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No evidence of China supporting Maoists: Chidambaram

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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No evidence of China supporting Maoists: Chidambaram

Government on Wednesday said it has no evidence of China lending support to Maoists.

"....we have no evidence on reports that China is lending support to them (Maoists)," home minister P Chidambaram informed the Rajya Sabha during Question Hour.

He said the government also did not have any information on Maoists receiving any support from anti-national forces.

"On whether anti-national or international forces are supporting Maoists, we have no evidence of any covert support to them. There was one unconfirmed report about a contact between a Nepalese organisation and Maoists," he said.

Chidambaram, however, said the government was keeping a watch and would take action with the help of friendly countries if such reports are confirmed.

He said Maoists are generating funds internally through extortion and by looting banks. They are also smuggling arms through borders along Bangladesh and Myanmar.

"But, there is no proof of Maoists getting money from international agencies," he said.

To a supplementary that Maoists carry out money laundering and even Interpol and audit firm KPMG have given estimates that it has reached large proportions, Chidambaram said though the issue of money laundering is dealt with by the finance ministry, "these estimates are exaggerated. I don't believe."

To another query, he said circulation of fake currency is a separate issue and not only the Indian rupee, but all major currencies of the world are facing this problem. "We have caught consignments of fake currencies on various occasions."

The home minister said there is a mechanism to monitor use of money under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 1976.

"No banned organisation or their front organisations are given permission to receive foreign contribution under the Act. Central intelligence and security agencies work in close cooperation with their counterparts in states to gather information regarding this matter," he said.

He informed the House that the Act is proposed to be replaced by a new one which will incorporate provisions for greater transparency and accountability. The regulatory mechanism would also get further strengthened, he said.

The minister said government has taken action in 100 cases where the Act was violated.

No evidence of China supporting Maoists: Chidambaram - India - The Times of India
These politicians pee in pants these spineless creatures have let us down all the time.

They have made our military so weak by not providing weapons and machines for decades. And because of fear of china they don't accept chinese role against India.
What if there is Chinese role in this??????
what can they do???
they do not have mettle!
Always behaves like f**kd by chinese and starts weeping..,making our Army a sitting duck...Go to hell you congi corrupts...

These politicians pee in pants these spineless creatures have let us down all the time.

They have made our military so weak by not providing weapons and machines for decades. And because of fear of china they don't accept chinese role against India.

I do not agree with your view.

There is indeed no evidence for Chinese hand. I have not seen a single report except rock-painting nonsense. Beside, they do not have to do it. They are more powerful than India. This proxy war is a weapon of insecure and weak.

Your statement about politician is only correct partially IMO. Our priorities were different in different times. I guess we have sufficient force for defence.
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I do not agree with yours.

There is indeed no evidence for Chinese hand. I have not seen a single report except rock-painting nonsense. Beside, they do not have to to it. They are more powerful than India. This proxy war is a weapon of insecure and weak.

Your statement about politician is only correct partially IMO. Out priorities were different in different times. I guess we have sufficient force for defence.

yes..100% true...
If there is ever any evidence of the Chinese Government supporting Maoist rebels in India, I will condemn my own government for it.

It is unacceptable to arm these violent separatist groups when they kill innocent people.
I don't like the maoist for they stealing the name of Mao,though I don't like Mao too~~and they killed innocent people,it is unacceptable no matter any reason~~
If there is ever any evidence of the Chinese Government supporting Maoist rebels in India, I will condemn my own government for it.

It is unacceptable to arm these violent separatist groups when they kill innocent people.

There is no hand of Chinese boss, its the rubbish bs politicians of India...who are making a pin as sword!!
They are really culprits!!
hmmm it comes from Chidambaram, last time I checked that guy was a hawk! Maybe is due to all the back diplomacy by Nirupma Rao? Maybe relations are going to improve with the Chinese? Chidambaram is the last person who'll bow down, he's a 'no-BS' kind of a guy !

So there might be truth in what he's saying
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I don't like the maoist for they stealing the name of Mao,though I don't like Mao too~~and they killed innocent people,it is unacceptable no matter any reason~~

Mao... man, he is the reason, why China is getting Head to head with USA, and these naxalites are homegrown terrorists.

completely offtopic, but I have noticed in many of your posts, the use of tilde i.e "~". Does this bear resemblance to some Chinese alphabet ? just curious :)
Or possibly this angle is used to marginalize the Chinese success? ;)

China and India are not going to interfere in each other's internal matters. Both have something the other despises and have them under control. The moment one starts interfering in the other's internal matters, the other will open the can of worms. Lets say, both have a special kind of deterrence from interfering in each other's internal matters.

That being said, naxalbari is an indigenous "struggle" - if you may, by the oppressed lower castes for equal rights -whatever that means. Instead of trying to find a political solution, they have resorted to violence to put their point across. These fiends find support form the ultra-leftist and pseudo-secularists and elements in intelligentsia for their ideology. Accepting foreign help/support negates the very idea of the cause of their 'struggle' and their movement would just fizzle out. Thats why China cannot and will not support such rebels, apart from the above mentioned reasons.
Mao... man, he is the reason, why China is getting Head to head with USA, and these naxalites are homegrown terrorists.

as the name Marxian,Maoist,they have no relation with Marx and Mao,they only declared that they believe in Marx or Mao,and most of them appeared after Marx amd Mao death;
For Chinese,we don't like they use the mame of Mao, as on the name of GOD I will~~~~ may be what they did will mad the GOD~
Mao... man, he is the reason, why China is getting Head to head with USA, and these naxalites are homegrown terrorists.

I'm not really a huge fan of Chairman Mao.

I prefer to credit Deng Xiaoping with the rise of modern China.

Read about recent Chinese history (1950-1976) to see how we suffered under Maoism as well... the casualties were in the millions...
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