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New way of legalizing black money in pakistan


Jun 8, 2010
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DUBAI: The Karachi Stock Exchange has broken its all-time record this year, proving a point to the world by becoming the second best performing market on the planet, where only Japan’s stock market has been able to perform better.

When the biggest economies seem to be struggling, investors have looked to explore smaller markets to gain speedy returns, giving way to markets such as Mexico and the Philippines, but there are reasons why Pakistan has outperformed all three of them.

The first and foremost reason is the investor moratorium applied in January last year by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), in collaboration with the KSE it allows foreign investors to bring investments to Pakistan with no questions asked about the money’s origin and sources, allowing black money to make its way to the whitening mill, with the SECP’s will.

This passing of the amnesty not only brought foreign investment into KSE but also encouraged local owners of undocumented wealth to enter the formal economy and let that money revolve around the taxman. This moratorium is to stay until June 2014, and has had an enormous effect on the KSE, more than doubling the daily average traded volume.

Here’s another huge reason why KSE has been rocking it out. The SECP allows anyone to own 100% shares in any company in Pakistan, not only that, but he can take out as much profit as he wants, as long as he pays taxes – all income after taxes is remittable outside Pakistan.
Owning 100% of foreign shares is a big deal, most countries don’t allow majority stakes, especially large developing countries like India, China, Brazil and Russia, making Pakistan’s markets more bankable.

Here’s to explain the third reason for the great performance. Most markets rely on technical indices working off large markets, meaning that the index can make long jumps if a particular market has good investments. At most, 30 markets do the trick worldwide, because beyond that number, investor fatigue sets in. It becomes harder to keep track of all the numerous smaller markets as the total number grows.

But, surprisingly, KSE is the opposite. It has way more than 30 markets, making it unique in the world. Then how does it cope with investor fatigue? KSE has a small community of members, 300 odd, at the latest count and they have been in the business for generations, specialising in markets rather than sectors, which allows them to know the KSE inside out and do effortless cross-market play.

Most large stock players worldwide specialise in industries such as pharmaceuticals, energy, technology, etc and stick to it – the very reason why Warren Buffet never invests in the technology sector.

In KSE’s case, the individual industries are relatively very small, hence, these members have specialised in maximising returns from small industries with many small markets, rather than a few large ones.

And to run such a busy stock exchange that has probably the most number of markets in the world requires a state-of-the-art trading engine. The software named KATS, which is a KSE trademarked name, acronym to Karachi Automated Trading System, is what drives trading at the Karachi Stock Exchange. All markets are accessed through the KATS terminal for trading, monitoring and regulatory compliance.

When regulations change or new markets are introduced, the new module is simply plugged in to the KATS infrastructure, making it extremely scalable and robust, apart from being a legendary in-house custom created masterpiece that beats Silicon Valley-based market leaders in performance metrics such as throughput.

All these winning hands and arms of the KSE machine form the second best performing stock exchange in the world. Despite its market cap being a mere $52.7 billion and the country’s economy projected to grow only 3.6% this year, as compared to its competitor developing countries, KSE has invincibly risen more than 40% this year, showing it out to the world how magnetic it is to the dollar, despite the city’s worrying law and order situation.

The writer runs a software company in Dubai

Published in The Express Tribune, October 7th, 2013.
DUBAI: The Karachi Stock Exchange has broken its all-time record this year, proving a point to the world by becoming the second best performing market on the planet, where only Japan’s stock market has been able to perform better.

When the biggest economies seem to be struggling, investors have looked to explore smaller markets to gain speedy returns, giving way to markets such as Mexico and the Philippines, but there are reasons why Pakistan has outperformed all three of them.

The first and foremost reason is the investor moratorium applied in January last year by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), in collaboration with the KSE it allows foreign investors to bring investments to Pakistan with no questions asked about the money’s origin and sources, allowing black money to make its way to the whitening mill, with the SECP’s will.

This passing of the amnesty not only brought foreign investment into KSE but also encouraged local owners of undocumented wealth to enter the formal economy and let that money revolve around the taxman. This moratorium is to stay until June 2014, and has had an enormous effect on the KSE, more than doubling the daily average traded volume.

Here’s another huge reason why KSE has been rocking it out. The SECP allows anyone to own 100% shares in any company in Pakistan, not only that, but he can take out as much profit as he wants, as long as he pays taxes – all income after taxes is remittable outside Pakistan.
Owning 100% of foreign shares is a big deal, most countries don’t allow majority stakes, especially large developing countries like India, China, Brazil and Russia, making Pakistan’s markets more bankable.

Here’s to explain the third reason for the great performance. Most markets rely on technical indices working off large markets, meaning that the index can make long jumps if a particular market has good investments. At most, 30 markets do the trick worldwide, because beyond that number, investor fatigue sets in. It becomes harder to keep track of all the numerous smaller markets as the total number grows.

But, surprisingly, KSE is the opposite. It has way more than 30 markets, making it unique in the world. Then how does it cope with investor fatigue? KSE has a small community of members, 300 odd, at the latest count and they have been in the business for generations, specialising in markets rather than sectors, which allows them to know the KSE inside out and do effortless cross-market play.

Most large stock players worldwide specialise in industries such as pharmaceuticals, energy, technology, etc and stick to it – the very reason why Warren Buffet never invests in the technology sector.

In KSE’s case, the individual industries are relatively very small, hence, these members have specialised in maximising returns from small industries with many small markets, rather than a few large ones.

And to run such a busy stock exchange that has probably the most number of markets in the world requires a state-of-the-art trading engine. The software named KATS, which is a KSE trademarked name, acronym to Karachi Automated Trading System, is what drives trading at the Karachi Stock Exchange. All markets are accessed through the KATS terminal for trading, monitoring and regulatory compliance.

When regulations change or new markets are introduced, the new module is simply plugged in to the KATS infrastructure, making it extremely scalable and robust, apart from being a legendary in-house custom created masterpiece that beats Silicon Valley-based market leaders in performance metrics such as throughput.

All these winning hands and arms of the KSE machine form the second best performing stock exchange in the world. Despite its market cap being a mere $52.7 billion and the country’s economy projected to grow only 3.6% this year, as compared to its competitor developing countries, KSE has invincibly risen more than 40% this year, showing it out to the world how magnetic it is to the dollar, despite the city’s worrying law and order situation.

The writer runs a software company in Dubai

Published in The Express Tribune, October 7th, 2013.
Let me make one thing clear. There is no concept of money laundering being the process of making money white. While there are some ways by which money can be legitimized, however, they require extensive presence of launderer across the globe. The money laundering means the black money is exchanged with white money. The most of money laundering in Pakistan is being done in Prize Bonds and Real Estate. These two markets are completely unmonitored and thus provide safe heaven to the launderers. KSE is still supervised to fair extent and large movements can be traced since the Share-trading requires bank account and thus large movements through banking system can be traced. In clifton and defence, there was such a massive inflow in property market recently that the prices of flats are increasing by millions every month.
Let me make one thing clear. There is no concept of money laundering being the process of making money white. While there are some ways by which money can be legitimized, however, they require extensive presence of launderer across the globe. The money laundering means the black money is exchanged with white money. The most of money laundering in Pakistan is being done in Prize Bonds and Real Estate. These two markets are completely unmonitored and thus provide safe heaven to the launderers. KSE is still supervised to fair extent and large movements can be traced since the Share-trading requires bank account and thus large movements through banking system can be traced. In clifton and defence, there was such a massive inflow in property market recently that the prices of flats are increasing by millions every month.

But the law specifies nobody can ask a faqeer who came to KSE to invest 1 cror rs about where he got this hugh amount, right?
And yes one more thing, the software industry in Aisa has become a major source of money laundering. One big software house has consistently been tracked for suspicions of money laundring. The modus-operandi is simple, send the money abroad through hawala, make a software, sell it for millions and bring laundered money as export earnings.

But the law specifies nobody can ask a faqeer who came to KSE to invest 1 cror rs about where he got this hugh amount, right?
A faqeer can't invest with KSE unless he has a bank account and any transactions greater than a specific amount or above the usual average balance of large accounts are reported to SBP by the banks. This can be traced. Case in point, in recent past a large quantity of cash was confiscated from Altaf Hussain's house. Why didn't he put that money into his bank account when he could? Its because the money in banking channel can be traced if desired. However, money in black cash-driven economy has no trail.
And yes one more thing, the software industry in Aisa has become a major source of money laundering. One big software house has consistently been tracked for suspicions of money laundring. The modus-operandi is simple, send the money abroad through hawala, make a software, sell it for millions and bring laundered money as export earnings.

A faqeer can't invest with KSE unless he has a bank account and any transactions greater than a specific amount or above the usual average balance of large accounts are reported to SBP by the banks. This can be traced. Case in point, in recent past a large quantity of cash was confiscated from Altaf Hussain's house. Why didn't he put that money into his bank account when he could? Its because the money in banking channel can be traced if desired. However, money in black cash-driven economy has no trail.

but isn't the LAW protecting the big fishes that there money would not be traced by any investigative agency if they want to invest in KSE?

Which means, they would know who are investing in KSE, but they would not investigate his money trail?
but isn't the LAW protecting the big fishes that there money would not be traced by any investigative agency if they want to invest in KSE?

Which means, they would know who are investing in KSE, but they would not investigate his money trail?
Its mostly the brokerage houses themselves. The 7 big brokers can move the market at will. Investors are not as influential as the brokers here. Like I said, they are just smart, they open a large quantity of accounts and then executes their trades through those accounts. Lemme search a recent news in my threads data. brb
Its mostly the brokerage houses themselves. The 7 big brokers can move the market at will. Investors are not as influential as the brokers here.

Last year, A friend of mine said, Zardari is secretly enacting a law through which if any black money invested in stock exchange would not be investigated. A broker told him then. I didn't believe, but it is amusing how rulers can keep awaam so "baykhabbar" on various laws they enact

This Law if I'm not wrong would benefit politicians, bureaucrats, and all the corrupt people who loot money from national kitty? My friend even said that KSE performance is going up because PPP politicians are investing heavily their black money in KSE
Last year, A friend of mine said, Zardari is secretly enacting a law through which if any black money invested in stock exchange would not be investigated. A broker told him then. I didn't believe, but it is amusing how rulers can keep awaam so "baykhabbar" on various laws they enact

This Law if I'm not wrong would benefit politicians, bureaucrats, and all the corrupt people who loot money from national kitty? My friend even said that KSE performance is going up because PPP politicians are investing heavily their black money in KSE
Actually that was an SRO through which the CGT was withdrawn for a period of three months(if my memory serves me well). And the result was a massive inflow in stock market. However as soon as the SRO expired, the money was withdrawn from the market by investors.

Here it is
This will come back to bite Pakistan in the rear.

It would make Pakistan an important center in global money laundering as well.

The result would be bad for Pakistan's society.
This can be a good way to bring back the non-taxable money into the economy. Give people a window to bring the money back for a small fine. This will help the capital be used in a more effective manner.
This can be a good way to bring back the non-taxable money into the economy. Give people a window to bring the money back for a small fine. This will help the capital be used in a more effective manner.

:lol: no wonder you are from bombay, always thinking how to white the black money!
This can be a good way to bring back the non-taxable money into the economy. Give people a window to bring the money back for a small fine. This will help the capital be used in a more effective manner.

This will bring black money into system and then it will be converted to dollar. Export of this dollar will give further jolt to the economy. Which is actually happening now.
This will bring black money into system and then it will be converted to dollar. Export of this dollar will give further jolt to the economy. Which is actually happening now.

Its practically impossible to track or stop the transactions in black. Black is done to avoid taxation to a major extent and under report earnings. Restrictions can be put in place to ensure the money remains withing the economy. For e.g a lock-in period through pre-defined schemes or institutions.

There are multiple ways to monitor these. But, my point was its better that the money is brought in and utilised effectively and efficiently instead of being used in manners where the State and economy do not gain.
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