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No Islamic sect to be declared 'kaafir': Ulama Council

I think Ahmedis are officially considered non-Muslim so no change to their status

However this is just a decision of 1 Ullema Council and not everybody has to agree on it. The good thing is majority of Ulema has a consensus on this matter and they want to end the violence from country in the name of religion.

The good thing is Ulema are asserting the fact that any Pakistani regardless of religion should enjoy equal rights

They are basically making sure that incompetents do not have a free reign in the country, considering there is very little law and order on the street.

All Muslim groups understand this.
we will deal with it ..dont worry ..gravity has a tendency to push the people down to earth ..dont jump on hindutva..everything will be fine..basics here is sound ..glad you took small step on that regard
No islamic sect to be declared Kafir....excellent news!

Sitting together and talking with Hindu and Sikh is another awesome plan dont forget the Christians!

kaafir is an Arabic word which means "disbeliever". "kufr" is Arabic for Disbelief. Kafara is "he disbelieved" . It is not appropriate to use this word for non-Muslims, as that would be offensive to them, then how come can one use it for Muslims?

Incompetents use it free hand after debates in the city villages or towns and post youtube videos.

Lashkar e Jhangvi, Sipah e Sahaba, and TTP have used to excommunicate shia muslims, and Pakistani soldiers without any proper procedure except jargon within their own group [that they do not let out] and have created a culture like that.

These rulings are to counter such.


they are non muslims declared by state and constitution ...whats the point then ?

No Islamic sect to be declared 'kaafir': Ulama Council


All Pakistanis are equal regardless of religion, the council said.

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – An inter-sect and interfaith harmony conference was arranged by Pakistan Ulama Council here on Thursday, following which a statement renounce murder and terrorism was issued. The statement also said that no Islamic sect will be declared ‘kaafir’ (infidel/non-believer), Dunya News reported.

The statement also said that the rights of Pakistani citizens are equal regardless of their religion, adding that terrorist acts and killing in the name of religion is contrary to the teachings of Islam.

It also said that no Islamic sect is to be declared infidel or non believer.

The statement said that no Muslim or non-Muslim can be declared ‘waajib-ul-qatl’ (worthy of death) and that the loud speakers would banned except for Azaan (call to prayer) and the sermons in Arabic.

It was also said that printing and distribution of material inciting hatred and violence will be banned.
The council decided that the hate-material will be stopped from disseminating on the internet and social networking websites.

The council appealed to resolve matters by sitting together with leaderships of Hindu and Sikh brethren.
Talking on the occasion, Information Minister Pervaiz Rasheed assured his support to the task taken by religious leaders.

He said that martyrs are viewed with respect and honour whereas those who have wronged hide from others.
Addressing the conference, the Minister for Religious Affairs Sardar Yousaf said that Pakistan’s constitution protects the minorities, adding that no one can be forced to change religion. He said that the negotiations with Taliban were initiated for the sake of peace.

Source: No Islamic sect to be declared 'kaafir': Ulama Council | Pakistan | Dunya News

i doubt the credibility of this person Tahir ul ashrafi...

incompetent sufis and pirs are guilty all over Pakistan for this.
they are non muslims declared by state and constitution ...whats the point then ?
the Indian poster on purposely wrote it big and in red so people will come in and fight....his mission is almost accomplished... @Multani @Irfan Baloch let us just wait to see who is categorized as what cant we just be happy with the little we get?

@Jungibaaz can we just remove that 1 word in red...it irks me how people are trying to answer it when no one really knows the answer!
the Indian poster on purposely wrote it big and in red so people will come in and fight....his mission is almost accomplished... @Multani @Irfan Baloch let us just wait to see who is categorized as what cant we just be happy with the little we get?

@Jungibaaz can we just remove that 1 word in red...it irks me how people are trying to answer it when no one really knows the answer!

Good call, should have done it earlier.
and Shias?

both are delcared kafirs in some Muslim countries

in the far east Shias are declared kafirs and the Sunnis who converted have been burnt alive.

this verdict is not worth more than the cap this beautiful Molana is wearing

I agree
ahmadis cannot be considered Muslim because it is against the basic belief of Islam, the Finality of the Prophet Muhammad SAWAS
thats contradictory to the condition of becoming a Muslim

the recitation of Kalima.. One'ness of Allah and Prophethood of Muhammad PBUH

Abu Sufyan became a Muslim by saying that...

what is the source of our basic beliefs? please quote something not written by Molana Changaiz Khan HalwvaPuri
is it universally accepted? I believe in Khatam an Nabuwat because I was born in a Sunni family.. I had no say in deciding my birth.

if there is a Sahi Hadth forbidding anything what Ahmedis are doing then it should be quoted and this issue brought to an amicable end. I wont see any issue if they consider Mirza Gulam Ahmed as a saint.

do you know what Alama Iqbal said about the founder of Ahmeidya faith?
something about Aqeeda toheed. he got a lot of scorn over his remarks.

Finally they grew a brain!!! Marhaban!
A better way would be to implement what the current Chief Justice said, that blasphemy against any religion is a crime. Pass a law in the parliament, and then enforce it. Why does it matter if it is Taliban or not. Anyone damaging state property is criminal, and anyone harming the citizens is also criminal. Does one being a muslim or not make him less of a criminal?
A better way would be to implement what the current Chief Justice said, that blasphemy against any religion is a crime. Pass a law in the parliament, and then enforce it. Why does it matter if it is Taliban or not. Anyone damaging state property is criminal, and anyone harming the citizens is also criminal. Does one being a muslim or not make him less of a criminal?
that is much better....lets wait for them grow some more neurons to get to that point!
What does every TTP diehard say?

"The Pakistani soldier is an apostate"

Why? Because he/she believes that they have compromised with the system of kufr. That means compromised with western democracy. Its a mass charge of disbelief.

Now are these TTP guys pretty sure that each and every Pakistani soldier is guilty of this? If not, and they happened to have declared an innocent Pakistani soldier of such a crime [ please remember that the charge itself is false in the first place ] then they have killed all of humanity! Because to kill one innocent human being is to kill all of humanity!

That is why I say that these people are devils.

A better way would be to implement what the current Chief Justice said, that blasphemy against any religion is a crime. Pass a law in the parliament, and then enforce it. Why does it matter if it is Taliban or not. Anyone damaging state property is criminal, and anyone harming the citizens is also criminal. Does one being a muslim or not make him less of a criminal?

excellent post
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