integrity of India”. In the ossified RSS mind, this is still under threat from Muslims and it is they whom Patel would have fixed and put in their place had he been PM.

This is what Modi meant, but is it true? Let’s look at it.

But first, as I have said, Modi’s is not a serious view and Patel’s lifespan and background should make that clear. Declaring Patel should have been prime minister instead of Nehru is the sort of thing said loosely in drawing room conversation, and something prime ministerial candidates should avoid.

In his book Sardar Patel and Indian Muslims, Rafiq Zakaria shows how Patel was actually secular and tolerant. His message to Hindus in the Constituent Assembly was: “It is for us who happen to be in a majority to think about what the minorities feel and imagine how we would feel if we were treated in the manner in which they are treated.”

Patel was no bigot and certainly not the anti-Muslim (though my uncles will be horrified to be told this) figure that those who lionize him for this reason seem to believe. He was instrumental, according to Zakaria, in giving Indian Muslims the right to proselytize and convert Hindus to Islam. This is what separates India from the states surrounding it, and makes it civilized. Patel was also instrumental in giving minorities the right to run their own institutions.

This is not the sort of work we imagine when we think of the no-nonsense Vallabhbhai.

It is true of course that Patel looked on Muslim motives with suspicion after Partition. But he was able to put himself above his emotions.

In fact, against the wishes of Dr Ambedkar, he gave Muslim leaders in the Constituent Assembly the opportunity to themselves take back their demand for separate electorates in India. This is something the Sikhs had demanded assuming, wrongly as Patel knew, that Muslims would also want it.

This great gesture from Patel absolved Muslims from the charge of continued separatism.

Gandhi said this of Patel: “I know the Sardar… His method and manner of approach to the Hindu-Muslim question, as also to several other questions, is different from mine and Pandit Nehru’s. But it is a travesty of truth to describe it as anti-Muslim. The Sardar’s heart is expansive enough to accommodate all.”

When Hindus and Muslims rioted yet again in Ahmedabad in 1941, Patel was in jail. This is what he told Gujaratis on his release: “The wounds that were inflicted on me, deep down within me, when I heard of what took place during the riots in this city, have still not healed. If even ten had been bold enough to stand up to the miscreants, this would not have happened. In future do not ever run away. Put up the defense. Face your enemy with a superior force: Gandhiji’s path of non-violence.”

How different Sardar Patel’s response from that of Modi, who still defends his ministers convicted for participating in a riot 60 years later.

The grand tribute Modi thinks he pays to him, Patel himself would not have appreciated.

Read more at: http://www.firstpost.com/politics/n...-on-india-1208885.html?utm_source=ref_article
Growing up in Surat, I often heard a comment on Vallabhbhai Patel from my uncles and other relatives.

It was repeated by Narendra Modi at a rally last week. He said: “Every Indian still regrets that Patel did not become the first prime minister. Had he been the first prime minister, the country’s destiny would have been different.”

How Patel, who died in 1950, could have changed independent India’s destiny in three years was not explained by Modi. And what Patel would have done to do this was also not clear to the impartial observer. Did Modi mean that Indians would not have been so poor and backward had Patel led us instead of Nehru? Was that the meaning of “changed India’s destiny”? But Vallabhbhai Patel had no background of economic achievement or even understanding. Like the other great leaders of the time, his background was in law and his job was that of home minister.

No, what Modi was reaching for of course was the “unity and integrity of India”. In the ossified RSS mind, this is still under threat from Muslims and it is they whom Patel would have fixed and put in their place had he been PM.

This is what Modi meant, but is it true? Let’s look at it.

But first, as I have said, Modi’s is not a serious view and Patel’s lifespan and background should make that clear. Declaring Patel should have been prime minister instead of Nehru is the sort of thing said loosely in drawing room conversation, and something prime ministerial candidates should avoid.

In his book Sardar Patel and Indian Muslims, Rafiq Zakaria shows how Patel was actually secular and tolerant. His message to Hindus in the Constituent Assembly was: “It is for us who happen to be in a majority to think about what the minorities feel and imagine how we would feel if we were treated in the manner in which they are treated.”

Patel was no bigot and certainly not the anti-Muslim (though my uncles will be horrified to be told this) figure that those who lionize him for this reason seem to believe. He was instrumental, according to Zakaria, in giving Indian Muslims the right to proselytize and convert Hindus to Islam. This is what separates India from the states surrounding it, and makes it civilized. Patel was also instrumental in giving minorities the right to run their own institutions.

This is not the sort of work we imagine when we think of the no-nonsense Vallabhbhai.

It is true of course that Patel looked on Muslim motives with suspicion after Partition. But he was able to put himself above his emotions.

In fact, against the wishes of Dr Ambedkar, he gave Muslim leaders in the Constituent Assembly the opportunity to themselves take back their demand for separate electorates in India. This is something the Sikhs had demanded assuming, wrongly as Patel knew, that Muslims would also want it.

This great gesture from Patel absolved Muslims from the charge of continued separatism.

Gandhi said this of Patel: “I know the Sardar… His method and manner of approach to the Hindu-Muslim question, as also to several other questions, is different from mine and Pandit Nehru’s. But it is a travesty of truth to describe it as anti-Muslim. The Sardar’s heart is expansive enough to accommodate all.”

When Hindus and Muslims rioted yet again in Ahmedabad in 1941, Patel was in jail. This is what he told Gujaratis on his release: “The wounds that were inflicted on me, deep down within me, when I heard of what took place during the riots in this city, have still not healed. If even ten had been bold enough to stand up to the miscreants, this would not have happened. In future do not ever run away. Put up the defense. Face your enemy with a superior force: Gandhiji’s path of non-violence.”

How different Sardar Patel’s response from that of Modi, who still defends his ministers convicted for participating in a riot 60 years later.

The grand tribute Modi thinks he pays to him, Patel himself would not have appreciated.

Read more at: http://www.firstpost.com/politics/n...-on-india-1208885.html?utm_source=ref_article
Another manish tiwari article from firstpost? Or is it new nrega recruit?
Sardar Patel was also the one who as Home Minister banned the rss for a while.

He banned RSS for a little while only to investigate their role, and later he himself gave RSS the clean chit and lifted the ban.


Just a clarification:

Even the founder of RSS belonged to Congress (and so did Jinnnah, the man who cut India into pieces for Muslim homeland). This nautanki done by present day Congressis about how Sardar Patel belonged to Congress, the truth is that most Indians regardless of whether they were liberal or hardline all belonged to the Congress MOVEMENT of getting freedom from the British. The Congress MOVEMENT is very different from the present day Congress Party. Peace. 
Another manish tiwari article from firstpost? Or is it new nrega recruit?

Even worse its Aakar Patel, the one who writes for Pakistani newspapers and talks shit about Hindus regularly there.
He banned RSS for a little while only to investigate their role, and later he himself gave RSS the clean chit and lifted the ban.


Just a clarification:

Even the founder of RSS belonged to Congress (and so did Jinnnah, the man who cut India into pieces for Muslim homeland). This nautanki done by present day Congressis about how Sardar Patel belonged to Congress, the truth is that most Indians regardless of whether they were liberal or hardline all belonged to the Congress MOVEMENT of getting freedom from the British. The Congress MOVEMENT is very different from the present day Congress Party. Peace. 

Even worse its Aakar Patel, the one who writes for Pakistani newspapers and talks shit about Hindus regularly there.

i never said anything ever against RSS till now because i always found them to be nationalist organisation albeit with different agenda after 1990's
Whether Mr. Modi shared Sardar's views or not, whether he is using it for some personal agenda or not, I feel it is good that someone is bringing Sardar to the fore. The name of Sardar sends so much of patriotic elation through the bodies of Indians. And till now there was so much of concerted effort to mask his achievements - Take the school books - sings praises for Gandhi and Nehru clan and there is not much about Sardar. Take the roads, airports, bridges and what not - named after the Nehru clan. So if Modi tries to revive his name, I feel it is a good thing for the Indians and people like the author of the article should not feel b**tt hurt.
The fact that Sardar Patel's statue is being built is by all means a great thing.

It would always keep in public eye Sardar Patel's achievements and qualities...something not happening now.
The fact that Sardar Patel's statue is being built is by all means a great thing.

It would always keep in public eye Sardar Patel's achievements and qualities...something not happening now.

And all of that will happen because of a statue?
The statue is definitely a big statement and this is not any random statue on the street,it is a big one.

This is like asking what good is the statue of liberty or anything like that? 
eh rafeeq,dhyaan wich rab vi nahin,

sardar bas yaar dillan wich vas daye.
So it's only Congressis who have the right to celebrate our national heroes? If Modi wants to celebrate Saradar Patel's legacy... then he needs to share the same views as the one he wants to celebrate? logic of convenience? really petty!
And all of that will happen because of a statue?
In part.
If it was simply a statue like the hundreds that are present in Delhi/India, then No.

But this particular statue would be the worlds tallest and promoted as a tourist spot heavily by the Gujarat Government. That it would be built in the middle of a river and house a public institute among other facilities.

These would make the difference.
No, what Modi was reaching for of course was the “unity and integrity of India”. In the ossified RSS mind, this is still under threat from Muslims and it is they whom Patel would have fixed and put in their place had he been PM.

This is what Modi meant, but is it true? Let’s look at it.

How do they know what Modi is thinking, unless he says it?

And why does Congress seem to automatically believe that Modi is "thinking" something anti-Muslim?

Did he actually say anything to that effect?

Most importantly, which of Modi's "views" would Patel not have supported?
The fact that Sardar Patel's statue is being built is by all means a great thing.

It would always keep in public eye Sardar Patel's achievements and qualities...something not happening now.

Why not a hospital? Whether you like it or not is irrelevant...sardar would have liked it.
In part.
If it was simply a statue like the hundreds that are present in Delhi/India, then No.

But this particular statue would be the worlds tallest and promoted as a tourist spot heavily by the Gujarat Government. That it would be built in the middle of a river and house a public institute among other facilities.

These would make the difference.

I do not think so. The statue will attract tourists in their thousands, just as it will attract ice-cream wallas, balloon wallas and channa wallas . That is hardly what the Sardar needs (or would have wanted). There is an university town called Vallabh Vidyanagar next to Anand in Gujrat. Its famous for two things: the Colleges there as well as the Amul Dairy nearby. There also happens to be a memorial to the Sardar there; elegantly small but informative about Sardar as well as his brother Vithalbhai. No tamasha; least of all one orchestrated by any politician. Its relevant to anybody who wants to know more about him sans the tamasha.
And before I forget; even Vallabh Vidyanagar is still a living testament and memorial to Vallabhbhai even now. Trust politicians to fight like bloody mongrels on people who were part of our history and heritage. There is a surfeit of Gandhi (Mohandas, I mean) as it is, apart from Nehru adorning every sarkari name-board as it is. What difference has that made to me as an Indian citizen after a point? I know that Gandhi-baba's face is printed on currency notes and (in the famous words of Munnabhai); he is responsible for one more dry-day in India! Have any of the multitude of Gandhi statues contributed anything positive? Or the fact that there is a J.N. Road in every city and town in India? Just crass symbolism; that Indians love to lap up. So Modi is dishing out even more of it, to a foolish janta.
Will the biggest Statue of the Sardar radiate more knowledge, information and awareness about him?
Just as another asinine project to build a Shivaji Statue in the sea of Bombay will provide a better living to some batata-wada wallas and bhel-puri wallas.

If that is what you are looking for, you'll be sure to get it.
Why not a hospital? Whether you like it or not is irrelevant...sardar would have liked it.
I do not think so. The statue will attract tourists in their thousands, just as it will attract ice-cream wallas, balloon wallas and channa wallas . That is hardly what the Sardar needs (or would have wanted). There is an university town called Vallabh Vidyanagar next to Anand in Gujrat. Its famous for two things: the Colleges there as well as the Amul Dairy nearby. There also happens to be a memorial to the Sardar there; elegantly small but informative about Sardar as well as his brother Vithalbhai. No tamasha; least of all one orchestrated by any politician. Its relevant to anybody who wants to know more about him sans the tamasha.
And before I forget; even Vallabh Vidyanagar is still a living testament and memorial to Vallabhbhai even now. Trust politicians to fight like bloody mongrels on people who were part of our history and heritage. There is a surfeit of Gandhi (Mohandas, I mean) as it is, apart from Nehru adorning every sarkari name-board as it is. What difference has that made to me as an Indian citizen after a point? I know that Gandhi-baba's face is printed on currency notes and (in the famous words of Munnabhai); he is responsible for one more dry-day in India! Have any of the multitude of Gandhi statues contributed anything positive? Or the fact that there is a J.N. Road in every city and town in India? Just crass symbolism; that Indians love to lap up. So Modi is dishing out even more of it, to a foolish janta.
Will the biggest Statue of the Sardar radiate more knowledge, information and awareness about him?
Just as another asinine project to build a Shivaji Statue in the sea of Bombay will provide a better living to some batata-wada wallas and bhel-puri wallas.

If that is what you are looking for, you'll be sure to get it.
First of all. Its almost guaranteed that Sardar Patel would not have liked setting up of such a massive statue in India. He would have preferred something more tangibly useful like a Hospital or a University.

Nonetheless to my mind why this is important now is that setting up Sardar Patel statue as a tourist magnet and something that is actively promoted by a Government(Gujarat) would bring in a counter narrative that the Congress has been feeding Indians for decades.
To my mind - as in the mind of millions of others - Congress now stands for twisted secularism. This twisted secularism is nothing but communalism, wherein Congress panders to one religious group and deliberately incites another religious group to get electoral gains. Votebank politics and 'politics of Fear' of a particular kind.

The meaning of the word itself has changed because of these actions
This is not the secularism. Secularism as envisioned and practiced by the likes of Gandhi, Nehru or Patel.

Highlighting Patel brings in a counter narrative of what secularism is truly about.
It brings intangible benefits to the kind of political and social discourse that takes place in this country. And no Hospital, no University could have done that.
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