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Nirbhay missile debris caused panic among villagers


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom

It was a narrow escape for residents of seaside villages in Jagatsinghpur district of Odisha
as wreckage of cruise missile 'Nirbhay' fell in a cashew nut forest in the area after it was
aborted midway, creating panic among them. There was no loss of life or property as the wreckage with 'Nirbhay' painted on it crashed
in the forest along the sea shore near Gadaharishpur and Sarabant villages of Erasama area,
a little away from human habitation, Inspector in-charge of Erasama police station Prafulla
Badajena said. As the wreckage crashed on the ground, smoke filled the air and some oily substance was
seen on the ground creating panic among the people in nearby villages, he said. Later, a team from the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur arrived at the site and took
possession of the wreckage, he said. "It was scary as the whole area was filled with smoke after the object crashed. Panic
gripped the entire area as news about the incident spread," said Keshab Patra, a villager
who saw the missile crash. "Residents of at least two villages had a miraculous escape as it (the missile wreckage) fell
inside the cashew jungle on the sea shore," he said. Another eyewitness Suresh Giri said "We are lucky ... Thank God it did not fall inside the
village. A deep pit was created under the impact of the crash." Many curious villagers gathered near the site to have a glimpse of the wreckage after the
smoke stopped emanating from the wreckage. 'Nirbhay', the country's first indigenously developed long range cruise missile was aborted
midway after it deviated from its intended flight path, defence sources said. The missile, which failed to hit the intended target in the sea was terminated over the Bay
of Bengal after it was airborne for about 25 minutes and crashed, they added.
Population centers falling under the missile's flight path are usually under inherent danger.
For country's with a narrow test area it would be an unavoidable risk... But I find it odd that India was not able to find a test expanse wide enough to ensure that there is enough area for the missile to fall into after self-destruct is given and not still pose a threat to a concentrated population center.
Population centers falling under the missile's flight path are usually under inherent danger.
For country's with a narrow test area it would be an unavoidable risk... But I find it odd that India was not able to find a test expanse wide enough to ensure that there is enough area for the missile to fall into after self-destruct is given and not still pose a threat to a concentrated population center.

As far as the missile range is concerned- all villagers located anywhere near the range were compensated and moved away. This is sensationlism, if there was no loss of life, injuries or even damage to property then how was it a "close call"??

+ even for India, free land is sparse and India doesn't have access to the large missile test ranges that the US,China or Russia have to luxery of owning.
Population centers falling under the missile's flight path are usually under inherent danger.
For country's with a narrow test area it would be an unavoidable risk...

I am curious how India tested their long range missiles, to the sea?
Using Gmaps Chandipur to Jagatsinghpur its 200-250km in straight line so it didn't even reach the half way mark.:omghaha:
As far as the missile range is concerned- all villagers located anywhere near the range were compensated and moved away. This is sensationlism, if there was no loss of life, injuries or even damage to property then how was it a "close call"??

+ even for India, free land is sparse and India doesn't have access to the large missile test ranges that the US,China or Russia have to luxery of owning.

Probability of it is higher..

What about the region near the Nicobar islands?
Im sure a tracking ship can be designated for launched into the sea?
Probability of it is higher..

What about the region near the Nicobar islands?
Im sure a tracking ship can be designated for launched into the sea?
There are plans for this but the environmentalists are throwing up hell over it!
The cashewnut plantation must have been damaged

TT it might not be a plantation but just a name of the jungle :woot:

Population centers falling under the missile's flight path are usually under inherent danger.
For country's with a narrow test area it would be an unavoidable risk... But I find it odd that India was not able to find a test expanse wide enough to ensure that there is enough area for the missile to fall into after self-destruct is given and not still pose a threat to a concentrated population center.

They said flight course was set near coast for better tracking. So deviation might have carried it to coast.
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