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New US report warns on Pakistan insurgency


Jul 20, 2010
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WASHINGTON: A new White House report warned Tuesday that Pakistan still had no clear path to triumph over insurgents, and said Afghanistan’s Taliban was turning more and more to soft civilian targets.

The semi-annual White House report to Congress is designed to judge progress or otherwise towards key objectives of the war in Afghanistan and operations against Al-Qaeda in Pakistan, now nearly a decade old.

The report noted a deterioration of the situation in inhospitable Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) in northwest Pakistan alongside the Afghan border between January and March this year.

It details an operation in Mohmand Agency and Bajaur Agency in the areas that started in January to clear insurgent strongholds —the third time in two years that the Pakistani army has attempted to complete the task.

It said the operation had been hampered by militant resistance, poor weather, the need to settle internally displaced people and the discovery of several caches of improvised explosive devices.

“What remains vexing is the lack of any indication of ‘hold’ and ‘build’ planning or staging efforts to complement ongoing clearing operations,” the report said.

“As such there remains no clear path to defeating the insurgency in Pakistan, despite the unprecedented and sustained deployment of over 147,000 forces.”

The report also however noted the “tremendous human sacrifices” made by Pakistani forces in the region.

Despite the problems with counter-insurgency, the report does note positive military cooperation between Pakistan and Washington in the last three months, despite political tensions over the detention and subsequent release of a CIA contractor accused of murder.

It said that recent Pakistani efforts in the Fata had been coordinated with Nato-led forces in Afghanistan to ensure that insurgents could be captured as they tried to flee across the border.

The US survey, portions of which remained classified and have not been released, also reflected rising recent bloodshed in Afghanistan, particularly among civilians.

A rising number of suicide attacks in recent months suggested that this year’s “fighting season” had begun in Afghanistan and seemed to suggest a shift in Taliban tactics against softer government and civilian targets.

“The shift in the Taliban’s greater use of murder and intimidation tactics reflects an insurgency under the pressure of a more substantive coalition military campaign,” the report said.

“That said, there are also indications that the Taliban remains confident of its strategy and resources, and heavy fighting is expected to resume this spring.”

The report also showed slight progress in the last six months in involving the international community to help stabilise Pakistan, and overall, modest progress in the US surge strategy to subdue the Taliban.

But it said that absenteeism and attrition continued to pose a risk to the quality of the Afghan National Security Forces that are vital to Washington’s goal of eventually drawing down its troop presence in Afghanistan.

The report also contained the previously published summary of Obama’s 2010 annual review of the Afghanistan and Pakistan conflict, first issued in December.

That assessment found that Obama’s troop surge strategy announced in 2009 had made modest gains but the challenge was to make US progress in Afghanistan and Pakistan “durable” and “sustainable.”

New US report warns on Pakistan insurgency | World | DAWN.COM
US warning on Pakistan militancy
US: Pakistan has 'no clear path' on fighting militancy

US: Pakistan has 'no clear path' on fighting militancy US says Pakistan is avoiding Pakistan still has no "clear path" to defeat militants on its soil, a new White House has said.

The report also said the Afghan Taliban had begun targeting civilian targets in recent months and that "heavy fighting" was expected this spring.

Pakistan has come under increasing criticism from the West for its support of al-Qaeda and Taliban militants.

In January, a US strategic review of the war said Pakistan must do more to defeat the militants.

Pakistan has repeatedly rejected claims that it is dragging its feet in the fight against militancy. It says that it works hard with the US in the "war against terror".


The White House report said that in spite of "tremendous human sacrifices" made by Pakistani security forces and increased military co-operation between Pakistan and US in the last three months, the fight against militancy was making little progress.

The US has long expressed frustration about the army's reluctance to take on militants It cites the example of an operation to clear insurgents from Mohmand and Bajaur tribal agencies that began in January - the third time in two years - and has been hobbled by resistance from the militants, bad weather and the need to settle internally displaced people.

"What remains vexing is the lack of any indication of 'hold' and 'build' planning or staging efforts to complement ongoing clearing operations," the report said.

"As such there remains no clear path to defeating the insurgency in Pakistan, despite the unprecedented and sustained deployment of over 147,000 forces."

The White House report says that Pakistan and Afghanistan needed to co-operate more to destroy insurgent havens on both sides of the border.

The report also warned that the rising number of suicide attacks in Afghanistan in recent months pointed to the beginning of this year's "fighting season" in the country.

It also appeared to suggest a shift in Taliban's tactics against "softer government and civilian targets".

"The shift in the Taliban's greater use of murder and intimidation tactics reflects an insurgency under the pressure of a more substantive coalition military campaign," the report said.

"That said, there are also indications that the Taliban remains confident of its strategy and resources, and heavy fighting is expected to resume this spring."

The US has long expressed frustration about Pakistan's reluctance to take on militants in the tribal areas.

In a report in October, the White House accused the Pakistani military of continuing to avoid military engagements that would put it in direct conflict with Afghan Taliban or al-Qaeda forces in North Waziristan.
source: BBC

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BBC News - US: Pakistan has 'no clear path' on fighting militancy
Americans are "shuttar be mohar" right now.. someone has to put a "nakail" on them..
it was one of such reports that said iraq had wmd's and they went in and ruined an entire nation only to find out the report was bogus

its either that you are totally blind or you choose to be ....this report is not a necessity to explain the situation in Pakistan. this weeks bombings are enough to highlight it....
Yet, the Americans don't show any sign of going easy on the War on Terror!

They are going gung ho!

Yet it is mentioned all the time that there is insurgency and more insurgencies on the way.
indian consulates are funding such activities in the region...why do u have so many consulates in afghanistan?what for?cricket?bollywood movie shooting?

All r claims without solid evidence...
Even americans are there in afghanistan.....wat about black water ???????
u can't blame India because we r enemies
Yet, the Americans don't show any sign of going easy on the War on Terror!

They are going gung ho!

Yet it is mentioned all the time that there is insurgency and more insurgencies on the way.

These type of reports are nothing but for twisting public, what, why, when they know very well so nothing new in this report.
These type of reports are nothing but for twisting public, what, why, when they know very well so nothing new in this report.

But one thing is seemingly clear; US/NATO is getting frustrated and wants to vent it out as soon as possible on a scapegoat or its next target. I don't know where this is going but they are in a way telling PA to start operations or suffer its subtle consequences. There can be no other conclusion to this.
hopefully this will be the demise of the US and NATO hegemony on the world insha-Allah...:coffee:
It seems that no matter what PA does, there is no satisfying America.. as they are trying to cover their own incompetence.. The best way for Pakistan is to give a finger to US and tell them to deal with their own mess... Keep our country safe.. either way, at the end it would be "American's would have won IF Pakistan had done what US wanted".. so why destroy our own country and get our own people killed for US gain??
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