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No aid for Pakistan without benchmarks: Washington

Screaming Skull

Mar 12, 2009
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Wednesday, 15 Apr, 2009

WASHINGTON: US financial assistance to Pakistan will not come without benchmarks, the State Department said on Tuesday, adding that the conditions will be set to ensure that Washington was getting its money’s worth.

The department’s spokesman Robert Wood told a briefing in Washington that the United States will pledge financial assistance to Pakistan in Tokyo as well, besides offering a separate aid package of $7.5 billion.

As many as 27 countries and 16 organisations are meeting in Tokyo later this week to consider providing financial assistance to Pakistan. The World Bank said earlier Tuesday that it expects the participants to pledge $4-6 billion to help save Pakistan from a possible economic collapse.

‘Well, I think you would expect when the US taxpayer is providing assistance to a country, that we want to make sure that we're not only getting our money's worth but that certain things that we care about, we want to see that they be dealt with,’ said Mr Wood while explaining why the United States was attaching certain conditions to the aid it was offering to Pakistan.

‘We have said we … would like to provide $1.5 billion over a five-year period to Pakistan, but, clearly we are going to establish benchmarks,’ he said.

‘We want to see certain standards and goals met. And that's something you would expect that we would be willing do,’ said Mr Wood when asked to comment on recent statements by some Pakistani officials that they want aid without conditions.

Asked if the benchmarks will also be attached to the pledges the US is expected to make in Tokyo, Mr Wood said: ‘We'll be making a pledge at the donors’ conference, but I'm not going to go beyond that at this point.’

Mr Wood said he believed the assistance pledged in Tokyo would only be for development projects and not for the military.

‘Will the US be making a new pledge at the Tokyo conference?’ he was asked. ‘We'll be making a pledge,’ said Mr Wood.

How can USA set a benchmark to provide aid for pakistan of which certain parts or destable and even its western border is war prone. And by doing this US is further destabalizing pakistan which will hunt US in turn.
I remember Musharraf's famous words which he use to say in a situation like this, let me say it out" if you(US) wants to stop aid by all means do it just find your self another ally". Its high time GOP adopts the same.
Aid or no aid Pakistan's interests should be given a priority.
If they won't give us aid without conditions we're not there allies and we won't be supplying there troops anymore,that is what the GOP should say around 70,000 troops left with limited supplies to cope with militants that will surely send a strong message.
Wise words indeed. US and Pakistan are together in this war. They forget their lifeline to theidr troops goes through pakistan. It is time for our limpdick government to pick its trousers off the floor and start working for pakistans interests.I think aid donors will want assurance that their aid is not misused, but these conditions should be realistic and mutually acceptable to both parties. Certainly, intrusive conditions which make us feel more threatened will not only not work in the long run even if they are accepted under duress, and in the long run will cause more bad blood. I think it is high time , we make our"Friends" realize they are not our masters.
US aids should be avoided at all cost. Soft loans should be acquired from other more reliable allies. Chinese and ME friends should be sought for investment. What Pakistan really needs are FTAs with neighbours and friendly countries around the world. All services from our side should be halted. No more freebie supply routes, mercenary soldiers etc. We are no friends and never were. Pakistan should focus on becoming self-reliant rather than surviving on peanuts. Pakistan has better options and should expand its relations in ME, Asia, Africa, South America, Europe etc.
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Aid provided by US is more of a presuring tatic, so US can put preasurise any country to do what US wants. So its better avoide Aid from US as mentioned BaburCM
Ya this is one of the reason development gets less funding, this happens all over the world, in some places its less and some were its high. And to get rid of this strict action are needed to be taken.
I hope nobody gives Pakistan a single penny because all the loans and aids they get is meant for development purposes and education but unfortunately all the money goes into the politicians pockets for thier own greed and with this current GOP I highly doubt any money will be spent wisely.
How dare they? Pakistani soldiers have been loosing their lives fighting a battler that's not even ours.

More soldiers have laid down their lives than Americans in Afghanistan or Iraq to rid the world of this disease, we are doing the world a favor such a tone should not be directed towards Pakistan.

The conditions they hope to pass will basically hand over our army and our weapons to them. America needs to realize that we are doing it a favor before it starts taking such a tone towards Pakistan.
Benchmarks are fair, to be sure, after all, it's their money - so from the US position, it's fair -- Can Pakistan meet US benchmarks? Well, lets grant that the Benchmarks do not cause political or security problems in Pakistan, would it be unfair, this idea of benchmarks? I don't think so.

However, reality is US will have some benchmarks that will cause political and security problems.

I hope nobody gives Pakistan a single penny because all the loans and aids they get is meant for development purposes and education but unfortunately all the money goes into the politicians pockets for thier own greed and with this current GOP I highly doubt any money will be spent wisely.
:cheers: I like it, it the only way I think that Pakistan can become a real, a normal country
I see no problem they are pumping massive amounts of money to keep pakistan afloat (no pun intended) and if they want to put certain benchmarks for it that is normal.
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