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New US missile can strike any country in less than 60 mins


Dec 5, 2009
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New US missile can strike any country in less than 60 mins

Washington: As the White House pushes for cuts in the US nuclear arsenal, the Pentagon is developing missiles armed with conventional warheads that could strike anywhere in the world in less than an hour.

According to the Washington Post, American military officials say the intercontinental ballistic missiles, known as Prompt Global Strike weapons, are a necessary new form of deterrence against terrorist networks and other adversaries.

As envisioned, the conventional missiles would give the White House a fresh military option to consider in a crisis that would not result in a radioactive mushroom cloud.

The Prompt Global Strike program, which the Pentagon has been developing for several years now, is already raising hackles in Moscow, where Russian officials predict it could trigger a non-nuclear arms race and complicate President Barack Obama’s long-term vision of ridding the world of nuclear weapons.

US military officials are also struggling to solve a separate major obstacle: the risk that Russia or China could mistake the launch of a conventional Prompt Global Strike missile for a nuclear one.

The White House says that development of Prompt Global Strike is not affected by the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), which Obama and Russian president Dmitry Medvedev have signed.

Analysts say, however, that any conventional ballistic missiles would count the same as nuclear ones under the treaty, which places new limits on each country’s stockpile. Deployment of a conventional ballistic missile is not expected until 2015 at the earliest. ANI

TOI Feed dated 09th April, 2010.

is this the same missile which is supposed to be first hypersonic intercontinental cruise missile..???
is this the same missile which is supposed to be first hypersonic intercontinental cruise missile..???

Conventional Prompt Global Strike


"Current efforts are examining three concepts: Hypersonic Technology Vehicle, Conventional Strike Missile, and Advanced Hypersonic Weapon. These projects are managed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Center, and Army Space and Missile Defense Command respectively."

Holy mother of all Missiles.

Did the thread actually suggest that this missile can actually travel half the Globe in less than an hour to the destination . If yes then that is indeed a concern for all others and would create an atmosphere where US can act as the role of World Police and others trying to make similar kind of weapons.

This explains the sudden love for Nuclear missile cuts, coz no country can ever use Nuclear weapon in the present scenario.
what was the need for this ?? did US really needed it ?
what was the need for this ?? did US really needed it ?

How do you expect them to be superior over others since nuclear missiles and cruise missiles are already with other countries.

This is the next step.

Next will be missiles or lasers fired from satellites or space launch stations in outer space to any where in the world. :undecided:
for once i would like to see india and pakistan on one side. then no amount of hypersonic missiles is gonna be adequate. we were once tricked by the british to pit against each other , but if a situation arise in the future india and pakistan shud team up and stand till the end. then no amount of enemy technology or firepower is gonna as much as scratch the strength of the alliance.
but den, its only a wish... i wish more ppl feel the same way i do
yes, obviously obama needs a NUCLEAR WEAPONS FREE WORLD...US should have the big stick!!:lol:

you are right !!
Hope this stick does not prove fatal for himself :rofl:
Many countries would now try to go ahead of this feat and in the end..what we will see is just weapons and weapons.
for once i would like to see india and pakistan on one side. then no amount of hypersonic missiles is gonna be adequate. we were once tricked by the british to pit against each other , but if a situation arise in the future india and pakistan shud team up and stand till the end. then no amount of enemy technology or firepower is gonna as much as scratch the strength of the alliance.
but den, its only a wish... i wish more ppl feel the same way i do

If India an Pakistan were one nation , our military and weaponry wouldn't be this large and big.

Our armies and air-forces are increasing in number and quality due to the arms race we are in.

We look for new technology, newest weaponry, latest training etc because we have a threat from each other.

So let the enmity prevail and both countries will be a force to reckon with.:cheers:
How do you expect them to be superior over others since nuclear missiles and cruise missiles are already with other countries.

This is the next step.

Next will be missiles or lasers fired from satellites or space launch stations in outer space to any where in the world. :undecided:

That I know buddy ! but the thought behind my post was - why is he doing this when USA keeps preaching and advicing shrinking of nuclear weapons...whom is he trying to fool? are these missiles less lethal than nuclear? both are weapons of destruction how does it make a difference if he shrinks the no. of nuclear heads and produces other weapons ??
But actually i should not be surprised its USA after all..we all know it..
you are right !!
Hope this stick does not prove fatal for himself :rofl:
Many countries would now try to go ahead of this feat and in the end..what we will see is just weapons and weapons.
i wish it does..then we wont have this stockpiling of weapons n weapons..
i wish it does..then we wont have this stockpiling of weapons n weapons..

actually its been a policy of US to somehow curb the powers of other countries while it keeps on enpowering itself..a fine example ould be India and Pakistan and how uses the situation here for its own advantage....
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